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Der verify Befehl verwendet einen vollständigen Byte-für-Byte-Datenvergleich zwischen Quell- und Zielverzeichnissen nach einem Kopiervorgang ohne Verwendung einer Katalogindex-Nummer. Der Befehl überprüft auf Änderungszeiten und andere Datei- oder Verzeichnisattribute, einschließlich Berechtigungen. Der Befehl liest auch die Dateien auf beiden Seiten und vergleicht die Daten.

xcp verify <source NFS export path> <destination NFS exportpath>
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
32,493 scanned, 11,303 found, 7,100 compared, 7,100 same data, 374 MiB in (74.7 MiB/s), 4.74 MiB
out (971 KiB/s), 5s
40,109 scanned, 24,208 found, 18,866 compared, 18,866 same data, 834 MiB in (91.5 MiB/s), 10.5
MiB out (1.14 MiB/s), 10s
56,030 scanned, 14,623 indexed, 33,338 found, 27,624 compared, 27,624 same data, 1.31 GiB in
(101 MiB/s), 15.9 MiB out (1.07 MiB/s), 15s
73,938 scanned, 34,717 indexed, 45,583 found, 38,909 compared, 38,909 same data, 1.73 GiB in
(86.3 MiB/s), 22.8 MiB out (1.38 MiB/s), 20s
76,308 scanned, 39,719 indexed, 61,810 found, 54,885 compared, 54,885 same data, 2.04 GiB in
(62.8 MiB/s), 30.2 MiB out (1.48 MiB/s), 25s
103,852 scanned, 64,606 indexed, 77,823 found, 68,301 compared, 68,301 same data, 2.31 GiB in
(56.0 MiB/s), 38.2 MiB out (1.60 MiB/s), 30s
110,047 scanned, 69,579 indexed, 89,082 found, 78,794 compared, 78,794 same data, 2.73 GiB in
(85.6 MiB/s), 43.6 MiB out (1.06 MiB/s), 35s
113,871 scanned, 79,650 indexed, 99,657 found, 89,093 compared, 89,093 same data, 3.23 GiB in
(103 MiB/s), 49.3 MiB out (1.14 MiB/s), 40s
125,092 scanned, 94,616 indexed, 110,406 found, 98,369 compared, 98,369 same data, 3.74 GiB in
(103 MiB/s), 55.0 MiB out (1.15 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 104,764 indexed, 120,506 found, 106,732 compared, 106,732 same data, 4.23 GiB
in (99.9 MiB/s), 60.4 MiB out (1.05 MiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 114,823 indexed, 129,832 found, 116,198 compared, 116,198 same data, 4.71 GiB
in (97.2 MiB/s), 65.5 MiB out (1.04 MiB/s), 55s
Xcp command : xcp verify <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (86.4 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.18 MiB/s)
Total Time : 58s.

In der folgenden Tabelle sind die aufgeführt verify Parameter und ihre Beschreibung.

Parameter Beschreibung

Verify -stats

Durchsucht die Quell- und Zielbäume parallel und vergleicht die Baumstatistiken.

Überprüfen Sie -csv

Durchsucht die Quell- und Zielbäume parallel und vergleicht die Baumstatistiken.

Überprüfen Sie -nodata

Daten werden nicht überprüft.

Überprüfen Sie -noattrs

Überprüft keine Attribute.

Verifizieren von -Nomods

Überprüft nicht die Dateiänderungszeiten.

Überprüfen -mtimewindow

Gibt den zulässigen Zeitunterschied für die Änderung für die Überprüfung an.

Überprüfen -V

Ruft Ausgabeformate ab, um alle gefundenen Unterschiede aufzulisten.

Überprüfen -l

Ruft Ausgabeformate ab, um alle gefundenen Unterschiede aufzulisten.

Nicht-Namen überprüfen

Schließt Benutzer- und Gruppennamen aus Dateiauflistungen oder Berichten aus.

Überprüfen -match

Verarbeitet nur Dateien und Verzeichnisse, die dem Format entsprechen.

<<nfs_verify_bs,Überprüfen -bs [k]>

Gibt die Lese-/Schreibblockgröße an (Standard: 64k).

Überprüfen -parallel

Gibt die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Batch-Prozesse an (Standard: 7).

<<nfs_verify_dircount,Verify -dircount [k]>

Gibt die Anforderungsgröße beim Lesen von Verzeichnissen an.

Verify -noid

Deaktiviert die Erstellung eines Standardindexes (Standard: False).

Überprüfen Sie -preserve-atitime

Stellt alle Dateien auf das Datum des letzten Zugriffs auf der Quelle wieder her.

Überprüfen Sie -s3.insecure

Bietet die Option, für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation HTTP statt HTTPS zu verwenden.

Überprüfen Sie -s3.Endpoint

Setzt die Standard-Endpunkt-URL von Amazon Web Services (AWS) mit der angegebenen URL für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation außer Kraft.

Überprüfen Sie -s3.profile

Gibt ein Profil aus der AWS-Anmeldedatei für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation an.

Überprüfen Sie -s3.noverify

Setzt die Standardüberprüfung der SSL-Zertifizierung für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation außer Kraft.

