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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Transitioning a SnapMirror relationship

Contributors netapp-cgoff

You can transition the secondary HA pair first, set up a staggered SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode primary volumes and clustered Data ONTAP secondary volumes, and then transition the primary HA pair later. In some scenarios, you must transition the secondary and primary HA pairs of a 7-Mode SnapMirror relationship in parallel.

If all the primary volumes belong to one HA pair and all the secondary volumes belong to the other HA pair, you can transition by using the staggered method.

If either HA pair has a mix of primary and secondary volumes, you must transition by using the parallel method.

After transitioning the primary and secondary HA pairs, you must manually set up the volume SnapMirror relationship in clustered Data ONTAP after transition. For a successful resynchronization, at least one common Snapshot copy, which is created in Data ONTAP 8.1 or later, must exist between the primary and secondary volumes of the SnapMirror relationship.

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