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The BlueXP migration reports service provides an overview of the file system data. This includes the number of files and directories in a file system, the largest directories and files, and the file system tree depth and breadth. The associated REST API includes endpoints you can use to create, delete, or view file system volume reports and display information for working environments.

There are two categories of endpoints defined within the migration reports REST API:

  • Reports
    The reports endpoints enable you to create file volumes reports for a working environment as well as view and delete reports.

  • Working-Environments
    The working-environments endpoints enable you to retrieve information about the working environments, volumes, data LIFs, and export policies.

For all endpoints, the identity of the API caller and account are established through a user access token which must be included with each call.

Note Before using the API reference documentation, review the Get started section for the BlueXP APIs. For more information about the security tokens and identifiers you'll need when using the API, review the Common workflows and tasks section.

REST implementation

HTTP methods

Method Description


Create a resource


Retrieve a resource instance or collection


Remove an existing resource

Request headers

Request Header Description


Required. Contains the JWT token (user)


Contains the Connector ID and can be included depending on the API call


Contains the Workspace ID and can be included depending on the API call

Query parameters

A list of all the possible query parameters available for each service component is provided in the table below. This is a summary by component, however not every query parameter can be used with each endpoint in a specific component. See the detailed descriptions of the individual API calls for more details.

Component Query Parameter


reports (required)


nextUuid (optional)
maxRecords (optional)
svmName (optional)
nextId (optional)
nextSvmUuid (optional)

Response headers

This API uses the standard HTTP response headers common with all BlueXP APIs. See REST implementation for more information.

HTTP status codes

HTTP Status Code Description


OK: Returned for successful operation completion


Bad Request: Returned if the input is malformed and could not be parsed


Unauthorized: Returned if user authentication failed or the token has expired


Forbidden: Returned for authorization errors depending on the resource and token


Not Found: Returned if the requested resource could not be found


Processing Error: Returned if an error occurs on the server while processing the API call

Error handling

The following processes are involved with error handling and processing:

  • The error is logged for supportability

  • The error is also returned to the caller for any specific handling

cURL examples

The following example retrieves reports for a specified account.

  curl -X GET<account_id>/reports -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: <user_token>"