Verifizieren von -stats und Verify -csv

Verwenden Sie die -stats Und -csv Parameter mit dem verify Befehl zum parallelen Scannen der Quell- und Zielstrukturen und zum Vergleichen von Baumstatistiken.

cp verify -stats <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -stats <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol

228,609 scanned, 49.7 MiB in (9.93 MiB/s), 3.06 MiB out (625 KiB/s), 5s
== Number of files ==
empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB
235 73,916 43,070 4,020 129 15
same same same same same same
== Directory entries ==
empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K
== Depth ==
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100
== Modified ==
>1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future
same 116,121
same 5,249
Total count: 134,630 / same
Directories: 13,108 / same
Regular files: 121,385 / same
Symbolic links: 137 / same
Special files: None / same
Hard links: None / same, Multilink files: None / same
Xcp command : xcp verify -stats <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <<destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
269,260 scanned, 0 matched, 0 error
Speed : 59.5 MiB in (7.44 MiB/s), 3.94 MiB out (506 KiB/s)
Total Time : 7s.
xcp verify -csv <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -csv <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol

222,028 scanned, 48.2 MiB in (9.63 MiB/s), 2.95 MiB out (603 KiB/s), 5s
== Number of files ==
same	<8KiB 73,916
same	8-64KiB
same	64KiB-1MiB
same	1-10MiB
same	10-100MiB	>100MiB
== Directory entries ==
empty	1-10	10-100	100-1K	1K-10K	>10K
same	10,300
same	2,727
same	67
same	11
== Depth ==
same	79,772
same	7,608
same	130
== Modified ==
>1 year	>1 month
1-31 days
1-24 hrs
<1 hour
<15 mins
same	121,370

Total count: 134,630 / same Directories: 13,108 / same Regular files: 121,385 / same Symbolic links: 137 / same Special files: None / same
Hard links: None / same, Multilink files: None / same

Xcp command : xcp verify -csv <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
269,260 scanned, 0 matched, 0 error
Speed	: 59.5 MiB in (7.53 MiB/s), 3.94 MiB out (512 KiB/s) Total Time : 7s.
xcp verify -stats -csv <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -stats -csv <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP
address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

224,618 scanned, 48.7 MiB in (9.54 MiB/s), 2.98 MiB out (597 KiB/s), 5s
== Number of files ==
empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB
235 73,916 43,070 4,020 129 15
same same same same same same
== Directory entries ==
empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K
== Depth ==
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100
== Modified ==
>1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future
same 121,370
Total count: 134,630 / same
Directories: 13,108 / same
Regular files: 121,385 / same
Symbolic links: 137 / same
Special files: None / same
Hard links: None / same, Multilink files: None / same
Xcp command : xcp verify -stats -csv <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP
address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
269,260 scanned, 0 matched, 0 error
Speed : 59.5 MiB in (7.49 MiB/s), 3.94 MiB out (509 KiB/s)
Total Time : 7s.

Überprüfen Sie -nodata

Verwenden Sie die -nodata Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben, dass Daten nicht geprüft werden sollen.

xcp verify -nodata <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -nodata <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
70,052 scanned, 29,795 indexed, 43,246 found, 25.8 MiB in (5.14 MiB/s), 9.39 MiB out
(1.87 MiB/s), 5s
117,136 scanned, 94,723 indexed, 101,434 found, 50.3 MiB in (4.90 MiB/s), 22.4 MiB out (2.60
MiB/s), 10s
Xcp command : xcp verify -nodata <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of
destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 62.7 MiB in (4.65 MiB/s), 30.2 MiB out (2.24MiB/s)
Total Time : 13s.

Überprüfen Sie -noattrs

Verwenden Sie die -noattrs Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben, dass Attribute nicht geprüft werden sollen.

xcp verify -noattrs <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -noattrs <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address
of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-05_02.19.14.011569

40,397 scanned, 9,917 found, 4,249 compared, 4,249 same data, 211 MiB in (41.6 MiB/s), 3.78 MiB
out (764 KiB/s), 5s
40,397 scanned, 14,533 found, 8,867 compared, 8,867 same data, 475 MiB in (52.9 MiB/s), 6.06 MiB
out (466 KiB/s), 10s
40,397 scanned, 20,724 found, 15,038 compared, 15,038 same data, 811 MiB in (67.0 MiB/s), 9.13
MiB out (628 KiB/s), 15s
40,397 scanned, 25,659 found, 19,928 compared, 19,928 same data, 1.02 GiB in (46.6 MiB/s), 11.5
MiB out (477 KiB/s), 20s
40,397 scanned, 30,535 found, 24,803 compared, 24,803 same data, 1.32 GiB in (62.0 MiB/s), 14.0
MiB out (513 KiB/s), 25s
75,179 scanned, 34,656 indexed, 39,727 found, 32,595 compared, 32,595 same data, 1.58 GiB in
(53.4 MiB/s), 20.1 MiB out (1.22 MiB/s), 30s
75,179 scanned, 34,656 indexed, 47,680 found, 40,371 compared, 40,371 same data, 1.74 GiB in
(32.3 MiB/s), 23.6 MiB out (717 KiB/s), 35s
75,179 scanned, 34,656 indexed, 58,669 found, 51,524 compared, 51,524 same data, 1.93 GiB in
(37.9 MiB/s), 28.4 MiB out (989 KiB/s), 40s
78,097 scanned, 39,772 indexed, 69,343 found, 61,858 compared, 61,858 same data, 2.12 GiB in
(39.0 MiB/s), 33.4 MiB out (1015 KiB/s), 45s
110,213 scanned, 69,593 indexed, 80,049 found, 69,565 compared, 69,565 same data, 2.37 GiB in
(51.3 MiB/s), 39.3 MiB out (1.18 MiB/s), 50s
110,213 scanned, 69,593 indexed, 86,233 found, 75,727 compared, 75,727 same data, 2.65 GiB in
(57.8 MiB/s), 42.3 MiB out (612 KiB/s), 55s
110,213 scanned, 69,593 indexed, 93,710 found, 83,218 compared, 83,218 same data, 2.93 GiB in
(56.1 MiB/s), 45.8 MiB out (705 KiB/s), 1m0s
110,213 scanned, 69,593 indexed, 99,700 found, 89,364 compared, 89,364 same data, 3.20 GiB in
(56.9 MiB/s), 48.7 MiB out (593 KiB/s), 1m5s
124,888 scanned, 94,661 indexed, 107,509 found, 95,304 compared, 95,304 same data, 3.54 GiB in
(68.6 MiB/s), 53.5 MiB out (1000 KiB/s), 1m10s
134,630 scanned, 104,739 indexed, 116,494 found, 102,792 compared, 102,792 same data, 3.94 GiB
in (81.7 MiB/s), 58.2 MiB out (949 KiB/s), 1m15s
134,630 scanned, 104,739 indexed, 123,475 found, 109,601 compared, 109,601 same data, 4.28 GiB
in (70.0 MiB/s), 61.7 MiB out (711 KiB/s), 1m20s
134,630 scanned, 104,739 indexed, 129,354 found, 115,295 compared, 115,295 same data, 4.55 GiB
in (55.3 MiB/s), 64.5 MiB out (572 KiB/s), 1m25s
Xcp command : xcp verify -noattrs <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address
of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (56.5 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (789 KiB/s)
Total Time : 1m29s.

