A newer release of this product is available.
ffrespmon.aggr events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an aggregate is detected to be offline due to an unresponsive Firefly Service on a node.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Aggregate (ID: %u) attached (attaching: %u) to a Firefly Service (ID: %u), running on node "%s" (ID: %u), is offline.
- Parameters
aggrID (INT): Unique identifier of the aggregate.
attaching (INT): Boolean value to denote whether the Firefly Service was in the process of attaching the aggregate.
fireflyID (INT): Unique identifier of the Firefly Service to which the aggregate is attached.
nodeName (STRING): Name of the node hosting the Firefly Service.
nodeID (INT): Unique identifier of the node the hosting the Firefly Service.