PMI scan
Comando analizza ricorsivamente l'intera condivisione SMB ed elenca tutti i file entro la fine di scan
xcp scan \\<SMB share path>
Mostra esempio
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>xcp scan \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\volxcp c:\netapp\xcp\xcp scan \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share volxcp\3333.txt volxcp\SMB.txt volxcp\SMB1.txt volxcp\com.txt volxcp\commands.txt volxcp\console.txt volxcp\linux.txt volxcp\net use.txt volxcp\newcom.txt volxcp\notepad.txt c:\netapp\xcp\xcp scan \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share 60,345 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 8s STATUS : PASSED C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>Parameters
La seguente tabella elenca scan
parametri e loro descrizione.
Parametro | Descrizione |
Visualizza informazioni dettagliate sull'utilizzo del comando di scansione. |
Aumenta la verbosità del debug. |
Specifica il numero di processi simultanei (impostazione predefinita: <cpu-count>). |
Elabora solo file e directory corrispondenti al filtro. |
Esclude solo i file e le directory nel filtro. |
Ripristina l'ultima data di accesso sull'origine. |
Limita la profondità di ricerca a n livelli. |
Elenca i file nel formato di rapporto statistico ad albero. |
Elenca i file nel formato di report HTML delle statistiche ad albero. |
Elenca i file nel formato di rapporto CSV delle statistiche ad albero. |
Elenca i file nel formato di output dell'elenco lungo. |
Recupera le informazioni sulla proprietà dei file e delle directory sull'origine |
Riepiloga l'utilizzo dello spazio di ciascuna directory, incluse le sottodirectory. |
Formatta l'elenco dei file in base all'espressione Python (vedere |
Analizza in modo ricorsivo l'intera condivisione SMB ed elenca tutti i file e gli eventuali flussi di dati alternativi associati. |
scan -h, –-help
Utilizzare -h
e. –-help
parametri con scan
per visualizzare informazioni dettagliate sull'utilizzo del comando di scansione.
xcp scan --help
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan --help usage: xcp scan [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-exclude <filter>] [-preserve-atime] [-depth <n>] [-loglevel <name>] [-stats] [-l] [-ownership] [-du] [-fmt <expression>] [-html] [-csv] [-edupe] [-bs <n>] [-ads] source positional arguments: source optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v increase debug verbosity -parallel <n> number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>) -match <filter> only process files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -match` for details) -exclude <filter> Exclude files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -exclude` for details) -preserve-atime restore last accessed date on source -depth <n> limit the search depth -loglevel <name> option to set log level filter (default:INFO) -stats print tree statistics report -l detailed file listing output -ownership retrieve ownership information -du summarize space usage of each directory including subdirectories -fmt <expression> format file listing according to the python expression (see `xcp help -fmt` for details) -html Save HTML statistics report -csv Save CSV statistics report -edupe Include dedupe and sparse data estimate in reports (see documentation for details) -bs <n> read/write block size for scans which read data with -edupe (default: 64k) -ads scan NTFS alternate data stream
scansione -v
Utilizzare -v
con il scan
comando per fornire informazioni di registrazione dettagliate per la risoluzione dei problemi o il debug quando viene segnalato un errore o un avviso.
xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share ---Truncated output---- source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scansione - <n> parallela
Utilizzare -parallel <n>
con il scan
Comando per impostare un numero maggiore o minore di processi simultanei XCP.
Il valore massimo per n è 61. |
xcp scan -parallel <n> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt cifs_share\agnostic cifs_share xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scansione - corrispondenza <filter>
Utilizzare -match <filter>
con il scan
comando per elaborare solo file e directory corrispondenti al filtro.
xcp scan -match <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Nell'esempio seguente, scan -match
esegue la scansione di tutti i file che sono stati modificati tra un mese e un anno e stampa una riga sulla console per ciascun file trovato. Per ogni file vengono restituiti il formato ISO dell'ultima modifica, la dimensione leggibile del file, il tipo e il relativo percorso.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7}{} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match 1*month < modified < 1*year -fmt '{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Nell'esempio seguente, scan -match
Elenca i file che non sono stati modificati da più di 3 mesi e hanno dimensioni superiori a 4MB.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "modified > 3*month and size > 4194304" -fmt "'{},{}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "modified > 3*month and size > 4194304" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match modified > 3*month and size > 4194304 -fmt '{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Il primo dei due esempi seguenti corrisponde solo alle directory e la formattazione aggiunge una virgola tra le variabili "mtime", "percorso relativo" e "profondità".
