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ONTAP commands
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security key-manager external modify-server

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Modify key server properties

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.


This command modifies configuration information for configured key management servers. When modifying a key management server from the external key manager associated with the admin Vserver, you must run the same command specifying the same set of parameters on the peer cluster. When modifying a key management server from a data Vserver, you can run the security key-manager external modify-server command on the active cluster only as the command is replicated on the peer cluster. However, if the password associated with a key management server is modified, then you must run the security key-manager external modify-server command specifying the same password on the peer cluster as the password is not replicated between clusters. This command is supported only when external key manager has been enabled for the given Vserver.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify the Vserver on which to modify the key management server configuraiton.

-key-server <Hostname and Port> - External Key Server (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify the key management server for which the command modifies the configuration.

[-timeout <integer>] - Key Server I/O Timeout (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify the I/O timeout, in seconds, for the selected key management server.

[-username <text>] - Authentication User Name (privilege: advanced)

Use this parameter to specify the username with which Data ONTAP authenticates with the key management server.


The following example modifies the I/O timeout to 45 seconds for Vserver cluster-1, key server keyserver1.local:

cluster-1::*> security key-manager modify-server -vserver cluster-1 -key-server keyserver1.local -timeout 45

The following example modifies the username and passphrase used to authenticate with key server keyserver1.local:

cluster-1::*> security key-manager modify-server -vserver cluster-1 -key-server keyserver1.local -username ksuser
Enter the password:
Reenter the password: