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Options de configuration de l'opérateur de surveillance Kubernetes


La "Opérateur de surveillance Kubernetes" configuration peut être personnalisée.

Le tableau ci-dessous répertorie les options possibles pour le fichier AgentConfiguration :

Composant Option Description


Options de configuration communes à tous les composants que l'opérateur peut installer. Ces options peuvent être considérées comme des options « globales ».


Remplacement dockerRepo pour extraire des images des repos docker privés des clients par rapport à Data Infrastructure Insights docker repo. La valeur par défaut est Data Infrastructure Insights docker repo


Facultatif : un secret pour les clients repo privés

Nom du cluster

Champ de texte libre qui identifie de manière unique un cluster dans tous les clusters de clients. Cette fonctionnalité doit être unique dans un locataire Data Infrastructure Insights. La valeur par défaut correspond à ce que le client saisit dans l'interface utilisateur pour le champ Cluster Name

Proxy format: Proxy: Server: Port: Nom d'utilisateur: Mot de passe: NoProxy: IsTelegrafProxyEnabled: IsAuProxyEnabled: IsFluentbitProxyEnabled: IsCollectorProxyEnabled:

Facultatif pour définir le proxy. Il s'agit généralement du proxy d'entreprise du client.


Options de configuration qui peuvent personnaliser l'installation de telegraf de l'opérateur

Intervalle de collection

Intervalle de collecte des metrics, en secondes (max=60 s)


Limite CPU pour les telegraf ds


Limite de mémoire pour les télégraf


Demande CPU pour les telegraf ds


Demande de mémoire pour les télégraf


Limite CPU pour les RS telegraf


Limite de mémoire pour les RS telegraf


Demande CPU pour les RS telegraf


Demande de mémoire pour les RS telegraf

Avec privilèges d'exécution

Exécutez le conteneur telegraf-mountstats-poller de telegraf DemonSet en mode privilégié. Définissez cette valeur sur true si SELinux est activé sur vos nœuds Kubernetes.


Définissez runDsPrivileged sur true pour exécuter le conteneur telegraf de telegraf DemonSet en mode privilégié.

Taille de la batchSize

Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"

Intervalle de rinçage

Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"

Tolérances de type dsTolerations

télégraf-ds tolérances supplémentaires.


tolérances supplémentaires de telegraf-rs.


Voir "Documentation de configuration de Telegraf"

non protégé

Voir "Problème connu de Telegraf". Le paramètre Unprotected indique à l'opérateur de surveillance Kubernetes d'exécuter Telegraf avec l' `--unprotected`indicateur.


Options de configuration permettant de personnaliser l'installation des mesures d'état kube de l'opérateur


Limite CPU pour le déploiement des indicateurs d'état kube


Limite MEM pour le déploiement de mesures kube-state


Demande de processeur pour le déploiement de metrics d'état kube


Demande MEM pour le déploiement de mesures d'état kube


une liste de ressources séparées par des virgules à capturer. exemple : cronjobs,demonsets,déploiements,ingresses,travaux,espaces de noms,nœuds,perstentvolumeclaims, perstentvolumes,pods,réplicasets,resourcetas,services,statefulsets


tolérances supplémentaires des indicateurs d'état kube.


une liste de ressources séparées par des virgules que les indicateurs d'état kube doivent capturer + exemple : cronjobs=[],demonsets=[],deployments=[],ingresses=[],jobs=[],namespaces=[],nodes=[],resenteclaims=[],despotstatsets[][]][],despodeslotstatedespods=[][][]


Options de configuration permettant de personnaliser la collecte des journaux et l'installation de l'opérateur


vrai/faux, doit couramment lire le journal à partir de la tête

délai dépassé

délai, en secondes


TCP/UDP, mode pour DNS

tolérances fluentes-bit

fluent-bit-ds tolérances supplémentaires.


tolérances supplémentaires de l'exportateur d'événements.


âge max. de l'événement de l'exportateur d'événement. Voir

mappe des charges de travail

Options de configuration permettant de personnaliser la collection de cartes de charge de travail et l'installation de l'opérateur.


Limite CPU pour net observateur ds


limite mem pour les observateurs nets


Demande CPU pour net observateur ds


demande mem pour net observateur ds

Intervalle d'Aggregationde métadonnées

intervalle d'agrégation des mesures, en secondes


Intervalle d'interrogation BPF, en secondes


Vrai/faux, activer la recherche DNS

tolérances l4

net-observateur-l4-ds tolérances supplémentaires.

Avec privilèges d'exécution

True/FALSE : définissez runPrivileged sur TRUE si SELinux est activé sur vos nœuds Kubernetes.

gestion des modifications

Options de configuration de Kubernetes change Management and Analysis


Limite CPU pour change-observateur-Watch-RS


Limite MEM pour change-observateur-Watch-RS


Demande CPU pour change-observateur-Watch-RS


demande mem pour changement-observateur-watch-rs


Intervalle en minutes après lequel un déploiement non réussi d'une charge de travail sera marqué comme ayant échoué


Fréquence à laquelle les événements de déploiement de charge de travail en cours sont envoyés

Non WorkloadAggrIntervalSeconds

Fréquence à laquelle les déploiements sans charge de travail sont combinés et envoyés


Un ensemble d'expressions régulières utilisées dans les noms env et les cartes de données dont la valeur sera bifftée. Exemples de termes : « pwd », « mot de passe », « jeton », « apikey », « api-key », « jwt »


Liste séparée par des virgules de types supplémentaires à surveiller par rapport à l'ensemble de types par défaut surveillés par le collecteur


Liste de types séparés par une virgule à ignorer de l'ensemble de types par défaut surveillés par le collecteur


Fréquence à laquelle les enregistrements de journal sont envoyés à l'EC à partir du collecteur

tolérances de surveillance

change-observateur-watch-ds tolérances supplémentaires. Format abrégé à une seule ligne uniquement. Exemple : '{key: Taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: Taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'

Exemple de fichier AgentConfiguration

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un exemple de fichier AgentConfiguration.

kind: AgentConfiguration
  name: netapp-ci-monitoring-configuration
  namespace: "netapp-monitoring"
    installed-by: nkmo-netapp-monitoring

  # # You can modify the following fields to configure the operator.
  # # Optional settings are commented out and include default values for reference
  # #   To update them, uncomment the line, change the value, and apply the updated AgentConfiguration.
    # # [Required Field] A uniquely identifiable user-friendly clustername.
    # # clusterName must be unique across all clusters in your Data Infrastructure Insights environment.
    clusterName: "my_cluster"

    # # Proxy settings. The proxy that the operator should use to send metrics to Data Infrastructure Insights.
    # # Please see documentation here:
    # proxy:
    #   server:
    #   port:
    #   noproxy:
    #   username:
    #   password:
    #   isTelegrafProxyEnabled:
    #   isFluentbitProxyEnabled:
    #   isCollectorsProxyEnabled:

    # # [Required Field] By default, the operator uses the CI repository.
    # # To use a private repository, change this field to your repository name.
    # # Please see documentation here:
    dockerRepo: ''
    # # [Required Field] The name of the imagePullSecret for dockerRepo.
    # # If you are using a private repository, change this field from 'netapp-ci-docker' to the name of your secret.
    dockerImagePullSecret: 'netapp-ci-docker'

    # # Allow the operator to automatically rotate its ApiKey before expiration.
    # tokenRotationEnabled: 'true'
    # # Number of days before expiration that the ApiKey should be rotated. This must be less than the total ApiKey duration.
    # tokenRotationThresholdDays: '30'

    # # Settings to fine-tune metrics data collection. Telegraf config names are included in parenthesis.
    # # See

    # # The default time telegraf will wait between inputs for all plugins (interval). Max=60
    # collectionInterval: '60s'
    # # Maximum number of records per output that telegraf will write in one batch (metric_batch_size).
    # batchSize: '10000'
    # # Maximum number of records per output that telegraf will cache pending a successful write (metric_buffer_limit).
    # bufferLimit: '150000'
    # # Collect metrics on multiples of interval (round_interval).
    # roundInterval: 'true'
    # # Each plugin waits a random amount of time between the scheduled collection time and that time + collection_jitter before collecting inputs (collection_jitter).
    # collectionJitter: '0s'
    # # Collected metrics are rounded to the precision specified. When set to "0s" precision will be set by the units specified by interval (precision).
    # precision: '0s'
    # # Time telegraf will wait between writing outputs (flush_interval). Max=collectionInterval
    # flushInterval: '60s'
    # # Each output waits a random amount of time between the scheduled write time and that time + flush_jitter before writing outputs (flush_jitter).
    # flushJitter: '0s'
    # # Timeout for writing to outputs (timeout).
    # outputTimeout: '5s'

    # # telegraf-ds CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # # See
    # dsCpuLimit: '750m'
    # dsMemLimit: '800Mi'
    # dsCpuRequest: '100m'
    # dsMemRequest: '500Mi'

    # # telegraf-rs CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # rsCpuLimit: '3'
    # rsMemLimit: '4Gi'
    # rsCpuRequest: '100m'
    # rsMemRequest: '500Mi'

    # # Skip second run of processors after aggregators
    # skipProcessorsAfterAggregators: 'true'

    # # telegraf additional tolerations. Use the following abbreviated single line format only.
    # # Inspect telegraf-rs/-ds to view tolerations which are always present.
    # # Example: '{key: taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'
    # dsTolerations: ''
    # rsTolerations: ''

    # If telegraf warns of insufficient lockable memory, try increasing the limit of lockable memory for Telegraf in the underlying operating system/node.  If increasing the limit is not an option, set this to true to instruct Telegraf to not attempt to reserve locked memory pages.  While this might pose a security risk as decrypted secrets might be swapped out to disk, it allows for execution in environments where reserving locked memory is not possible.
    # unprotected: 'false'

    # # Run the telegraf DaemonSet's telegraf-mountstats-poller container in privileged mode.  Set runPrivileged to true if SELinux is enabled on your Kubernetes nodes.
    # runPrivileged: '{{ .Values.telegraf_installer.kubernetes.privileged_mode }}'

    # # Set runDsPrivileged to true to run the telegraf DaemonSet's telegraf container in privileged mode
    # runDsPrivileged: '{{ .Values.telegraf_installer.kubernetes.ds.privileged_mode }}'

    # # Collect container Block IO metrics.
    # dsBlockIOEnabled: 'true'

    # # Collect NFS IO metrics.
    # dsNfsIOEnabled: 'true'

    # # Collect kubernetes.system_container metrics and objects in the kube-system|cattle-system namespaces for managed kubernetes clusters (EKS, AKS, GKE, managed Rancher).  Set this to true if you want collect these metrics.
    # managedK8sSystemMetricCollectionEnabled: 'false'

    # # Collect kubernetes.pod_volume (pod ephemeral storage) metrics.  Set this to true if you want to collect these metrics.
    # podVolumeMetricCollectionEnabled: 'false'

    # # Declare Rancher cluster as managed.  Set this to true if your Rancher cluster is managed as opposed to on-premise.
    # isManagedRancher: 'false'

    # # If telegraf-rs fails to start due to being unable to find the etcd crt and key, manually specify the appropriate path here.
    # rsHostEtcdCrt: ''
    # rsHostEtcdKey: ''

  # kube-state-metrics:
    # # kube-state-metrics CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # cpuLimit: '500m'
    # memLimit: '1Gi'
    # cpuRequest: '100m'
    # memRequest: '500Mi'

    # # Comma-separated list of resources to enable.
    # # See resources in
    # resources: 'cronjobs,daemonsets,deployments,ingresses,jobs,namespaces,nodes,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes,pods,replicasets,resourcequotas,services,statefulsets'