Il secondo esempio reindirizza lo stesso output in "name.csv".
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 2013-03-07_15:41:40.376072,source_share\agnostic,1 2020-03-05_04:15:07.769268,source_share,0 xcp scan -match type is directory -fmt ','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 2 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share > name.csv xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share > name.csv
Nell'esempio seguente viene stampato il percorso completo e il RAW mtime
valore di tutti i file che non sono directory. Il mtime
il valore viene aggiunto con 70 caratteri per facilitare la lettura di un report della console.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is not directory" -fmt "'{}{:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "type is not directory" -fmt "'{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share --truncated output-- \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.238098 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.264073 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.394938 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.402936 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.410922 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.443902 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.444905 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.322019 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.446889 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.4479 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.562795 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.358093 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.359095 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.360094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.3611 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe 1362688900.362094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.363094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.364092 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.375077 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt 1362688900.376076 xcp scan -match type is not directory -fmt '{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 315 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scansione - escludi <filter>
Utilizzare -exclude <filter>
con scan
comando per escludere directory e file in base al modello nel filtro.
xcp scan -exclude <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Nell'esempio seguente, scan -exclude
esclude tutti i file che sono stati modificati tra un mese e un anno e stampa una riga nella console per ciascun file non escluso. I dettagli stampati per ogni file sono il formato ISO del suo ultimo momento di modifica, una dimensione leggibile dall'uomo del file, il suo tipo e il relativo percorso.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7}{} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname ofSMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic xcp scan -exclude "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7} {}{}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic 2013-03-07_15:39:22.852698 46 regular agnostic\P4ENV 2013-03-07_15:40:27.093887 8.40KiB regular agnostic\Client_outage.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.381870 23.0KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Configuration_Of_LLA_In_SK_BSD.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.382876 12.0KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Default_Route_changes.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.383870 25.8KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Port_Role_Change.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.385863 28.6KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_processing_And_Default_Route_Installation.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.386865 21.8KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_processing_large_No_Prefix.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:40.323163 225 regular agnostic\Makefile 2013-03-07_15:40:40.324160 165 regular agnostic\Makefile.template ----truncated output ---- 2013-03-07_15:45:36.668516 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor\symfony\src 2013-03-07_15:45:36.668514 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor\symfony 2013-03-07_15:45:40.782881 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor 2013-03-07_15:45:40.992685 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder 2013-03-07_15:45:53.242817 0 directory agnostic\tools 2013-03-07_15:46:11.334815 0 directory agnostic xcp scan -exclude 1*month < modified < 1*year -fmt '{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic 140,856 scanned, 1 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 46s STATUS : PASSED
Nell'esempio seguente, scan -exclude
Elenca i file non esclusi che non sono stati modificati da più di tre mesi e hanno dimensioni superiori a 5,5 KB. I dettagli stampati per ogni file sono il formato ISO dell'ultima modifica, una dimensione leggibile dal punto di vista umano del file, il suo tipo e il relativo percorso.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "modified > 3*month and size > 5650" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror xcp scan -exclude "modified > 3*month and size > 5650" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size) relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 2013-03-07_15:44:53.713279, 4.31KiB, snapmirror\rsm_abort.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.714269, 3.80KiB, snapmirror\rsm_break.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.715270, 3.99KiB, snapmirror\rsm_init.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.716268, 2.41KiB, snapmirror\rsm_quiesce.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.717263, 2.70KiB, snapmirror\rsm_release.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.718260, 4.06KiB, snapmirror\rsm_resume.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.720256, 4.77KiB, snapmirror\rsm_resync.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.721258, 3.83KiB, snapmirror\rsm_update.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.724256, 4.74KiB, snapmirror\sm_quiesce.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.725254, 4.03KiB, snapmirror\sm_resync.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.727249, 4.30KiB, snapmirror\sm_store_complete.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.729250, 0, snapmirror xcp scan -exclude modified > 3*month and size > 5650 -fmt '{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 18 scanned, 6 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Nell'esempio seguente sono escluse le directory. Elenca i file non esclusi con una formattazione che aggiunge una virgola tra le variabili mtime
, relpath
, e. depth
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror xcp scan -exclude "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath,depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 2013-03-07_15:44:53.712271,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.713279,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.714269,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.715270,snapmirror\rsm_init.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.716268,snapmirror\rsm_quiesce.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.717263,snapmirror\rsm_release.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.718260,snapmirror\rsm_resume.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.720256,snapmirror\rsm_resync.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.721258,snapmirror\rsm_update.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.722261,snapmirror\sm_init.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.723257,snapmirror\sm_init_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.724256,snapmirror\sm_quiesce.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.725254,snapmirror\sm_resync.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.726250,snapmirror\sm_retrieve_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.727249,snapmirror\sm_store_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.728256,snapmirror\sm_update.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.729260,snapmirror\sm_update_start.thpl,1 xcp scan -exclude type is directory -fmt ','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 18 scanned, 1 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Nell'esempio riportato di seguito viene stampato il percorso completo del file e il file RAW mtimevalue
di tutti i file che non sono directory. Il mtimevalue
è imbottito con 70 caratteri per facilitare un report della console leggibile.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "type is not directory" -fmt "'{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\source_share xcp scan -exclude type is not directory -fmt '{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 18 scanned, 17 excluded, 0errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -preserve-atime
Utilizzare -preserve-atime
con il scan
comando per ripristinare la data dell'ultimo accesso di tutti i file sull'origine e reimpostare atime
Al valore originale prima che XCP legga il file.
