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SnapManager for SAP
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Der Befehl smsap Profile Verify


Sie können den Befehl „Profile Verify“ ausführen, um die Einrichtung des Profils zu überprüfen. Sie müssen die Datenbank mounten, bevor Sie diesen Befehl ausführen.


smsap profile verify
-profile profile_name
[-quiet | -verbose]


  • -profile

    Gibt das zu überprüfenden Profil an. Das Profil enthält die Kennung der Datenbank und andere Datenbankinformationen.

  • -quiet

    Zeigt nur Fehlermeldungen in der Konsole an. Standardmäßig werden Fehler- und Warnmeldungen angezeigt.

  • -verbose

    Zeigt Fehler-, Warn- und Informationsmeldungen in der Konsole an.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird das Profil überprüft:

smsap profile verify -profile profileA –verbose
[ INFO] SMSAP-13505: SnapDrive environment verification passed.
[ INFO] SMSAP-13507: JDBC verification for "OS authenticated: CER/" passed.
[ INFO] SMSAP-13506: SQLPlus verification for database SID "CER" passed.  Environment: [ORACLE_HOME=/u02/app/oracle/product/]
[ INFO] SMSAP-07431: Saving starting state of the database: CER(OPEN).
[ INFO] SMSAP-07431: Saving starting state of the database: CER(OPEN).
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /vol/hostA_sap_datavol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /vol/ hostA_sap_datavol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /vol/hostA_sap_datavol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /vol/ hostA_sap_datavol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /vol/hostA_sap_cntrlvol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /vol/hostA_sap_cntrlvol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /vol/hostA_sap_redovol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /vol/hostA_sap_redovol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /vol/hostA_sap_archivevol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /vol/hostA_sap_archivevol_CER.
[ INFO] SD-00040: Beginning to discover filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-3_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00041: Finished discovering filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-3_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00040: Beginning to discover filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-2_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00041: Finished discovering filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-2_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00040: Beginning to discover filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA_s_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00041: Finished discovering filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA_s_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00040: Beginning to discover filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-1_SdDg.
[ INFO] SD-00041: Finished discovering filesystem(s) upon host volume group hostA-1_SdDg.
[ WARN] SMSAP-05071: Database profile profileA is not eligible for fast restore:  Restore Plan:

    The following components will be restored completely via: host side file copy restore


    The following reasons prevent certain components from being restored completely via: storage side file system restore
      * Files in file system /vol/hostA_sap_datavol_CER not part of the restore scope will be reverted.
      * File systems in volume group hostA-1_SdDg not part of the restore scope will be reverted: [/vol/hostA_sap_datavol_CER]
    Components not in restore scope:
    Components to restore:

  * Reasons denoted with an asterisk (*) are overridable.

[ INFO] SMSAP-07433: Returning the database to its initial state: CER (OPEN).
[ INFO] SMSAP-13048: Profile Verify Operation Status: SUCCESS
[ INFO] SMSAP-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:01:17.857
Operation Id [Nab0240e8200dae6f17ecf21060bc6de8] succeeded.