    # # Comma-separated list of metrics to enable.
    # # See metric-allowlist in
    # metrics: 'kube_cronjob_created,kube_cronjob_status_active,kube_cronjob_labels,kube_daemonset_created,kube_daemonset_status_current_number_scheduled,kube_daemonset_status_desired_number_scheduled,kube_daemonset_status_number_available,kube_daemonset_status_number_misscheduled,kube_daemonset_status_number_ready,kube_daemonset_status_number_unavailable,kube_daemonset_status_observed_generation,kube_daemonset_status_updated_number_scheduled,kube_daemonset_metadata_generation,kube_daemonset_labels,kube_deployment_status_replicas,kube_deployment_status_replicas_available,kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable,kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated,kube_deployment_status_observed_generation,kube_deployment_spec_replicas,kube_deployment_spec_paused,kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable,kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_surge,kube_deployment_metadata_generation,kube_deployment_labels,kube_deployment_created,kube_job_created,kube_job_owner,kube_job_status_active,kube_job_status_succeeded,kube_job_status_failed,kube_job_labels,kube_job_status_start_time,kube_job_status_completion_time,kube_namespace_created,kube_namespace_labels,kube_namespace_status_phase,kube_node_info,kube_node_labels,kube_node_role,kube_node_spec_unschedulable,kube_node_created,kube_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes,kube_persistentvolume_status_phase,kube_persistentvolume_labels,kube_persistentvolume_info,kube_persistentvolume_claim_ref,kube_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode,kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info,kube_persistentvolumeclaim_labels,kube_persistentvolumeclaim_resource_requests_storage_bytes,kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_phase,kube_pod_info,kube_pod_start_time,kube_pod_completion_time,kube_pod_owner,kube_pod_labels,kube_pod_status_phase,kube_pod_status_ready,kube_pod_status_scheduled,kube_pod_container_info,kube_pod_container_status_waiting,kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason,kube_pod_container_status_running,kube_pod_container_state_started,kube_pod_container_status_terminated,kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason,kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason,kube_pod_container_status_ready,kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total,kube_pod_overhead_cpu_cores,kube_pod_overhead_memory_bytes,kube_pod_created,kube_pod_deletion_timestamp,kube_pod_init_container_info,kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting,kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting_reason,kube_pod_init_container_status_running,kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated,kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated_reason,kube_pod_init_container_status_last_terminated_reason,kube_pod_init_container_status_ready,kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total,kube_pod_status_scheduled_time,kube_pod_status_unschedulable,kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_readonly,kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores,kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes,kube_pod_container_resource_requests_storage_bytes,kube_pod_container_resource_requests_ephemeral_storage_bytes,kube_pod_container_resource_limits_cpu_cores,kube_pod_container_resource_limits_memory_bytes,kube_pod_container_resource_limits_storage_bytes,kube_pod_container_resource_limits_ephemeral_storage_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits_cpu_cores,kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits_memory_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits_storage_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits_ephemeral_storage_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores,kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests_storage_bytes,kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests_ephemeral_storage_bytes,kube_replicaset_status_replicas,kube_replicaset_status_ready_replicas,kube_replicaset_status_observed_generation,kube_replicaset_spec_replicas,kube_replicaset_metadata_generation,kube_replicaset_labels,kube_replicaset_created,kube_replicaset_owner,kube_resourcequota,kube_resourcequota_created,kube_service_info,kube_service_labels,kube_service_created,kube_service_spec_type,kube_statefulset_status_replicas,kube_statefulset_status_replicas_current,kube_statefulset_status_replicas_ready,kube_statefulset_status_replicas_updated,kube_statefulset_status_observed_generation,kube_statefulset_replicas,kube_statefulset_metadata_generation,kube_statefulset_created,kube_statefulset_labels,kube_statefulset_status_current_revision,kube_statefulset_status_update_revision,kube_node_status_capacity,kube_node_status_allocatable,kube_node_status_condition,kube_pod_container_resource_requests,kube_pod_container_resource_limits,kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits,kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests'

    # # Comma-separated list of Kubernetes label keys that will be used in the resources' labels metric.
    # # See metric-labels-allowlist in
    # labels: 'cronjobs=[*],daemonsets=[*],deployments=[*],ingresses=[*],jobs=[*],namespaces=[*],nodes=[*],persistentvolumeclaims=[*],persistentvolumes=[*],pods=[*],replicasets=[*],resourcequotas=[*],services=[*],statefulsets=[*]'

    # # kube-state-metrics additional tolerations. Use the following abbreviated single line format only.
    # # No tolerations are applied by default
    # # Example: '{key: taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'
    # tolerations: ''

    # # kube-state-metrics shards.  Increase the number of shards for larger clusters if telegraf RS pod(s) experience collection timeouts
    # shards: '2'

  # # Settings for the Events Log feature.
  # logs:
    # # Set runPrivileged to true if Fluent Bit fails to start, trying to open/create its database.
    # runPrivileged: 'false'

    # # If Fluent Bit should read new files from the head, not tail.
    # # See Read_from_Head in
    # readFromHead: "true"

