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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Syntax and options


Inventory Collection Tool (ICT) commands collect configuration and inventory information from controllers and hosts that are specified either in the command-line interface (CLI) or in a text file that contains system details. You can use syntax and options with the ICT commands.


  • ict --cmd collect [--output <inventory.xml>] <uri> [<uri> …​]

  • ict --cmd collect [--output <inventory.xml>] --input <credential_file.txt>

  • ict --cmd generate-fc-zones --source-filers <filer-ip>[,<filer-ip>] --dest-svm <cluster-name:svm-name> --fc-switches <switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>][,<switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>] …​ ] <inventory_xml> [<inventory_xml> …​]

  • ict --cmd generate-fc-zones --source-filers <filer-ip>[<filer-ip>] --dest-svm <cluster-name:svm-name> --fc-switches <switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>][,<switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>] …​ ] --fc-switches-target <switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>][,<switch-ip>[:<vsan-id>] …​ ] <inventory_xml> [<inventory_xml> …​]

  • ict --help

  • ict --version


The text file must contain system details of each system in a separate line:

  • uri1

  • uri2

  • uri3

If a password is * or omitted either in the CLI or text file, then the user is prompted to enter a password in the CLI. The following options are available to run the ICT:

  • --help

    Shows the help message and exits.

  • --version

    Prints the tool version and exits.

  • --cmd [collect|generate-fc-zones]

    collect: Collects configuration and inventory information from controllers and hosts.

    generate-fc-zones: Generates FC Zone planner document on a given inventory.

  • --output <filename[.xml[.gz]]>

    Specifies the location where the files are generated. If the file name is suffixed with “.gz” , then the file is compressed. This option generates two files (reports): Inventory Report and Inventory Report Workbook.

  • --input <credentials_file.txt>

    Specifies the location where the file with system credentials is saved. This option is not used in --cmd generate-fc- zones.

    Note Only ASCII encoded text file is supported.
  • uri format(ontap|windows|vmware|linux|cisco|brocade)://[(<user>|<domain_user>)[:(<password>|*)]@](<hostname>|<ip>)

    Specifies the system type, IP address, and credentials of the controller or host. If the password provided is *, or if no passwords are provided, then the user is prompted to enter a password in the command line.

  • --source-filers

    Specifies comma-separated IP address of the source controllers to be used in generating the FC Zone Plan.

  • --dest-svm

    Specifies the destination clustered Data ONTAP SVM formatted as cluster-name:svm-name to be used in generating the FC Zone Plan.

  • --fc-switches

    Lists the FC switches for which the FC Zone Plan has to be generated. It is a comma-separated list of switch identifiers. For Cisco, FC switches should be formatted as switch-ip:vsan-id and for Brocade, FC switches should be formatted as switch-ip. For example,, (Cisco) or, (Brocade)

  • --fc-switches-target

    Specifies the list of FC switches (connected to the cluster) for which the FC Zone Plan has to be generated. It is a comma-separated list of target switch identifiers that are listed in the same sequence as origin FC switches (--fc-switches). The FC zoning script is generated for each origin switch added to the fc-switches parameter list. This is an optional parameter.

For FC Zone Planner, input inventory XMLs are given as unnamed arguments.