Verifizieren von -Nomods

Verwenden Sie die -nomods Parameter mit verify Befehl, um anzugeben, dass die Dateiänderungszeiten nicht überprüft werden sollen.

xcp verify -nomods <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -nomods <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of
destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
40,371 scanned, 10,859 found, 5,401 compared, 5,401 same data, 296 MiB in (59.1 MiB/s), 4.29 MiB
out (876 KiB/s), 5s
40,371 scanned, 22,542 found, 17,167 compared, 17,167 same data, 743 MiB in (88.9 MiB/s), 9.67
MiB out (1.07 MiB/s), 10s
43,521 scanned, 4,706 indexed, 32,166 found, 26,676 compared, 26,676 same data, 1.17 GiB in
(91.3 MiB/s), 14.5 MiB out (996 KiB/s), 15s
70,260 scanned, 29,715 indexed, 43,680 found, 37,146 compared, 37,146 same data, 1.64 GiB in
(96.0 MiB/s), 21.5 MiB out (1.38 MiB/s), 20s
75,160 scanned, 34,722 indexed, 60,079 found, 52,820 compared, 52,820 same data, 2.01 GiB in
(74.4 MiB/s), 29.1 MiB out (1.51 MiB/s), 25s
102,874 scanned, 69,594 indexed, 77,322 found, 67,907 compared, 67,907 same data, 2.36 GiB in
(71.2 MiB/s), 38.3 MiB out (1.85 MiB/s), 30s
110,284 scanned, 69,594 indexed, 89,143 found, 78,952 compared, 78,952 same data, 2.82 GiB in
(92.8 MiB/s), 43.9 MiB out (1.08 MiB/s), 35s
112,108 scanned, 79,575 indexed, 100,228 found, 89,856 compared, 89,856 same data, 3.25 GiB in
(89.3 MiB/s), 49.6 MiB out (1.15 MiB/s), 40s
128,122 scanned, 99,743 indexed, 111,358 found, 98,663 compared, 98,663 same data, 3.80 GiB in
(112 MiB/s), 55.8 MiB out (1.24 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 104,738 indexed, 123,253 found, 109,472 compared, 109,472 same data, 4.36 GiB
in (114 MiB/s), 61.7 MiB out (1.16 MiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 119,809 indexed, 133,569 found, 120,008 compared, 120,008 same data, 4.94 GiB
in (115 MiB/s), 67.8 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s), 55s]

Xcp command : xcp verify -nomods <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (90.5 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.24 MiB/s)
Total Time : 56s.

Überprüfen Sie -mtimewindow <s>

Verwenden Sie die -mtimewindow <s> Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben der zulässigen Änderungszeitdifferenz für die Überprüfung.

xcp verify -mtimewindow <s> <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -mtimewindow 2 <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
27,630 scanned, 9,430 found, 5,630 compared, 5,630 same data, 322 MiB in (64.1 MiB/s), 3.91 MiB
out (798 KiB/s), 5s
38,478 scanned, 19,840 found, 14,776 compared, 14,776 same data, 811 MiB in (97.8 MiB/s), 8.86
MiB out (1012 KiB/s), 10s
55,304 scanned, 14,660 indexed, 29,893 found, 23,904 compared, 23,904 same data, 1.33 GiB in
(109 MiB/s), 14.6 MiB out (1.14 MiB/s), 15s
64,758 scanned, 24,700 indexed, 43,133 found, 36,532 compared, 36,532 same data, 1.65 GiB in
(65.3 MiB/s), 21.0 MiB out (1.28 MiB/s), 20s
75,317 scanned, 34,655 indexed, 56,020 found, 48,942 compared, 48,942 same data, 2.01 GiB in
(72.5 MiB/s), 27.4 MiB out (1.25 MiB/s), 25s
95,024 scanned, 54,533 indexed, 70,675 found, 61,886 compared, 61,886 same data, 2.41 GiB in
(81.3 MiB/s), 34.9 MiB out (1.49 MiB/s), 30s
102,407 scanned, 64,598 indexed, 85,539 found, 76,158 compared, 76,158 same data, 2.74 GiB in
(67.3 MiB/s), 42.0 MiB out (1.42 MiB/s), 35s
113,209 scanned, 74,661 indexed, 97,126 found, 86,525 compared, 86,525 same data, 3.09 GiB in
(72.6 MiB/s), 48.0 MiB out (1.19 MiB/s), 40s
125,040 scanned, 84,710 indexed, 108,480 found, 96,253 compared, 96,253 same data, 3.51 GiB in
(84.0 MiB/s), 53.6 MiB out (1.10 MiB/s), 45s
132,726 scanned, 99,775 indexed, 117,252 found, 103,740 compared, 103,740 same data, 4.04 GiB in
(108 MiB/s), 58.4 MiB out (986 KiB/s), 50s
134,633 scanned, 109,756 indexed, 126,700 found, 112,978 compared, 112,978 same data, 4.52 GiB
in (97.6 MiB/s), 63.6 MiB out (1.03 MiB/s), 55s
134,633 scanned, 129,807 indexed, 134,302 found, 120,779 compared, 120,779 same data, 4.95 GiB
in (86.5 MiB/s), 68.8 MiB out (1.02 MiB/s), 1m0s
Xcp command : xcp verify -mtimewindow 2 <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,633 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (83.6 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.14 MiB/s)
Total Time : 1m0s.

Überprüfen Sie -V und überprüfen Sie -l

Verwenden Sie die -v Und l Parameter mit dem verify Befehl, um Ausgabeformate abzurufen und alle gefundenen Unterschiede aufzulisten.

xcp verify -v <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -v <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
32,349 scanned, 10,211 found, 5,946 compared, 5,946 same data, 351 MiB in (70.1 MiB/s), 4.27 MiB
out (872 KiB/s), 5s
40,301 scanned, 21,943 found, 16,619 compared, 16,619 same data, 874 MiB in (104 MiB/s), 9.74
MiB out (1.09 MiB/s), 10s
52,201 scanned, 14,512 indexed, 33,173 found, 27,622 compared, 27,622 same data, 1.35 GiB in
(102 MiB/s), 16.0 MiB out (1.24 MiB/s), 15s
70,886 scanned, 34,689 indexed, 46,699 found, 40,243 compared, 40,243 same data, 1.77 GiB in
(86.2 MiB/s), 23.3 MiB out (1.47 MiB/s), 20s
80,072 scanned, 39,708 indexed, 63,333 found, 55,743 compared, 55,743 same data, 2.04 GiB in
(55.4 MiB/s), 31.0 MiB out (1.54 MiB/s), 25s
100,034 scanned, 59,615 indexed, 76,848 found, 67,738 compared, 67,738 same data, 2.35 GiB in
(61.6 MiB/s), 37.6 MiB out (1.31 MiB/s), 30s
110,290 scanned, 69,597 indexed, 88,493 found, 78,203 compared, 78,203 same data, 2.75 GiB in
(81.7 MiB/s), 43.4 MiB out (1.14 MiB/s), 35s
116,829 scanned, 79,603 indexed, 102,105 found, 90,998 compared, 90,998 same data, 3.32 GiB in
(117 MiB/s), 50.3 MiB out (1.38 MiB/s), 40s
128,954 scanned, 94,650 indexed, 114,340 found, 101,563 compared, 101,563 same data, 3.91 GiB in
(121 MiB/s), 56.8 MiB out (1.30 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 109,858 indexed, 125,760 found, 112,077 compared, 112,077 same data, 4.41 GiB
in (99.9 MiB/s), 63.0 MiB out (1.22 MiB/s), 50s
Xcp command : xcp verify -v <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (91.7 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.25 MiB/s)
Total Time : 55s.
xcp verify -l <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -l <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
32,044 scanned, 11,565 found, 7,305 compared, 7,305 same data, 419 MiB in (83.7 MiB/s), 4.93 MiB
out (1008 KiB/s), 5s
40,111 scanned, 21,352 found, 16,008 compared, 16,008 same data, 942 MiB in (104 MiB/s), 9.64
MiB out (962 KiB/s), 10s
53,486 scanned, 14,677 indexed, 30,840 found, 25,162 compared, 25,162 same data, 1.34 GiB in
(86.4 MiB/s), 15.0 MiB out (1.07 MiB/s), 15s
71,202 scanned, 34,646 indexed, 45,082 found, 38,555 compared, 38,555 same data, 1.72 GiB in
(76.7 MiB/s), 22.5 MiB out (1.51 MiB/s), 20s
75,264 scanned, 34,646 indexed, 60,039 found, 53,099 compared, 53,099 same data, 2.00 GiB in
(58.5 MiB/s), 29.1 MiB out (1.30 MiB/s), 25s
95,205 scanned, 54,684 indexed, 76,004 found, 67,054 compared, 67,054 same data, 2.34 GiB in
(67.5 MiB/s), 37.0 MiB out (1.57 MiB/s), 30s
110,239 scanned, 69,664 indexed, 87,892 found, 77,631 compared, 77,631 same data, 2.78 GiB in
(89.7 MiB/s), 43.2 MiB out (1.23 MiB/s), 35s
115,192 scanned, 79,627 indexed, 100,246 found, 89,450 compared, 89,450 same data, 3.22 GiB in
(90.0 MiB/s), 49.4 MiB out (1.24 MiB/s), 40s
122,694 scanned, 89,740 indexed, 109,158 found, 97,422 compared, 97,422 same data, 3.65 GiB in
(89.4 MiB/s), 54.2 MiB out (978 KiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 104,695 indexed, 119,683 found, 106,036 compared, 106,036 same data, 4.17 GiB
in (105 MiB/s), 59.9 MiB out (1.11 MiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 109,813 indexed, 129,117 found, 115,432 compared, 115,432 same data, 4.59 GiB
in (86.1 MiB/s), 64.7 MiB out (979 KiB/s), 55s
Xcp command : xcp verify -l <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (84.9 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.16 MiB/s)
Total Time : 59s.
xcp verify -v -l <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -v -l <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
24,806 scanned, 8,299 found, 4,817 compared, 4,817 same data, 296 MiB in (59.1 MiB/s), 3.44 MiB
out (704 KiB/s), 5s
39,720 scanned, 20,219 found, 14,923 compared, 14,923 same data, 716 MiB in (84.0 MiB/s), 8.78
MiB out (1.07 MiB/s), 10s
44,395 scanned, 9,648 indexed, 29,851 found, 24,286 compared, 24,286 same data, 1.20 GiB in (102
MiB/s), 14.0 MiB out (1.05 MiB/s), 15s
62,763 scanned, 24,725 indexed, 40,946 found, 34,760 compared, 34,760 same data, 1.69 GiB in
(101 MiB/s), 20.2 MiB out (1.24 MiB/s), 20s
76,181 scanned, 39,708 indexed, 57,566 found, 50,595 compared, 50,595 same data, 1.98 GiB in
(58.7 MiB/s), 28.3 MiB out (1.61 MiB/s), 25s
90,411 scanned, 49,594 indexed, 73,357 found, 64,912 compared, 64,912 same data, 2.37 GiB in
(79.0 MiB/s), 35.8 MiB out (1.48 MiB/s), 30s

