SnapManager Oracle
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Esecuzione del recovery a livello di blocco con Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)


È possibile configurare SnapManager per catalogare i propri backup in Recovery Manager (RMAN), uno strumento Oracle, in modo da poter eseguire un ripristino a livello di blocco utilizzando RMAN. RMAN può utilizzare i file di controllo del database o un database del catalogo di ripristino separato come repository.

  1. Per eseguire un backup offline completo utilizzando SnapManager, immettere il seguente comando:

    backup smo create -offline-full-profileprofile_name-labelbackup_label_name-verbose


    • profile_name è il nome del profilo associato al backup

    • nome_etichetta_backup è il nome dell’etichetta di backup

smo backup create -offline -full -profile profile_monthly
-label full_backup -verbose

SMO-07109 [INFO ]: Cataloguing all files in backup set with RMAN
TAG=SMC_full_backup_1158773581857, RMAN=ES0/controlfile.
SMO-13037 [INFO ]: Successfully completed operation: Backup
SMO-13048 [INFO ]: Operation Status: SUCCESS
SMO-13049 [INFO ]: Elapsed Time: 0:02:20.506
Operation Id [ff8080810dcc47e3010dcc47eb7a0001] succeeded.
  1. Per verificare che il backup sia catalogato con RMAN, dall’host del database immettere il seguente comando al prompt di RMAN:

    list datafilecopy tag tag tag_name;

  2. Per verificare il database e determinare se i blocchi sono corrotti, immettere il seguente comando:

    dbv FILE=user01.dbf

    Il seguente output mostra che due pagine sono corrotte:

    DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Wed Sep 20 13:35:44 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = user01.dbf
    Page 625 is marked corrupt
    Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01400271 (file 5, block 625)
    Bad header found during dbv:
    Data in bad block:
    type: 240 format: 6 rdba: 0xed323b81
    last change scn: 0x6f07.faa74628 seq: 0x87 flg: 0x02
    spare1: 0x60 spare2: 0x5 spare3: 0xef7d
    consistency value in tail: 0xa210fe71
    check value in block header: 0x13c7
    block checksum disabled...
    Page 627 is marked corrupt
    Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01400273 (file 5, block 627)
    Bad header found during dbv:
    Data in bad block:
    type: 158 format: 7 rdba: 0x2101e16d
    last change scn: 0xe828.42414628 seq: 0xb4 flg: 0xff
    spare1: 0xcc spare2: 0x81 spare3: 0x8665
    consistency value in tail: 0x46d20601
    check value in block header: 0x1a84
    computed block checksum: 0x6c30
    DBVERIFY - Verification complete
    Total Pages Examined : 1280
    Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1123
    Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
    Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
    Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
    Total Pages Processed (Other): 34
    Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Empty : 120
    Total Pages Marked Corrupt: 2
    Total Pages Influx : 0
    Highest block SCN : 1337349 (0.1337349)
  3. Per rendere accessibili i file del backup sull’host e su RMAN, montare il backup utilizzando il seguente comando:

    smo backup mount -profileprofile_name-labellabel-verbose

    smo backup mount -profile SALES1 -label full_backup -verbose
    SMO-13046 [INFO ]: Operation GUID 8abc013111b9088e0111b908a7560001 starting on Profile SALES1
    SMO-08052 [INFO ]: Beginning to connect mount(s) [E:\logs,F:\data] from logical snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001.
    SMO-08025 [INFO ]: Beginning to connect mount E:\logs from snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001_0 of volume hs_logs.
    SMO-08027 [INFO ]: Finished connecting mount E:\logs from snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001_0 of volume hs_logs.
    SMO-08025 [INFO ]: Beginning to connect mount F:\data from snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001_0 of volume hs_data.
    SMO-08027 [INFO ]: Finished connecting mount F:\data from snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001_0 of volume hs_data.
    SMO-08053 [INFO ]: Finished connecting mount(s) [E:\logs,F:\data] from logical snapshot SMO_SALES1_hsdb1_F_C_1_8abc013111a450480111a45066210001.
    SMO-13037 [INFO ]: Successfully completed operation: Backup Mount
    SMO-13048 [INFO ]: Operation Status: SUCCESS
    SMO-13049 [INFO ]: Elapsed Time: 0:01:00.981
    Operation Id [8abc013111b9088e0111b908a7560001] succeeded.
  4. Per ripristinare i blocchi, in RMAN, immettere il seguente comando:

    Blockrecovery datafile '`e:` path file.dbf' block_id, dal tag backup_rman_tag

    RMAN> blockrecover datafile
    ‘E:\sys\file01.dbf’ block 625, 626, 627
    from tag SMO_full_backup_1158773581857;
    Starting blockrecover at 20-SEP-08 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=153 devtype=DISK
    channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring block(s) from datafile copy
    starting media recovery
    media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
    Finished blockrecover at 20-SEP-08
  5. Per verificare se i blocchi sono stati riparati, utilizzare il seguente comando:

    dbv FILE=nomefile.dbf

    Il seguente output mostra che nessuna pagina è corrotta:

    dbv FILE=user01.dbf
    DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Wed Sep 20 13:40:01 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = user01.dbf
    DBVERIFY - Verification complete
    Total Pages Examined : 1280
    Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1126
    Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
    Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
    Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
    Total Pages Processed (Other): 34
    Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Empty : 120
    Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
    Total Pages Influx : 0
    Highest block SCN : 1337349 (0.1337349)

    Tutti i blocchi corrotti sono stati riparati e ripristinati.