Il NFS di XCP copy
Il comando esegue la scansione e copia dell'intera struttura della directory di origine in un'esportazione NFSv3 di destinazione.
Il copy
il comando richiede la presenza di percorsi di origine e destinazione come variabili. Al termine dell'operazione di copia, vengono visualizzati i dati relativi a file sottoposti a scansione e copiati, throughput, velocità e tempo trascorso.
xcp copy <source_nfs_export_path> <destination_nfs_export_path>
Mostra esempio
root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol < IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.46.33.153705 Xcp command : xcp copy <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 38.9 KiB in (51.2 KiB/s), 81.2 KiB out (107KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
La seguente tabella elenca copy
parametri e loro descrizione.
Parametro | Descrizione |
Esclude i nomi di utenti e gruppi dagli elenchi di file e dai report. |
Elabora solo file e directory corrispondenti al filtro. |
Genera checksum sui file e salva i checksum durante l'indicizzazione (default: False). |
<<copy_dircount,copia -dircount [k]> |
Specifica la dimensione della richiesta durante la lettura delle directory. |
Include la stima della deduplica nei report. |
<<copy_bs,copia -bs [k]> |
Specifica le dimensioni del blocco di lettura/scrittura (valore predefinito: 64K). |
Specifica il numero massimo di processi batch simultanei (impostazione predefinita: 7). |
Ripristina tutti i file alla data dell'ultimo accesso sull'origine. |
Fornisce l'opzione per utilizzare HTTP invece di HTTPS per la comunicazione bucket S3. |
<<copy_s3_endpoint,copia -s3.endpoint > |
Sovrascrive l'URL endpoint predefinito di Amazon Web Services (AWS) con l'URL specificato per la comunicazione bucket S3. |
<<copy_s3_profile,copia -s3.profile > |
Specifica un profilo dal file delle credenziali AWS per la comunicazione del bucket S3. |
Sovrascrive la verifica predefinita della certificazione SSL per la comunicazione bucket S3. |
copia -nonames
Utilizzare -nonames
con il copy
comando per escludere i nomi degli utenti e dei gruppi da elenchi di file o rapporti.
xcp copy -nonames <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -nonames <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.48.48.147261 Xcp command : xcp copy -nonames <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 38.9 KiB in (53.5 KiB/s), 81.3 KiB out (112 KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
copia - corrisponde a <filter>
Utilizzare -match <filter>
con il copy
comando per specificare che vengono elaborati solo i file e le directory corrispondenti a un filtro.
xcp copy -match <filter> <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -match bin <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 04_00.00.07.125990 Xcp command : xcp copy -match bin <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 18 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 39.1 KiB in (52.6 KiB/s), 81.7 KiB out (110 KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
copia -md5 <string_expression>
Utilizzare -md5
con il copy
comando per generare checksum per gli elenchi dei file e salvare i checksum durante l'indicizzazione. Il valore predefinito è impostato su false.
xcp copy -md5 <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -md5 <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.47.41.137615 Xcp command : xcp copy -md5 <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 38.9 KiB in (52.1 KiB/s), 81.3 KiB out (109 KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
copia -dircount <n[k]>
Utilizzare -dircount <n[k]>
con il copy
comando per specificare la dimensione della richiesta durante la lettura delle directory. Il valore predefinito è 64k.
xcp copy -dircount <n[k]> <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -dircount 32k <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.58.01.094460 Xcp command : xcp copy -dircount 32k <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server >:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 39.1 KiB in (56.7 KiB/s), 81.6 KiB out (119 KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
copia -edupe
Utilizzare -edupe
con il copy
comando per includere la stima della deduplica nei report.