110,222 scanned, 69,593 indexed, 87,733 found, 77,466 compared, 77,466 same data, 2.77 GiB in
(80.5 MiB/s), 43.1 MiB out (1.45 MiB/s), 35s
116,417 scanned, 79,693 indexed, 100,053 found, 89,258 compared, 89,258 same data, 3.23 GiB in
(94.3 MiB/s), 49.4 MiB out (1.26 MiB/s), 40s
122,224 scanned, 89,730 indexed, 111,684 found, 100,059 compared, 100,059 same data, 3.83 GiB in
(123 MiB/s), 55.5 MiB out (1.22 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 109,758 indexed, 121,744 found, 108,152 compared, 108,152 same data, 4.36 GiB
in (107 MiB/s), 61.3 MiB out (1.14 MiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 119,849 indexed, 131,678 found, 118,015 compared, 118,015 same data, 4.79 GiB
in (87.2 MiB/s), 66.7 MiB out (1.08 MiB/s), 55s
Xcp command : xcp verify -v -l <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (87.6 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s)
Total Time : 57s.

Nicht-Namen überprüfen

Verwenden Sie die -nonames Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Ausschließen von Benutzer- und Gruppennamen aus Dateiauflistungen oder Berichten

xcp verify -nonames <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -nonames <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
30,728 scanned, 9,242 found, 5,248 compared, 5,248 same data, 363 MiB in (72.6 MiB/s), 3.93 MiB
out (805 KiB/s), 5s
40,031 scanned, 20,748 found, 15,406 compared, 15,406 same data, 837 MiB in (94.5 MiB/s), 9.19
MiB out (1.05 MiB/s), 10s
50,859 scanned, 9,668 indexed, 32,410 found, 26,305 compared, 26,305 same data, 1.30 GiB in
(99.5 MiB/s), 15.2 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s), 15s
73,631 scanned, 34,712 indexed, 45,362 found, 38,567 compared, 38,567 same data, 1.75 GiB in
(92.2 MiB/s), 22.6 MiB out (1.49 MiB/s), 20s
82,931 scanned, 44,618 indexed, 59,988 found, 52,270 compared, 52,270 same data, 2.08 GiB in
(66.7 MiB/s), 29.6 MiB out (1.39 MiB/s), 25s
96,691 scanned, 59,630 indexed, 77,567 found, 68,573 compared, 68,573 same data, 2.50 GiB in
(85.2 MiB/s), 38.2 MiB out (1.73 MiB/s), 30s
110,763 scanned, 74,678 indexed, 92,246 found, 82,010 compared, 82,010 same data, 2.93 GiB in
(88.8 MiB/s), 45.5 MiB out (1.45 MiB/s), 35s
120,101 scanned, 79,664 indexed, 105,420 found, 94,046 compared, 94,046 same data, 3.47 GiB in
(110 MiB/s), 51.9 MiB out (1.27 MiB/s), 40s
131,659 scanned, 99,780 indexed, 116,418 found, 103,109 compared, 103,109 same data, 4.05 GiB in
(120 MiB/s), 58.1 MiB out (1.25 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 114,770 indexed, 127,154 found, 113,483 compared, 113,483 same data, 4.54 GiB
in (100 MiB/s), 64.1 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s), 50s
Xcp command : xcp verify -nonames <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (92.5 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.26 MiB/s)
Total Time : 54s.

Überprüfen Sie -match <filter>

Verwenden Sie die -match <filter> Parameter mit verify Befehl, um nur die Dateien und Verzeichnisse zu verarbeiten, die mit dem Filter übereinstimmen.

xcp verify -match bin <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -match bin <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address
of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
32,245 scanned, 25,000 matched, 10,657 found, 6,465 compared, 6,465 same data, 347 MiB in (69.4
MiB/s), 4.44 MiB out (908 KiB/s), 5s
40,306 scanned, 35,000 matched, 21,311 found, 15,969 compared, 15,969 same data, 850 MiB in (101
MiB/s), 9.44 MiB out (1024 KiB/s), 10s
55,582 scanned, 45,000 matched, 14,686 indexed, 31,098 found, 25,293 compared, 25,293 same data,
1.33 GiB in (102 MiB/s), 15.1 MiB out (1.12 MiB/s), 15s
75,199 scanned, 65,000 matched, 34,726 indexed, 45,587 found, 38,738 compared, 38,738 same data,
1.72 GiB in (77.9 MiB/s), 22.7 MiB out (1.52 MiB/s), 20s
78,304 scanned, 70,000 matched, 39,710 indexed, 61,398 found, 54,232 compared, 54,232 same data,
2.08 GiB in (75.0 MiB/s), 30.0 MiB out (1.45 MiB/s), 25s
102,960 scanned, 95,000 matched, 69,682 indexed, 78,351 found, 69,034 compared, 69,034 same
data, 2.43 GiB in (71.9 MiB/s), 38.8 MiB out (1.76 MiB/s), 30s
110,344 scanned, 105,000 matched, 69,682 indexed, 93,873 found, 83,637 compared, 83,637 same
data, 2.85 GiB in (84.2 MiB/s), 45.6 MiB out (1.36 MiB/s), 35s
121,459 scanned, 120,000 matched, 84,800 indexed, 107,012 found, 95,357 compared, 95,357 same
data, 3.30 GiB in (92.8 MiB/s), 52.3 MiB out (1.33 MiB/s), 40s
130,006 scanned, 125,000 matched, 94,879 indexed, 115,077 found, 102,104 compared, 102,104 same
data, 3.97 GiB in (136 MiB/s), 57.2 MiB out (1001 KiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 134,630 matched, 109,867 indexed, 125,755 found, 112,025 compared, 112,025 same
data, 4.53 GiB in (115 MiB/s), 63.2 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s), 50s
Xcp command : xcp verify -match bin <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 134,630 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs,
mods), 0 different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (92.2 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.26 MiB/s)
Total Time : 54s.

