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Disable qtree functionality in FlexGroup volumes before reverting

Contributors netapp-lenida netapp-thomi

Qtrees for FlexGroup volumes are not supported prior to ONTAP 9.3. You must disable the qtree functionality on FlexGroup volumes before reverting from ONTAP 9.3 to an earlier version of ONTAP.

The qtree functionality is enabled either when you create a qtree or if you modify the security-style and oplock-mode attributes of the default qtree.

  1. Identify and delete all of the non-default qtrees in each FlexGroup volume that are enabled with the qtree functionality:

    1. Log in to the advanced privilege level: set -privilege advanced

    2. Verify if any FlexGroup volume is enabled with the qtree functionality.

      For ONTAP 9.6 or later, use: volume show -is-qtree-caching-enabled true

      For ONTAP 9.5 or earlier, use: volume show -is-flexgroup-qtree-enabled true

      cluster1::*> volume show -is-flexgroup-qtree-enabled true
      Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
      --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
      vs0       fg           -            online     RW        320MB    220.4MB   31%
    3. Delete all of the non-default qtrees in each FlexGroup volume that are enabled with the qtree functionality: volume qtree delete -vserver svm_name -volume volume_name -qtree qtree_name

      If the qtree functionality is enabled because you modified the attributes of the default qtree and if you do not have any qtrees, you can skip this step.

      cluster1::*> volume qtree delete -vserver vs0 -volume fg -qtree qtree4
      WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete qtree qtree4 in volume fg vserver vs0?  {y|n}: y
      [Job 38] Job is queued: Delete qtree qtree4 in volume fg vserver vs0.
  2. Disable the qtree functionality on each FlexGroup volume: volume flexgroup qtree-disable -vserver svm_name -volume volume_name

    cluster1::*> volume flexgroup qtree-disable -vserver vs0 -volume fg
  3. Identify and delete any Snapshot copies that are enabled with the qtree functionality.

    1. Verify if any Snapshot copies are enabled with the qtree functionality: volume snapshot show -vserver vserver_name -volume volume_name -fields is-flexgroup-qtree-enabled

      cluster1::*> volume snapshot show -vserver vs0 -volume fg -fields is-flexgroup-qtree-enabled
      vserver volume snapshot is-flexgroup-qtree-enabled
      ------- ------ -------- --------------------------
      vs0     fg     fg_snap1 true
      vs0     fg     daily.2017-09-27_0010 true
      vs0     fg     daily.2017-09-28_0010 true
      vs0     fg     snapmirror.0241f354-a865-11e7-a1c0-00a098a71764_2147867740.2017-10-04_124524 true
    2. Delete all of the Snapshot copies that are enabled with the qtree functionality: volume snapshot delete -vserver svm_name -volume volume_name -snapshot snapshot_name -force true -ignore-owners true

      The Snapshot copies that must be deleted include regular Snapshot copies and the Snapshot copies taken for SnapMirror relationships. If you have created any SnapMirror relationship for the FlexGroup volumes with a destination cluster that is running ONTAP 9.2 or earlier, you must delete all of the Snapshot copies that were taken when the source FlexGroup volume was enabled for the qtree functionality.

      cluster1::> volume snapshot delete -vserver vs0 -volume fg -snapshot daily.2017-09-27_0010 -force true -ignore-owners true
Related information

FlexGroup volumes management