Simple Storage Service (S3) non supporta i file sparse. Pertanto, specificando un bucket S3 come destinazione di destinazione per copy -edupe Restituisce il valore "Nessuno" per i dati sparse.
xcp copy -edupe <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -edupe <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.48.10.436325 == Maximum Values == Size Used Depth Namelen Dirsize 1 KiB 4 KiB 2 11 9 == Average Values == Namelen Size Depth Dirsize 6 682 1 5 == Top Space Users == root 52 KiB == Top File Owners == root 18 == Top File Extensions == .txt other 5 10 == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 4 11 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 40 KiB == Directory entries == empty 1-10 3 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 18 == Accessed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future 4 11 == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future 10 5 == Changed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future 10 5 Total count: 18 Directories: 3 Regular files: 15 Symbolic links: None Special files: None Hard links: None, multilink files: None, Space Saved by Hard links (KB): 0 Sparse data: None Dedupe estimate: N/A Total space for regular files: size: 10.0 KiB, used: 40 KiB Total space for symlinks: size: 0, used: 0 Total space for directories: size: 12 KiB, used: 12 KiB Total space used: 52 KiB Xcp command : xcp copy -edupe <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <destination NFS export path>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 38.9 KiB in (36.7 KiB/s), 81.3 KiB out (76.7 KiB/s) Total Time : 1s. STATUS : PASSED
copy -bs <n[k]>
Utilizzare -bs <n[k]>
con il copy
comando per specificare le dimensioni del blocco di lettura/scrittura. Le dimensioni predefinite per i blocchi sono 64k.
xcp copy -bs <n[k]> <ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -bs 32k <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.57.04.742145 Xcp command : xcp copy -bs 32k <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 39.1 KiB in (115 KiB/s), 81.6 KiB out (241 KiB/s) Total Time : 0s. STATUS : PASSED
copia - <n> parallela
Utilizzare -parallel <n>
con il copy
comando per specificare il numero massimo di processi batch simultanei. Il valore predefinito è 7.
xcp copy -parallel <n> <ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol destination_ip_address_or_hostname:/<dest_vol>
Mostra esempio
[root@localhost linux]# ./xcp copy -parallel 4 <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: autoname_copy_2020-03- 03_23.59.41.477783 Xcp command : xcp copy -parallel 4 <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/source_vol <IP address of destination NFS server>:/dest_vol 18 scanned, 0 matched, 17 copied, 0 error Speed : 39.1 KiB in (35.6 KiB/s), 81.6 KiB out (74.4 KiB/s) Total Time : 1s. STATUS : PASSED
copia -preserva-atime
Utilizzare -preserve-atime
con il copy
comando per ripristinare tutti i file alla data dell'ultimo accesso sull'origine.
Il -preserve-atime
Option (opzione) consente di ripristinare il tempo di accesso al valore originale impostato prima dell'operazione di lettura XCP.
xcp copy -preserve-atime <source_ip_address_or_hostname>:/source_vol <destination_ip_address_or_hostname>:/dest_vol
Mostra esempio
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -preserve-atime xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2022-06- 30_14.22.53.742272 xcp: Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -preserve-atime Stats : 55 scanned, 54 copied, 55 indexed Speed : 1.26 MiB in (852 KiB/s), 1.32 MiB out (896 KiB/s) Total Time : 1s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2022-06-30_14.22.53.742272_2022-06- 30_14.22.53.742272_copy.log STATUS : PASSED [root@client1 linux]#
copia -s3.insecure
Utilizzare -s3.insecure
con il copy
Comando per utilizzare HTTP invece di HTTPS per la comunicazione bucket S3.
xcp copy -s3.insecure s3://<bucket_name>
Mostra esempio
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.insecure hdfs:///user/test s3://bucket1 xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 08_09.01.47.581599 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.01.47.581599_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.insecure hdfs:///user/test s3://bucket1 Stats : 8 scanned, 5 copied, 8 indexed, 5 KiB, 5 s3.copied.single.key.file, 5 s3.copied.file Speed : 6.78 KiB in (1.86 KiB/s), 83.3 KiB out (22.9 KiB/s) Total Time : 3s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.01.47.581599 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.01.47.581599_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.01.47.581599_copy.log STATUS : PASSED [root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.insecure hdfs:///user/demo s3://bucket1 xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 08_09.15.58.807485 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.15.58.807485_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.insecure hdfs:///user/demo s3://bucket1 Stats : 8 scanned, 5 copied, 8 indexed, 5 KiB, 5 s3.copied.single.key.file, 5 s3.copied.file Speed : 10.4 KiB in (3.60 KiB/s), 85.3 KiB out (29.6 KiB/s) Total Time : 2s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.15.58.807485 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.15.58.807485_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-08_09.15.58.807485_copy.log STATUS : PASSED
copy -s3.endpoint <s3_endpoint_url>
Utilizzare -s3.endpoint <s3_endpoint_url>
con il copy
Comando per sovrascrivere l'URL endpoint AWS predefinito con un URL specificato per la comunicazione bucket S3.
xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: s3://<bucket_name>
Mostra esempio
root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/test s3://xcp-testing xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_11.20.32.571348 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs:///user/test s3://xcp-testing Stats : 8 scanned, 5 copied, 8 indexed, 5 KiB, 5 s3.copied.single.key.file, 5 s3.copied.file Speed : 6.78 KiB in (1.77 KiB/s), 83.6 KiB out (21.8 KiB/s) Total Time : 3s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy.log STATUS : PASSED [root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://xcp-testing xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_11.40.26.913130 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy 15,009 scanned, 1,462 copied, 9 indexed, 1.46 MiB, 1,491 s3.copied.single.key.file, 1,491 s3.copied.file, 4.58 MiB in (933 KiB/s), 1.72 MiB out (350 KiB/s), 5s 15,009 scanned, 4,283 copied, 9 indexed, 4.20 MiB, 4,302 s3.copied.single.key.file, 4,302 s3.copied.file, 7.70 MiB in (629 KiB/s), 4.85 MiB out (632 KiB/s), 10s 15,009 scanned, 7,323 copied, 9 indexed, 7.17 MiB, 7,343 s3.copied.single.key.file, 7,343 s3.copied.file, 11.0 MiB in (672 KiB/s), 8.24 MiB out (681 KiB/s), 15s 15,009 scanned, 10,427 copied, 9 indexed, 10.2 MiB, 10,439 s3.copied.single.key.file, 10,439 s3.copied.file, 14.5 MiB in (690 KiB/s), 11.7 MiB out (695 KiB/s), 20s 15,009 scanned, 13,445 copied, 9 indexed, 13.1 MiB, 13,454 s3.copied.single.key.file, 13,454 s3.copied.file, 17.8 MiB in (676 KiB/s), 15.0 MiB out (682 KiB/s), 25s Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://xcp-testing Stats : 15,009 scanned, 15,005 copied, 15,009 indexed, 14.7 MiB, 15,005 s3.copied.single.key.file, 15,005 s3.copied.file Speed : 19.2 MiB in (712 KiB/s), 17.1 MiB out (635 KiB/s) Total Time : 27s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy.log STATUS : PASSED
copia -s3.profile <name>
Utilizzare s3.profile
con il copy
Comando per specificare un profilo dal file delle credenziali AWS per la comunicazione del bucket S3.
xcp copy -s3.profile <name> -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: s3://<bucket_name>
Mostra esempio
root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/test s3://xcp-testing xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_11.20.32.571348 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url> hdfs:///user/test s3://xcp-testing Stats : 8 scanned, 5 copied, 8 indexed, 5 KiB, 5 s3.copied.single.key.file, 5 s3.copied.file Speed : 6.78 KiB in (1.77 KiB/s), 83.6 KiB out (21.8 KiB/s) Total Time : 3s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.20.32.571348_copy.log STATUS : PASSED [root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://xcp-testing xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_11.40.26.913130 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy 15,009 scanned, 1,462 copied, 9 indexed, 1.46 MiB, 1,491 s3.copied.single.key.file, 1,491 s3.copied.file, 4.58 MiB in (933 KiB/s), 1.72 MiB out (350 KiB/s), 5s 15,009 scanned, 4,283 copied, 9 indexed, 4.20 MiB, 4,302 s3.copied.single.key.file, 4,302 s3.copied.file, 7.70 MiB in (629 KiB/s), 4.85 MiB out (632 KiB/s), 10s 15,009 scanned, 7,323 copied, 9 indexed, 7.17 MiB, 7,343 s3.copied.single.key.file, 7,343 s3.copied.file, 11.0 MiB in (672 KiB/s), 8.24 MiB out (681 KiB/s), 15s 15,009 scanned, 10,427 copied, 9 indexed, 10.2 MiB, 10,439 s3.copied.single.key.file, 10,439 s3.copied.file, 14.5 MiB in (690 KiB/s), 11.7 MiB out (695 KiB/s), 20s 15,009 scanned, 13,445 copied, 9 indexed, 13.1 MiB, 13,454 s3.copied.single.key.file, 13,454 s3.copied.file, 17.8 MiB in (676 KiB/s), 15.0 MiB out (682 KiB/s), 25s Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://xcp-testing Stats : 15,009 scanned, 15,005 copied, 15,009 indexed, 14.7 MiB, 15,005 s3.copied.single.key.file, 15,005 s3.copied.file Speed : 19.2 MiB in (712 KiB/s), 17.1 MiB out (635 KiB/s) Total Time : 27s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.40.26.913130_copy.log STATUS : PASSED
copia -s3.noverify
Utilizzare -s3.noverify
con il copy
Comando per ignorare la verifica predefinita della certificazione SSL per la comunicazione bucket S3.
