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Migración de datos CIFS con ACL de un equipo de almacenamiento de origen a ONTAP


En esta sección se describe el procedimiento paso a paso para migrar datos CIFS con información de seguridad de un origen a un sistema ONTAP de destino.

  1. Compruebe que el estado del sistema ONTAP de destino es bueno.

    C1_sti96-vsim-ucs540m_cluster::> cluster show
    Node                  Health  Eligibility
    --------------------- ------- ------------
    sti96-vsim-ucs540m    true    true
    sti96-vsim-ucs540n    true    true
    2 entries were displayed.
    C1_sti96-vsim-ucs540m_cluster::> node show
    Node      Health Eligibility Uptime        Model       Owner    Location
    --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ----------- -------- ---------------
              true   true        15 days 21:17 SIMBOX      ahammed  sti
              true   true        15 days 21:17 SIMBOX      ahammed  sti
    2 entries were displayed.
    cluster::>  storage failover show
    Node           Partner        Possible State Description
    -------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
                   sti96-vsim-    true     Connected to sti96-vsim-ucs540n
                   sti96-vsim-    true     Connected to sti96-vsim-ucs540m
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. Compruebe que existe al menos un agregado no raíz en el sistema de destino. El agregado es normal.

    cluster::*> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
                7.58GB   373.3MB   95% online       1 sti96-vsim-      raid_dp,
                                                      ucs540o          normal
                7.58GB   373.3MB   95% online       1 sti96-vsim-      raid_dp,
                                                      ucs540p          normal
    aggr_001   103.7GB   93.63GB   10% online       1 sti96-vsim-      raid_dp,
                                                      ucs540p          normal
               23.93GB   23.83GB    0% online       1 sti96-vsim-      raid_dp,
                                                      ucs540o          normal
               23.93GB   23.93GB    0% online       0 sti96-vsim-      raid_dp,
                                                      ucs540p          normal
    5 entries were displayed.
    Nota Si no hay ningún agregado de datos, cree uno nuevo mediante el storage aggr create comando.
  3. Cree una SVM en el sistema de clúster de destino.

    cluster::*> vserver create -vserver vs1 -rootvolume root_vs1 -aggregate sti96_vsim_ucs540o_aggr1 -rootvolume-security-style mixed
    Verify that the SVM was successfully created.
    C2_sti96-vsim-ucs540o_cluster::*>  vserver show -vserver vs1
                                        Vserver: vs1
                                   Vserver Type: data
                                Vserver Subtype: default
                                   Vserver UUID: f8bc54be-d91b-11e9-b99c-005056a7e57e
                                    Root Volume: root_vs1
                                      Aggregate: sti96_vsim_ucs540o_aggr1
                                     NIS Domain: NSQA-RTP-NIS1
                     Root Volume Security Style: mixed
                                    LDAP Client: esisconfig
                   Default Volume Language Code: C.UTF-8
                                Snapshot Policy: default
                                  Data Services: data-nfs, data-cifs,
                                                 data-flexcache, data-iscsi
                                        Comment: vs1
                                   Quota Policy: default
                    List of Aggregates Assigned: -
     Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                            Vserver Admin State: running
                      Vserver Operational State: running
       Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -
                              Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp
                           Disallowed Protocols: -
                Is Vserver with Infinite Volume: false
                               QoS Policy Group: -
                            Caching Policy Name: -
                                    Config Lock: false
                 Volume Delete Retention Period: 0
                                   IPspace Name: Default
                             Foreground Process: -
                       Is Msid Preserved for DR: false
    Force start required to start Destination in muliple IDP fan-out case: false
                        Logical Space Reporting: false
                      Logical Space Enforcement: false
  4. Cree un nuevo volumen de datos de lectura y escritura en la SVM de destino. Verifique que el estilo de seguridad, la configuración de idioma y los requisitos de capacidad coincidan con el volumen de origen.

    CLUSTER CLUSTER::> vol create -vserver vs1 -volume dest_vol -aggregate aggr_001 -size 150g type RW -state online -security-style ntfs
  5. Cree una LIF de datos para atender las solicitudes de clientes SMB.

    CLUSTER::> network interface create -vserver vs1 -lif sti96-vsim-ucs540o_data1  -address -netmask -role data -data-protocol nfs,cifs -home-node sti96-vsim-ucs540o  -home-port e0d

    Compruebe que la LIF se ha creado correctamente.

    cluster::*>  network interface show -vserver vs1
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                             up/up   sti96-vsim-ucs540o
                                                                       e0d     true
  6. Si es necesario, cree una ruta estática con la SVM.

    Network route create -vserver dest -destination -gateway

    Compruebe que la ruta se ha creado correctamente.

    cluster::*>  network route show -vserver vs1
    Vserver             Destination     Gateway         Metric
    ------------------- --------------- --------------- ------
                        ::/0            fd20:8b1e:b255:9155::1
    2 entries were displayed.
  7. Montar el volumen de datos objetivo en el espacio de nombres de la SVM.