    # # Network protocol that Fluent Bit should use for DNS: "UDP" or "TCP".
    # dnsMode: "UDP"

    # # DNS resolver that Fluent Bit should use: "LEGACY" or "ASYNC"
    # fluentBitDNSResolver: "LEGACY"

    # # Logs additional tolerations. Use the following abbreviated single line format only.
    # # Inspect fluent-bit-ds to view tolerations which are always present. No tolerations are applied by default for event-exporter.
    # # Example: '{key: taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'
    # fluent-bit-tolerations: ''
    # event-exporter-tolerations: ''

    # # event-exporter CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # # See
    # event-exporter-cpuLimit: '500m'
    # event-exporter-memLimit: '1Gi'
    # event-exporter-cpuRequest: '50m'
    # event-exporter-memRequest: '100Mi'

    # # event-exporter max event age.
    # # See
    # event-exporter-maxEventAgeSeconds: '10'

    # # event-exporter client-side throttling
    # # Set kubeBurst to roughly match your events per minute and kubeQPS=kubeBurst/5
    # # See
    # event-exporter-kubeQPS: 20
    # event-exporter-kubeBurst: 100

    # # fluent-bit CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # # See
    # fluent-bit-cpuLimit: '500m'
    # fluent-bit-memLimit: '1Gi'
    # fluent-bit-cpuRequest: '50m'
    # fluent-bit-memRequest: '100Mi'

  # # Settings for the Network Performance and Map feature.
  # workload-map:
    # # netapp-ci-net-observer-l4-ds CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # # See
    # cpuLimit: '500m'
    # memLimit: '500Mi'
    # cpuRequest: '100m'
    # memRequest: '500Mi'

    # # Metric aggregation interval in seconds. Min=30, Max=120
    # metricAggregationInterval: '60'

    # # Interval for bpf polling. Min=3, Max=15
    # bpfPollInterval: '8'

    # # Enable performing reverse DNS lookups on observed IPs.
    # enableDNSLookup: 'true'

    # # netapp-ci-net-observer-l4-ds additional tolerations. Use the following abbreviated single line format only.
    # # Inspect netapp-ci-net-observer-l4-ds to view tolerations which are always present.
    # # Example: '{key: taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'
    # l4-tolerations: ''

    # # Set runPrivileged to true if SELinux is enabled on your Kubernetes nodes.
    # # Note: In OpenShift environments, this is set to true automatically.
    # runPrivileged: 'false'

  # change-management:
    # # change-observer-watch-rs CPU/Mem limits and requests.
    # # See
    # cpuLimit: '1'
    # memLimit: '1Gi'
    # cpuRequest: '500m'
    # memRequest: '500Mi'

    # # Interval in minutes after which a non-successful deployment of a workload will be marked as failed
    # failureDeclarationIntervalMins: '30'

    # # Frequency at which workload deployment in-progress events are sent
    # deployAggrIntervalSeconds: '300'

    # # Frequency at which non-workload deployments are combined and sent
    # nonWorkloadAggrIntervalSeconds: '15'

    # # A set of regular expressions used in env names and data maps whose value will be redacted
    # termsToRedact: '"pwd", "password", "token", "apikey", "api-key", "api_key", "jwt", "accesskey", "access_key", "access-key", "ca-file", "key-file", "cert", "cafile", "keyfile", "tls", "crt", "salt", ".dockerconfigjson", "auth", "secret"'

    # # A comma separated list of additional kinds to watch from the default set of kinds watched by the collector
    # # Each kind will have to be prefixed by its apigroup
    # # Example: '""'
    # additionalKindsToWatch: ''

    # # A comma separated list of additional field paths whose diff is ignored as part of change analytics. This list in addition to the default set of field paths ignored by the collector.
    # # Example: '"metadata.specTime", "data.status"'
    # additionalFieldsDiffToIgnore: ''

    # # A comma separated list of kinds to ignore from watching from the default set of kinds watched by the collector
    # # Each kind will have to be prefixed by its apigroup
    # # Example: '",", ""'
    # kindsToIgnoreFromWatch: ''

    # # Frequency with which log records are sent to CI from the collector
    # logRecordAggrIntervalSeconds: '20'

    # # change-observer-watch-ds additional tolerations. Use the following abbreviated single line format only.
    # # Inspect change-observer-watch-ds to view tolerations which are always present.
    # # Example: '{key: taint1, operator: Exists, effect: NoSchedule},{key: taint2, operator: Exists, effect: NoExecute}'
    # watch-tolerations: ''