xcp copy -s3.noverify s3://<bucket_name>
Mostra esempio
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp copy -s3.noverify hdfs://user/test s3:// bucket1 xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_10.57.41.994969 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_10.57.41.994969_copy Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.noverify hdfs://user/test s3://bucket1 Stats : 8 scanned, 5 copied, 8 indexed, 5 KiB, 5 s3.copied.single.key.file, 5 s3.copied.file Speed : 6.78 KiB in (2.36 KiB/s), 83.3 KiB out (29.0 KiB/s) Total Time : 2s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_10.57.41.994969 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_10.57.41.994969_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_10.57.41.994969_copy.log STATUS : PASSED ./xcp copy -s3.profile sg -s3.noverify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://bucket1 xcp: WARNING: No index name has been specified, creating one with name: XCP_copy_2023-06- 13_11.26.56.143287 Job ID: Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.26.56.143287_copy 1 scanned, 9.95 KiB in (1.99 KiB/s), 12.9 KiB out (2.58 KiB/s), 5s 15,009 scanned, 1,555 copied, 9 indexed, 1.54 MiB, 1,572 s3.copied.single.key.file, 1,572 s3.copied.file, 4.68 MiB in (951 KiB/s), 1.81 MiB out (365 KiB/s), 10s 15,009 scanned, 4,546 copied, 9 indexed, 4.46 MiB, 4,572 s3.copied.single.key.file, 4,572 s3.copied.file, 7.95 MiB in (660 KiB/s), 5.15 MiB out (674 KiB/s), 15s 15,009 scanned, 7,702 copied, 9 indexed, 7.53 MiB, 7,710 s3.copied.single.key.file, 7,710 s3.copied.file, 11.5 MiB in (710 KiB/s), 8.65 MiB out (707 KiB/s), 20s 15,009 scanned, 10,653 copied, 9 indexed, 10.4 MiB, 10,669 s3.copied.single.key.file, 10,669 s3.copied.file, 14.7 MiB in (661 KiB/s), 11.9 MiB out (670 KiB/s), 25s 15,009 scanned, 13,422 copied, 9 indexed, 13.1 MiB, 13,428 s3.copied.single.key.file, 13,428 s3.copied.file, 17.8 MiB in (627 KiB/s), 15.0 MiB out (627 KiB/s), 30s Xcp command : xcp copy -s3.profile sg -s3.noverify -s3.endpoint https://<endpoint_url>: hdfs:///user/demo s3://bucket1 Stats : 15,009 scanned, 15,005 copied, 15,009 indexed, 14.7 MiB, 15,005 s3.copied.single.key.file, 15,005 s3.copied.file Speed : 19.2 MiB in (609 KiB/s), 17.1 MiB out (543 KiB/s) Total Time : 32s. Migration ID: XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.26.56.143287 Job ID : Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.26.56.143287_copy Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_XCP_copy_2023-06-13_11.26.56.143287_copy.log STATUS : PASSED