    CLUSTER::> volume mount -vserver vs1 -volume dest_vol  -junction-path /dest_vol -active true

    Compruebe que el volumen se haya montado correctamente.

    cluster::*> volume show -vserver vs1  -fields junction-path
    vserver volume   junction-path
    ------- -------- -------------
    vs1     dest_vol /dest_vol
    vs1     root_vs1 /
    2 entries were displayed.
    Note: You can also specify the volume mount options (junction path) with the volume create command.
  8. Inicie el servicio CIFS en la SVM de destino.

    cluster::*> vserver cifs start -vserver vs1
    Warning: The admin status of the CIFS server for Vserver "vs1" is already "up".

    Compruebe que el servicio se ha iniciado y en ejecución.

    Verify the service is started and running
    C2_sti96-vsim-ucs540o_cluster::*> cifs show
                Server          Status    Domain/Workgroup Authentication
    Vserver     Name            Admin     Name             Style
    ----------- --------------- --------- ---------------- --------------
    vs1         D60AB15C2AFC4D6 up        CTL              domain
  9. Compruebe que la política de exportación predeterminada se aplica a la SVM de destino.

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default

    Si es necesario, cree una nueva política de exportación personalizada para la SVM de destino.

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy create -vserver vs1 -policyname xcpexport
  10. Modifique las reglas de política de exportación para permitir el acceso a los clientes CIFS.

    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule modify -vserver dest -ruleindex 1 -policyname xcpexportpolicy -clientmatch -rorule any -rwrule any -anon 0

    Compruebe que se han modificado las reglas de la política.

    cluster::*> export-policy rule show -instance
                                        Vserver: vs1
                                    Policy Name: default
                                     Rule Index: 1
                                Access Protocol: any
    List of Client Match Hostnames, IP Addresses, Netgroups, or Domains:
                                 RO Access Rule: any
                                 RW Access Rule: any
    User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
                       Superuser Security Types: any
                   Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
                      Allow Creation of Devices: true
                     NTFS Unix Security Options: fail
             Vserver NTFS Unix Security Options: use_export_policy
                          Change Ownership Mode: restricted
                  Vserver Change Ownership Mode: use_export_policy
                                      Policy ID: 12884901889
                                        Vserver: vs1
                                    Policy Name: default
                                     Rule Index: 2
                                Access Protocol: any
    List of Client Match Hostnames, IP Addresses, Netgroups, or Domains: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0
                                 RO Access Rule: any
                                 RW Access Rule: any
    User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
                       Superuser Security Types: none
                   Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
                      Allow Creation of Devices: true
                     NTFS Unix Security Options: fail
             Vserver NTFS Unix Security Options: use_export_policy
                          Change Ownership Mode: restricted
                  Vserver Change Ownership Mode: use_export_policy
                                      Policy ID: 12884901889
    2 entries were displayed.
  11. Compruebe que el cliente tiene acceso al volumen.

    cluster::*> export-policy check-access -vserver vs1 -volume dest_vol -client-ip -authentication-method none -protocol cifs -access-type read-write
                                             Policy    Policy       Rule
    Path                          Policy     Owner     Owner Type  Index Access
    ----------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------ ----------
    /                             default    root_vs1  volume          1 read
    /dest_vol                     default    dest_vol  volume          1 read-write
    2 entries were displayed.
  12. Conéctese al sistema cliente Windows donde está instalado XCP. Vaya a la ruta de instalación de XCP.

    C:\WRSHDNT>dir c:\netapp\xcp
    dir c:\netapp\xcp
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 5C04-C0C7
     Directory of c:\netapp\xcp
    09/18/2019  09:30 AM    <DIR>          .
    09/18/2019  09:30 AM    <DIR>          ..
    06/25/2019  06:27 AM               304 license
    09/18/2019  09:30 AM    <DIR>          Logs
    09/29/2019  08:45 PM        12,143,105 xcp.exe
                   2 File(s)     12,143,409 bytes
                   3 Dir(s)  29,219,549,184 bytes free
  13. Consulte el nodo de origen exportaciones de SMB ejecutando el xcp show Comando en el sistema host del cliente Windows XCP.

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp show \\
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp show \\
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
     Shares   Errors   Server
          6        0  
    == SMB Shares ==
     Space   Space   Current
     Free    Used    Connections Share Path                   Folder Path
     9.50GiB 4.57MiB 1           \\\source_share C:\source_vol
     94.3MiB 716KiB  0           \\\ROOTSHARE    C:\
     0       0       N/A         \\\ipc$         N/A
     94.3MiB 716KiB  0           \\\c$           C:\
    == Attributes of SMB Shares ==
     Share                             Types                             Remark
     source_share                      DISKTREE
     test share                        DISKTREE
     test_sh                           DISKTREE
     ROOTSHARE                         DISKTREE             \"Share mapped to top of Vserver global namespace, created bydeux_init \"
     ipc$                              PRINTQ,SPECIAL,IPC,DEVICE
     c$                                SPECIAL
    == Permissions of SMB Shares ==
     Share                             Entity                                         Type
     source_share                      Everyone                                       Allow/Full Control
    ROOTSHARE                         Everyone                                       Allow/Full Control
     ipc$                              Everyone                                       Allow/Full Control
     c$                                Administrators                                 Allow/Full Control/
  14. Ejecute el help comando para copia.

