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Activez SSH sur les commutateurs de cluster BES-53248


Si vous utilisez le moniteur d'état du commutateur Ethernet (CSHM) et les fonctionnalités de collecte de journaux, vous devez générer les clés SSH, puis activer SSH sur les commutateurs du cluster.

  1. Vérifiez que SSH est désactivé :

    show ip ssh

    Montrer l'exemple
    (switch)# show ip ssh
    SSH Configuration
    Administrative Mode: .......................... Disabled
    SSH Port: ..................................... 22
    Protocol Level: ............................... Version 2
    SSH Sessions Currently Active: ................ 0
    Max SSH Sessions Allowed: ..................... 5
    SSH Timeout (mins): ........................... 5
    Keys Present: ................................. DSA(1024) RSA(1024) ECDSA(521)
    Key Generation In Progress: ................... None
    SSH Public Key Authentication Mode: ........... Disabled
    SCP server Administrative Mode: ............... Disabled
  2. Générez les clés SSH :

    crypto key generate

    Montrer l'exemple
    (switch)# config
    (switch) (Config)# crypto key generate rsa
    Do you want to overwrite the existing RSA keys? (y/n): y
    (switch) (Config)# crypto key generate dsa
    Do you want to overwrite the existing DSA keys? (y/n): y
    (switch) (Config)# crypto key generate ecdsa 521
    Do you want to overwrite the existing ECDSA keys? (y/n): y
    (switch) (Config)# aaa authorization commands "noCmdAuthList" none
    (switch) (Config)# exit
    (switch)# ip ssh server enable
    (switch)# ip scp server enable
    (switch)# ip ssh pubkey-auth
    (switch)# write mem
    This operation may take a few minutes.
    Management interfaces will not be available during this time.
    Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) y
    Config file 'startup-config' created successfully.
    Configuration Saved!
    Avertissement Assurez-vous que SSH est désactivé avant de modifier les clés, sinon un avertissement est signalé sur le commutateur.
  3. Chiffrez les clés SSH (pour FIPS-mode uniquement) :

    Avertissement En mode FIPS, les clés doivent être chiffrées avec une phrase secrète pour des raisons de sécurité. En l'absence d'une clé chiffrée, l'application ne démarre pas. Les clés sont créées et chiffrées à l'aide des commandes suivantes :
    Montrer l'exemple
    (switch) configure
    (switch) (Config)# crypto key encrypt write rsa passphrase <passphase>
    The key will be encrypted and saved on NVRAM.
    This will result in saving all existing configuration also.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
    Config file 'startup-config' created successfully.
    (switch) (Config)# crypto key encrypt write dsa passphrase <passphase>
    The key will be encrypted and saved on NVRAM.
    This will result in saving all existing configuration also.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
    Config file 'startup-config' created successfully.
    (switch)(Config)# crypto key encrypt write ecdsa passphrase <passphase>
    The key will be encrypted and saved on NVRAM.
    This will result in saving all existing configuration also.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
    Config file 'startup-config' created successfully.
    (switch) (Config)# end
    (switch)# write memory
    This operation may take a few minutes.
    Management interfaces will not be available during this time.
    Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) y
    Config file 'startup-config' created successfully.
    Configuration Saved!
  4. Redémarrez le commutateur :


  5. Vérifiez que SSH est activé :

    show ip ssh

    Montrer l'exemple
    (switch)# show ip ssh
    SSH Configuration
    Administrative Mode: .......................... Enabled
    SSH Port: ..................................... 22
    Protocol Level: ............................... Version 2
    SSH Sessions Currently Active: ................ 0
    Max SSH Sessions Allowed: ..................... 5
    SSH Timeout (mins): ........................... 5
    Keys Present: ................................. DSA(1024) RSA(1024) ECDSA(521)
    Key Generation In Progress: ................... None
    SSH Public Key Authentication Mode: ........... Enabled
    SCP server Administrative Mode: ............... Enabled