Überprüfen Sie -bs <n>

Verwenden Sie die -bs <n> Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben der Lese-/Schreibblockgröße. Der Standardwert ist 64k.

xcp verify -bs 32k  <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -bs 32k <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
29,742 scanned, 9,939 found, 5,820 compared, 5,820 same data, 312 MiB in (62.3 MiB/s), 4.58 MiB
out (938 KiB/s), 5s
40,156 scanned, 20,828 found, 15,525 compared, 15,525 same data, 742 MiB in (85.0 MiB/s), 10.2
MiB out (1.10 MiB/s), 10s
41,906 scanned, 9,846 indexed, 30,731 found, 25,425 compared, 25,425 same data, 1.14 GiB in
(85.6 MiB/s), 16.1 MiB out (1.18 MiB/s), 15s
66,303 scanned, 29,712 indexed, 42,861 found, 36,708 compared, 36,708 same data, 1.61 GiB in
(94.9 MiB/s), 23.7 MiB out (1.53 MiB/s), 20s
70,552 scanned, 34,721 indexed, 58,157 found, 51,528 compared, 51,528 same data, 1.96 GiB in
(73.0 MiB/s), 31.4 MiB out (1.53 MiB/s), 25s
100,135 scanned, 59,611 indexed, 76,047 found, 66,811 compared, 66,811 same data, 2.29 GiB in
(66.3 MiB/s), 40.7 MiB out (1.82 MiB/s), 30s
105,951 scanned, 69,665 indexed, 90,022 found, 80,330 compared, 80,330 same data, 2.71 GiB in
(85.3 MiB/s), 48.1 MiB out (1.49 MiB/s), 35s
113,440 scanned, 89,486 indexed, 101,634 found, 91,152 compared, 91,152 same data, 3.19 GiB in
(97.8 MiB/s), 55.4 MiB out (1.45 MiB/s), 40s
128,693 scanned, 94,484 indexed, 109,999 found, 97,319 compared, 97,319 same data, 3.59 GiB in
(82.6 MiB/s), 60.2 MiB out (985 KiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 94,484 indexed, 119,203 found, 105,402 compared, 105,402 same data, 3.98 GiB in
(78.3 MiB/s), 65.1 MiB out (986 KiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 104,656 indexed, 127,458 found, 113,774 compared, 113,774 same data, 4.49 GiB
in (103 MiB/s), 70.8 MiB out (1.15 MiB/s), 55s
Xcp command : xcp verify -bs 32k <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.96 GiB in (84.5 MiB/s), 77.5 MiB out (1.29 MiB/s)
Total Time : 1m0s.

Überprüfen Sie -Parallel <n>

Verwenden Sie die -parallel <n> Parameter mit verify Befehl zur Angabe der maximalen Anzahl gleichzeitiger Batch-Prozesse.

xcp verify -parallel <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -parallel 2 <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
15,021 scanned, 6,946 found, 4,869 compared, 4,869 same data, 378 MiB in (74.5 MiB/s), 3.24 MiB
out (654 KiB/s), 5s
25,165 scanned, 9,671 indexed, 15,945 found, 12,743 compared, 12,743 same data, 706 MiB in (65.4
MiB/s), 7.81 MiB out (934 KiB/s), 10s
35,367 scanned, 19,747 indexed, 24,036 found, 19,671 compared, 19,671 same data, 933 MiB in
(45.3 MiB/s), 11.9 MiB out (827 KiB/s), 15s
45,267 scanned, 29,761 indexed, 32,186 found, 26,909 compared, 26,909 same data, 1.38 GiB in
(94.6 MiB/s), 16.5 MiB out (943 KiB/s), 20s
55,690 scanned, 39,709 indexed, 40,413 found, 34,805 compared, 34,805 same data, 1.69 GiB in
(62.8 MiB/s), 20.9 MiB out (874 KiB/s), 25s
55,690 scanned, 39,709 indexed, 48,325 found, 42,690 compared, 42,690 same data, 1.88 GiB in
(38.1 MiB/s), 24.3 MiB out (703 KiB/s), 31s
65,002 scanned, 49,670 indexed, 57,872 found, 51,891 compared, 51,891 same data, 2.04 GiB in
(33.2 MiB/s), 29.0 MiB out (967 KiB/s), 36s
75,001 scanned, 59,688 indexed, 66,789 found, 60,291 compared, 60,291 same data, 2.11 GiB in
(14.8 MiB/s), 33.4 MiB out (883 KiB/s), 41s
85,122 scanned, 69,690 indexed, 75,009 found, 67,337 compared, 67,337 same data, 2.42 GiB in
(62.3 MiB/s), 37.6 MiB out (862 KiB/s), 46s
91,260 scanned, 79,686 indexed, 82,097 found, 73,854 compared, 73,854 same data, 2.69 GiB in
(55.0 MiB/s), 41.4 MiB out (770 KiB/s), 51s
95,002 scanned, 79,686 indexed, 88,238 found, 79,707 compared, 79,707 same data, 2.99 GiB in
(60.7 MiB/s), 44.4 MiB out (608 KiB/s), 56s
105,002 scanned, 89,787 indexed, 96,059 found, 86,745 compared, 86,745 same data, 3.19 GiB in
(41.3 MiB/s), 48.4 MiB out (810 KiB/s), 1m1s
110,239 scanned, 99,872 indexed, 104,757 found, 94,652 compared, 94,652 same data, 3.47 GiB in
(57.0 MiB/s), 52.7 MiB out (879 KiB/s), 1m6s
120,151 scanned, 104,848 indexed, 111,491 found, 100,317 compared, 100,317 same data, 3.95 GiB
in (97.2 MiB/s), 56.3 MiB out (733 KiB/s), 1m11s
130,068 scanned, 114,860 indexed, 119,867 found, 107,260 compared, 107,260 same data, 4.25 GiB
in (60.5 MiB/s), 60.6 MiB out (871 KiB/s), 1m16s
134,028 scanned, 119,955 indexed, 125,210 found, 111,886 compared, 111,886 same data, 4.65 GiB
in (83.2 MiB/s), 63.7 MiB out (647 KiB/s), 1m21s
134,630 scanned, 129,929 indexed, 132,679 found, 119,193 compared, 119,193 same data, 4.93 GiB
in (56.8 MiB/s), 67.9 MiB out (846 KiB/s), 1m26s
Xcp command : xcp verify -parallel 2 <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error

Überprüfen Sie -dircount <n[k]>

Verwenden Sie die -dircount <n[k]> Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben der Anforderungsgröße beim Lesen von Verzeichnissen. Der Standardwert ist 64k.

xcp verify -dircount <n[k]> <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -dircount 32k <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_verify_2020-03-
32,221 scanned, 10,130 found, 5,955 compared, 5,955 same data, 312 MiB in (62.1 MiB/s), 4.15 MiB
out (848 KiB/s), 5s
40,089 scanned, 21,965 found, 16,651 compared, 16,651 same data, 801 MiB in (97.5 MiB/s), 9.55
MiB out (1.07 MiB/s), 10s

51,723 scanned, 14,544 indexed, 33,019 found, 27,288 compared, 27,288 same data, 1.24 GiB in
(93.8 MiB/s), 15.6 MiB out (1.22 MiB/s), 15s
67,360 scanned, 34,733 indexed, 45,615 found, 39,341 compared, 39,341 same data, 1.73 GiB in
(100 MiB/s), 22.8 MiB out (1.43 MiB/s), 20s
82,314 scanned, 44,629 indexed, 63,276 found, 55,559 compared, 55,559 same data, 2.05 GiB in
(64.7 MiB/s), 31.0 MiB out (1.63 MiB/s), 25s
100,085 scanned, 59,585 indexed, 79,799 found, 70,618 compared, 70,618 same data, 2.43 GiB in
(77.2 MiB/s), 38.9 MiB out (1.57 MiB/s), 30s
110,158 scanned, 69,651 indexed, 93,005 found, 82,654 compared, 82,654 same data, 2.87 GiB in
(89.1 MiB/s), 45.4 MiB out (1.28 MiB/s), 35s
120,047 scanned, 79,641 indexed, 104,539 found, 93,226 compared, 93,226 same data, 3.40 GiB in
(108 MiB/s), 51.4 MiB out (1.20 MiB/s), 40s
130,362 scanned, 94,662 indexed, 114,193 found, 101,230 compared, 101,230 same data, 3.87 GiB in
(97.3 MiB/s), 56.7 MiB out (1.06 MiB/s), 45s
134,630 scanned, 104,789 indexed, 124,272 found, 110,547 compared, 110,547 same data, 4.33 GiB
in (94.2 MiB/s), 62.3 MiB out (1.12 MiB/s), 50s
134,630 scanned, 129,879 indexed, 133,227 found, 119,717 compared, 119,717 same data, 4.93 GiB
in (119 MiB/s), 68.2 MiB out (1.17 MiB/s), 55s
Xcp command : xcp verify -dircount 32k <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address ofdestination NFS server>:/dest_vol
134,630 scanned, 0 matched, 100% found (121,150 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 0
different item, 0 error
Speed : 4.95 GiB in (89.3 MiB/s), 69.2 MiB out (1.22 MiB/s)
Total Time : 56s.

Verify -noid

Verwenden Sie die -noId Parameter mit verify Befehl, um die Erstellung eines Standardindexes zu deaktivieren. Der Standardwert ist false.

xcp verify -noId <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp verify -noid <IP address of source NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol

Job ID: Job_2024-04-22_07.19.41.825308_verify
 49,216 scanned, 10,163 found, 9,816 compared, 9.59 KiB same data, 1.15 GiB in (234 MiB/s), 5.67 MiB out (1.13 MiB/s), 6s
 49,615 scanned, 4,958 indexed, 27,018 found, 26,534 compared, 25.9 KiB same data, 3.08 GiB in (390 MiB/s), 15.1 MiB out (1.86 MiB/s), 11s
 73,401 scanned, 34,884 indexed, 46,365 found, 45,882 compared, 44.8 KiB same data, 5.31 GiB in (420 MiB/s), 26.6 MiB out (2.12 MiB/s), 16s
 80,867 scanned, 44,880 indexed, 63,171 found, 62,704 compared, 61.2 KiB same data, 7.23 GiB in (377 MiB/s), 36.2 MiB out (1.83 MiB/s), 21s
 83,102 scanned, 69,906 indexed, 79,587 found, 79,246 compared, 77.4 KiB same data, 9.13 GiB in (387 MiB/s), 46.0 MiB out (1.95 MiB/s), 26s

Xcp command : xcp verify
Stats       : 83,102 scanned, 83,102 indexed, 100% found (82,980 have data), 82,980 compared, 100% verified (data, attrs, mods)
Speed       : 9.55 GiB in (347 MiB/s), 48.4 MiB out (1.72 MiB/s)
Total Time  : 28s.
Job ID      : Job_2024-04-22_07.19.41.825308_verify
Log Path    : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2024-04-22_07.19.41.825308_verify.log

Überprüfen Sie -preserve-atitime

Verwenden Sie die -preserve-atime Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Wiederherstellen aller Dateien auf das Datum des letzten Zugriffs auf der Quelle. Der -preserve-atime Parameter setzt die Zugriffszeit auf den ursprünglichen Wert zurück, der vor dem XCP-Lesevorgang festgelegt wurde.

xcp verify -preserve-atime <source_ip_address>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address>:/dest_vol
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -preserve-atime
<IP_address>:/source_vol <destination_IP_address>:/dest_vol

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2022-06-
xcp: Job ID: Job_2022-06-30_15.29.03.723260_verify
Xcp command : xcp verify -preserve-atime <IP_address>:/source_vol <destination_IP_address>:/dest_vol Stats :
110 scanned, 110 indexed, 100% found (96 have data), 96 compared, 100% verified (data, attrs,
Speed : 4.87 MiB in (3.02 MiB/s), 160 KiB out (99.4 KiB/s) Total Time : 1s.
Job ID : Job_2022-06-30_15.29.03.723260_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2022-06-30_15.29.03.723260_verify.log STATUS :

Überprüfen Sie -s3.insecure

Verwenden Sie die -s3.insecure Parameter mit verify Befehl zur Verwendung von HTTP anstelle von HTTPS für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation.

xcp verify -s3.insecure hdfs:///user/test s3://<bucket_name>
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -s3.insecure hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-08_09.04.33.301709_verify
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.insecure hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 8 scanned, 8 indexed, 100% found (5 have data), 5 compared, 100% verified (data)
Speed : 21.3 KiB in (8.20 KiB/s), 90.8 KiB out (34.9 KiB/s)
Total Time : 2s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-08_09.04.33.301709_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-08_09.04.33.301709_verify.log

Überprüfen Sie -s3.Endpoint <s3_endpoint_url>

Verwenden Sie die -s3.endpoint <s3_endpoint_url> Parameter mit verify Befehl, um die standardmäßige AWS-Endpunkt-URL mit einer angegebenen URL für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation zu überschreiben.

xcp verify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: s3://<bucket_name>
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-13_11.20.48.203492_verify
2 scanned, 2 found, 9.55 KiB in (1.90 KiB/s), 12.5 KiB out (2.50 KiB/s), 5s
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>  hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 8 scanned, 8 indexed, 100% found (5 have data), 5 compared, 100% verified (data)
Speed : 21.3 KiB in (2.28 KiB/s), 91.1 KiB out (9.72 KiB/s)
Total Time : 9s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-13_11.20.48.203492_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-13_11.20.48.203492_verify.log

Überprüfen Sie -s3.profile <name>

Verwenden Sie die s3.profile Parameter mit verify Befehl zum Angeben eines Profils aus der AWS-Anmeldeinformationsdatei für die S3-Bucket-Kommunikation.

xcp verify -s3.profile <name> -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: s3://<bucket_name>
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-08_09.05.22.412914_verify
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 8 scanned, 8 indexed, 100% found (5 have data), 5 compared, 100% verified (data)
Speed : 21.3 KiB in (6.52 KiB/s), 91.2 KiB out (27.9 KiB/s)
Total Time : 3s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-08_09.05.22.412914_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-08_09.05.22.412914_verify.log
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-08_09.20.53.763772_verify
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>
hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 8 scanned, 8 indexed, 100% found (5 have data), 5 compared, 100% verified (data)
Speed : 25.3 KiB in (14.5 KiB/s), 93.7 KiB out (53.8 KiB/s)
Total Time : 1s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-08_09.20.53.763772_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-08_09.20.53.763772_verify.log

Überprüfen Sie -s3.noverify

Verwenden Sie die -s3.noverify Parameter mit verify Befehl, um die Standardüberprüfung der SSL-Zertifizierung für die S3 Bucket-Kommunikation außer Kraft zu setzen.

xcp verify -s3.noverify s3://<bucket_name>
Beispiel anzeigen
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp verify -s3.noverify hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-13_10.59.01.817044_verify
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.noverify hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 8 scanned, 8 indexed, 100% found (5 have data), 5 compared, 100% verified (data)
Speed : 21.3 KiB in (5.84 KiB/s), 90.8 KiB out (24.9 KiB/s)
Total Time : 3s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-13_10.59.01.817044_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-13_10.59.01.817044_verify.log

./xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.noverify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs://<HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>

xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_verify_2023-06-
Job ID: Job_2023-06-13_11.29.00.543286_verify
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 1,194 found, 908 compared, 908 same data, 4.87 MiB in (980 KiB/s), 199 KiB
out (39.1 KiB/s), 5s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 2,952 found, 2,702 compared, 2.64 KiB same data, 8.56 MiB in (745 KiB/s),
446 KiB out (48.7 KiB/s), 10s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 4,963 found, 4,841 compared, 4.73 KiB same data, 12.9 MiB in (873 KiB/s),
729 KiB out (55.9 KiB/s), 15s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 6,871 found, 6,774 compared, 6.62 KiB same data, 16.9 MiB in (813 KiB/s),
997 KiB out (53.4 KiB/s), 20s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 8,653 found, 8,552 compared, 8.35 KiB same data, 20.6 MiB in (745 KiB/s),
1.22 MiB out (49.3 KiB/s), 25s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 10,436 found, 10,333 compared, 10.1 KiB same data, 24.3 MiB in (754
KiB/s), 1.46 MiB out (49.8 KiB/s), 31s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 12,226 found, 12,114 compared, 11.8 KiB same data, 28.0 MiB in (751
KiB/s), 1.71 MiB out (49.7 KiB/s), 36s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 14,005 found, 13,895 compared, 13.6 KiB same data, 31.7 MiB in (756
KiB/s), 1.95 MiB out (50.0 KiB/s), 41s
15,009 scanned, 9 indexed, 14,229 found, 14,067 compared, 13.7 KiB same data, 32.2 MiB in (102
KiB/s), 1.98 MiB out (6.25 KiB/s), 46s
Xcp command : xcp verify -s3.profile sg -s3.noverify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> <HDFS source> s3://<s3-bucket>
Stats : 15,009 scanned, 15,009 indexed, 100% found (15,005 have data), 15,005 compared, 100%
verified (data)
Speed : 33.9 MiB in (724 KiB/s), 2.50 MiB out (53.5 KiB/s)
Total Time : 47s.
Job ID : Job_2023-06-13_11.29.00.543286_verify
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-06-13_11.29.00.543286_verify.log