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp help copy
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp help copy
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    usage: xcp copy [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-preserve-atime]
                    [-acl] [-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER]
                    [-fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP] [-root]
                    source target
    positional arguments:
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -v                    increase debug verbosity
      -parallel <n>         number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>)
      -match <filter>       only process files and directories that match the
                            filter (see `xcp help -match` for details)
      -preserve-atime       restore last accessed date on source
      -acl                  copy security information
      -fallback-user FALLBACK_USER
                            the name of the user on the target machine to receive
                            the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine
                            users (eg. domain\administrator)
      -fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP
                            the name of the group on the target machine to receive
                            the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine
                            groups (eg. domain\administrators)
      -root                 copy acl for root directorytxt
  15. En el sistema ONTAP de destino, obtenga la lista de nombres de usuarios locales y grupos locales que debe proporcionar como valores para el fallback-user y.. fallback-group ruta de los argumentos.

    cluster::*> local-user show
      (vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show)
    Vserver      User Name                   Full Name            Description
    ------------ --------------------------- -------------------- -------------
    vs1          D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator
                                                                  Built-in administrator account
    C2_sti96-vsim-ucs540o_cluster::*>  local-group show
      (vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show)
    Vserver        Group Name                       Description
    -------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
    vs1            BUILTIN\Administrators           Built-in Administrators group
    vs1            BUILTIN\Backup Operators         Backup Operators group
    vs1            BUILTIN\Guests                   Built-in Guests Group
    vs1            BUILTIN\Power Users              Restricted administrative privileges
    vs1            BUILTIN\Users                    All users
    5 entries were displayed
  16. Para migrar los datos CIFS con ACL del origen al destino, ejecute el xcp copy con el -acl y.. –fallback-user/group opciones.

    Para la fallback-user/group Opciones, especifique cualquier usuario o grupo que se encuentre en Active Directory o usuario/grupo local para el sistema de destino.

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 8s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 13s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 18s
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "BUILTIN\Users". Please check if the principal with the name "BUILTIN\Users" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "BUILTIN\Users". Please check if the principal with the name "BUILTIN\Users" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "BUILTIN\Users". Please check if the principal with the name "BUILTIN\Users" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "BUILTIN\Users". Please check if the principal with the name "BUILTIN\Users" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 23s
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 28s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 249 copied, 24.0KiB (4.82KiB/s), 33s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 744 copied, 54.4KiB (6.07KiB/s), 38s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 746 copied, 54.5KiB (20/s), 43s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (1.23KiB/s), 44s
  17. Si xcp copy aparece el mensaje de error ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal, agregue el cuadro de destino en el archivo hosts (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts).

    Use el siguiente formato para la entrada del cuadro de destino del almacenamiento de NetApp.

    <data vserver data interface ip> 1 or more white spaces <cifs server name>
    cluster::*> cifs show
                Server          Status    Domain/Workgroup Authentication
    Vserver     Name            Admin     Name             Style
    ----------- --------------- --------- ---------------- --------------
    vs1         D60AB15C2AFC4D6 up        CTL              domain
    C2_sti96-vsim-ucs540o_cluster::*> network interface show
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
                             up/up sti96-vsim-ucs540p
                                                                       e0a     true
                             up/up sti96-vsim-ucs540p
                                                                       e0b     true
                             up/up   sti96-vsim-ucs540o
                                                                       e0d     true
                             up/up    fd20:8b1e:b255:9155::583/64
                                                                       e0d     true
                             up/up   sti96-vsim-ucs540o
                                                                       e0e     true  D60AB15C2AFC4D6  -> destination box entry to be added in hosts file.
  18. Si aún recibe el mensaje de error ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal después de agregar la entrada del cuadro de destino en los archivos hosts, el usuario/grupo no existe en el sistema de destino.

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    ERROR failed to obtain fallback security principal "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user". Please check if the principal with the name "D60AB15C2AFC4D6\unknown_user" exists on "D60AB15C2AFC4D6".
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 5s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 10s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 15s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 284 copied, 27.6KiB (5.54KiB/s), 20s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (2.44KiB/s), 22s
  19. Uso xcp copy Para migrar datos CIFS con ACL (con o sin la carpeta raíz).

    Sin la carpeta raíz, ejecute los siguientes comandos:

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user  D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -fallback-user  D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 5s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 10s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 15s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 210 copied, 20.4KiB (4.08KiB/s), 20s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (2.38KiB/s), 22s

    Con la carpeta raíz, ejecute los siguientes comandos:

    C:\WRSHDNT>c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -root  -fallback-user  D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    c:\netapp\xcp\xcp copy -acl -root  -fallback-user  D60AB15C2AFC4D6\Administrator -fallback-group BUILTIN\Users  \\\source_share \\\dest_share
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 5s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 10s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 15s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 243 copied, 23.6KiB (4.73KiB/s), 20s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (6.21KiB/s), 25s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 30s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 35s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 40s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 45s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 50s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 55s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 1m0s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (0/s), 1m5s
    753 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 752 copied, 54.7KiB (817/s), 1m8s