Quando si esegue la scansione di una condivisione SMB, il tempo di accesso viene modificato sui file (se il sistema di archiviazione è configurato per la modifica) atime
Alla lettura) perché XCP sta leggendo i file uno alla volta. XCP non cambia mai atime
, legge semplicemente il file, che attiva un aggiornamento su atime
xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
scan -depth <n> (scansione - profondità
Utilizzare -depth <n>
con il scan
Comando per limitare la profondità di ricerca delle directory all'interno di una condivisione SMB.
Il –depth Opzione specifica la profondità con cui XCP può eseguire la scansione dei file nelle sottodirectory.
xcp scan -depth <2> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan - stats (statistiche scansione)
Utilizzare -stats
con il scan
comando per elencare i file in un formato di rapporto delle statistiche ad albero.
L'opzione -stats consente di stampare un report leggibile da un utente sulla console. Altre opzioni di formato del rapporto sono -html o -csv. Il formato CSV (comma-Separated Values, valori separati da virgola) contiene valori esatti. I report CSV e HTML vengono salvati automaticamente nel catalogo, se esiste un catalogo. |
xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 88.2MiB 3 108 20 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 4.74MiB 2 21 9 == Top File Extensions == no extension .PDF .exe .html .whl .py other 22 2 2 2 2 1 9 20.0KiB 1.54MiB 88.4MiB 124KiB 1.47MiB 1.62KiB 98.3MiB == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 2 24 2 7 2 3 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.0KiB 124KiB 2.87MiB 2.91MiB 184MiB 0 == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 4 1 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 45 == Modified == >1 year 9-12 months 6-9 months 3-6 months 1-3 months 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future <1970 invalid 44 1 190MiB == Created == >1 year 9-12 months 6-9 months 3-6 months 1-3 months 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future <1970 invalid 45 190MiB Total count: 45 Directories: 5 Regular files: 40 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files: 190MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 190MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share 45 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scansione -html
Utilizzare -html
con il scan
Comando per elencare i file in un report di statistiche HTML.
I report XCP (.csv, .html) vengono salvati nella stessa posizione del file binario XCP. Il nome del file è nel formato <xcp_process_id>_<time_stamp>.html. Quando XCP non è in grado di mappare gli identificatori di protezione (SID) ai nomi dei proprietari, utilizza le ultime cifre dopo l'ultimo “–” nel SID per rappresentare il proprietario. Ad esempio, quando XCP non è in grado di mappare il SID S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 al proprietario, rappresenta il proprietario utilizzando 4854184. |
xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
Z:\scripts\xcp\windows>xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 1,972 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 7s 4,768 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,12s 7,963 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,17s 10,532 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,22s 12,866 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,27s 15,770 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,32s 17,676 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,37s == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 535KiB 16 33 45 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 10.3KiB 7 11 6 == Top File SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-3403389 9318 8470 1 == Top Space SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-3403389 76.8MiB 69.8MiB 0 == Top File Extensions == py .rst .html no extension .txt .png other 5418 3738 1974 1197 630 336 1344 == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 168 11466 2709 294 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.4MiB 55.3MiB 66.9MiB == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 42 2690 420 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 3832 12527 1424 6 == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 11718 2961 3110 == Created == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 1 17788 == Accessed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 14624 3165 Total count: 17789 Directories: 3152 Regular files: 14637 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files:147MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 147MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname ofSMB server>\source_share 17,789 scanned, 0 matched, 0errors Total Time : 39s STATUS : PASSED
scansione -csv
Utilizzare -csv
con il scan
Comando per elencare i file in un report delle statistiche della struttura CSV.
xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
Z:\scripts\xcp\windows>xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 1,761 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 6s 4,949 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,11s 7,500 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,16s 10,175 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,21s 12,371 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,26s 15,330 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,31s 17,501 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,36s == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 535KiB 16 33 45 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 10.3KiB 7 11 6 == Top File SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150- 3383017265-3403389 9318 8470 1 == Top Space SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150- 3383017265-3403389 76.8MiB 69.8MiB 0 == Top File Extensions == .py .rst .html no extension .txt .png other 5418 3738 1974 1197 630 336 1344 == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 168 11466 2709 294 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.4MiB 55.3MiB 66.9MiB 0 0 0 == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 42 2690 420 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 3832 12527 1424 6 == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 11718 2961 3110 == Created == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 17789 == Accessed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 15754 2035 Total count: 17789 Directories: 3152 Regular files: 14637 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files: 147MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 147MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 17,789 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 40s STATUS : PASSED
scansione -l
Utilizzare -l
con il scan
comando per elencare i file nel formato di output dell'elenco lungo.
xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share f 195KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 34.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 4.11KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 38.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 3.83KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 70.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 2.65KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 60.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 36.9KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 8.98KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 19.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 20.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 2.28KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 18.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 43.0KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 19.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 33.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 3.47KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 37.8KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 188KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 15.9KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 13.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 41.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 24.0KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 34.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 30.2KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 40.9KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 15.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 29.3KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 13.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 5.55KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe f 3.92KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 35.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 40.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 6.22KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt d 0 7y0d source_share\agnostic d 0 19h17m source_share xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
proprietà scansione
Utilizzare -ownership
con il scan
comando per recuperare le informazioni sulla proprietà dei file.
È possibile utilizzare solo -ownership con -l , -match , -fmt , o. -stats parametri.
xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share f BUILTIN\Administrators 195KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 34.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 4.11KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 38.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.83KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 70.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.65KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 60.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 36.9KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 8.98KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 19.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 20.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.28KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 18.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 43.0KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 19.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 33.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.47KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 37.8KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.44KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 37.2KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 17.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 9.21KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 15.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 29.3KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 13.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 5.55KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.92KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 35.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 40.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 6.22KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt d BUILTIN\Administrators 7y0d source_share\agnostic d BUILTIN\Administrators xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
scansione -du
Utilizzare -du
con il scan
per riepilogare l'utilizzo dello spazio di ogni directory, incluse le sottodirectory.
xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 569KiB source_share\agnostic 19.8MiB source_share xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -fmt <expression>
Utilizzare -fmt <expression>
con il scan
comando per formattare un elenco di file in base a un'espressione definita.
xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IPaddress or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\,, 199239, 1 source_share\,, 35506, 1 source_share\,, 4204, 1 source_share\,, 39024, 1 source_share\,, 3924, 1 source_share\,, 71777, 1 source_share\,, 2714, 1 source_share\,, 61699, 1 source_share\,, 37780, 1 source_share\,, 9195, 1 source_share\,, 19779, 1 source_share\,, 21215, 1 source_share\,, 2337, 1 source_share\agnostic\,, 30962, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 41868, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 16057,2 source_share\agnostic\,, 30018,2 source_share\agnostic\,, 14067, 2 source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe, RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe, 5685, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 4019, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 36624, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 41344, 2 source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt, flatfile.txt, 6366, 2 source_share\agnostic, agnostic, 0, 1 source_share, , 0, 0 xcp scan -fmt ', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scansiona -annunci
Utilizzare -ads
contrassegnare il parametro con il scan
Comando con per eseguire la scansione ricorsiva dell'intera condivisione SMB ed elencare tutti i file e gli eventuali flussi di dati alternativi associati.
xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src src\file1.txt:ads1 src\file1.txt:ads_file1.txt_1697037934.4154522.txt src\file1.txt src\file2.txt:ads1 src\file2.txt:ads_file2.txt_1697037934.5873265.txt src\file2.txt src\test1.txt:ads_test1.txt_1697037934.7435765.txt src\test1.txt src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads1 src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_dfile1.txt_1697037934.1185782.txt src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_xcp.exe src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_tar src\dir1\dfile1.txt:java_exe src\dir1\dfile1.txt:cmdzip src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads1_2GB src\dir1\dfile1.txt src\dir1:ads1 src\dir1:ads_dir1_1697038504.087317.txt src\dir1 src:ads_src_1697038504.7123322.txt src xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 15 ads scanned Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED