Il sync
il comando analizza le modifiche e le modifiche nelle condivisioni di origine e destinazione in parallelo e applica le azioni appropriate alla destinazione per assicurarsi che la destinazione sia identica all'origine. Il sync
il comando confronta il contenuto dei dati, i timestamp, gli attributi dei file, la proprietà e le informazioni sulla sicurezza.
xcp sync \\<source SMB share> \\<IP address of SMB destination server>
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
La seguente tabella elenca sync
parametri e loro descrizione.
Parametro | Descrizione |
Mostra questo messaggio di aiuto e esci. |
Aumentare la verbosità del debug. |
Numero di processi simultanei (impostazione predefinita: <cpu-count>). |
Elaborare solo file e directory corrispondenti al filtro (vedere |
Escludere solo i file e le directory nel filtro. |
Ripristina l'ultima data di accesso sull'origine. |
Non controllare il tempo di accesso ai file. |
Non controllare l'ora di creazione del file. |
Non controllare l'ora di modifica del file. (Questa opzione è obsoleta. La sincronizzazione continuerà ad essere eseguita senza questa opzione.) |
Non controllare gli attributi. |
Non verificare la proprietà. |
Differenza di tempo di accesso accettabile, in secondi. |
Differenza di tempo di creazione accettabile, in secondi. |
Differenza di tempo di modifica accettabile, in secondi, |
Copiare le informazioni di protezione. |
Utente Active Directory o utente locale (non di dominio) sul computer di destinazione per ricevere le autorizzazioni degli utenti locali (non di dominio) del computer di origine (ad esempio: Dominio\amministratore). |
Gruppo Active Directory o gruppo locale (non di dominio) sul computer di destinazione per ricevere le autorizzazioni dei gruppi di computer di origine locali (non di dominio) (ad esempio: Dominio\amministratori). |
Aumenta i dettagli di output. |
Sincronizza ACL per la directory principale. |
Copiare solo le informazioni di protezione. |
Fornire un'opzione per includere o ignorare la verifica ACL durante l'operazione di sincronizzazione ACL. |
Dimensione blocco lettura/scrittura (default:1M). |
Utilizzare |
sync -h, --help
Utilizzare -h
e. –-help
parametri con sync
per visualizzare informazioni dettagliate sul sync
xcp sync -–help
Mostra esempio
C:\Netapp\xcp>xcp sync --help usage: xcp sync [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-exclude <filter>] [-preserve-atime] [-noatime] [-noctime] [-nomtime] [-noattrs] [-atimewindow <float>] [-ctimewindow <float>] [-mtimewindow <float>] [-acl] [-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER] [-fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP] [-loglevel <name>] [-l] [-root] [-noownership] [-onlyacl] [-aclverify {yes,no}] [-bs <n>] [-ads] source target Note: ONTAP does not let a SMB client modify COMPRESSED or ENCRYPTED attributes. XCP sync will ignore these file attributes. positional arguments: source target optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v increase debug verbosity -parallel <n> number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>) -match <filter> only process files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -match` for details) -exclude <filter> Exclude files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -exclude` for details) -preserve-atime restore last accessed date on source -noatime do not check file access time -noctime do not check file creation time -nomtime do not check file modification time -noattrs do not check attributes -atimewindow <float> acceptable access time difference in seconds -ctimewindow <float> acceptable creation time difference in seconds -mtimewindow <float> acceptable modification time difference in seconds -acl copy security information -fallback-user FALLBACK_USER the name of the user on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine users (eg. domain\administrator) -fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP the name of the group on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine groups (eg. domain\administrators) -loglevel <name> option to set log levelfilter -l increase output detail -root sync acl for root directory -noownership do not sync ownership -onlyacl sync only acls -aclverify {yes,no} choose whether you need to skip acl verification -bs <n> read/write block size for sync (default: 1M) -ads sync ntfs alternate data stream
sincronizza -v
Utilizzare -v
con il sync
comando per fornire informazioni dettagliate sul debug.
xcp sync -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\vol_SMB_source_xxxxxx\warning \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx
Mostra esempio
C:\XCP>xcp sync -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\vol_SMB_source_xxxxxx\warning \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_32\Microsoft.CertificateServices.PKIClient.Cmdlets\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\p ki.psd1": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_tar shil\\assembly\\GAC_32\\Microsoft.CertificateServices.PKIClient.Cmdlets\\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf3856ad 364e35\\pki.psd1' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_64\Microsoft.GroupPolicy.AdmTmplEditor\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.Gro upPolicy.AdmTmplEditor.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\10.61. \vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_64\\Microsoft.GroupPolicy.AdmTmplEditor\\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf 3856ad364e35\\Microsoft.GroupPolicy.AdmTmplEditor.dll' 1,933 scanned, 1,361 compared, 2 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 1,120 removed, 5s ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_64\System.Printing\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\System.Printing.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\ 4\\System.Printing\\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\System.Printing.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore\v4.0_3.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\Micro soft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\ \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore\\v4 .0_3.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow.ServiceCore.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.RightsManagementServices.ServerManager.DeploymentPlugin\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.RightsManagementServices.ServerManager.Deploymen n.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\Microsoft.RightsManagementServices.ServerMana ger.DeploymentPlugin\\v4.0_6.3.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\Mic .RightsManagementServices.ServerManager.DeploymentPlugin.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.WSMan.Management\v4.0_3.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.WSMan.Mana gement.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_ _xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\Microsoft.WSMan.Management\\v4.0_3.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\Microsof t.WSMan.Management.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\PresentationUI\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\PresentationUI.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\ SIL\\PresentationUI\\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\PresentationUI.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.IO.Compression.FileSystem\v4.0_4.0.0.0 b77a5c561934e089\System.IO.Comp ression.FileSystem.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\ _SMB_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\System.IO.Compression.FileSystem\\v4.0_4.0.0.0 b77a5c561 934e089\\System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll' ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.IdentityModel.Selectors\v4.0_4.0.0.0 b77a5c561934e089\System.IdentityM odel.Selectors.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\v s_target_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\System.IdentityModel.Selectors\\v4.0_4.0.0.0 b77a5c561934e0 89\\System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll' 2,747 scanned, 2,675 compared, 9 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 2,624 removed, 10s ERROR failed to remove from target "assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.DataVisualization\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\System.Web.DataVis ualization.dll": [Errno 13] Access is denied: '\\\\?\\UNC\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\vol_c rget_xxxxxx\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\System.Web.DataVisualization\\v4.0_4.0.0.0 31bf3856ad364e35\\Sy stem.Web.DataVisualization.dll' cp sync -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\vol_SMB_source_xxxxxx\warning \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx 2,831 scanned, 0 copied, 2,831 compared, 0 removed, 10 errors Total Time : 10s STATUS : PASSED
sync -parallel <n>
Utilizzare -parallel <n>
con il sync
Comando per impostare un numero maggiore o minore di processi simultanei XCP. Il sync -parallel <n>
il comando si sincronizza con il numero di processi simultanei (impostazione predefinita: <cpu-count>).
Il valore massimo per n è 61. |
xcp sync -parallel <n>> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\volxcp\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\xcp1_test1
Mostra esempio
C:\xcp>xcp sync -parallel 5 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\volxcp\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\xcp1_test1 658 scanned, 244 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 658 scanned, 606 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10s 658 scanned, 658 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10s Sending statistics...
sincronizza - corrisponde a <filter>
Utilizzare -match <filter>
con il sync
comando per eseguire la scansione della struttura di origine e di destinazione e confrontare solo i file o le directory che corrispondono all'argomento del filtro. In caso di differenze, il comando applica le azioni necessarie sulla destinazione per mantenerle sincronizzate.
xcp sync -match <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -match "'gx' in name" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -match "'gx' in name" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -match 'gx' in name \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 10 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
sync -exclude <filter>
Utilizzare -exclude <filter>
con il sync
comando per escludere solo file e directory nel filtro.
xcp sync -exclude <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -exclude "path('*Exceptions*')" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -exclude path('*Exceptions*') \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 451 scanned, 427 excluded, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
sync -preserve-atime
Utilizzare -preserve-atime
con il sync
Comando per ripristinare "atime" al valore originale prima che XCP legga il file.
xcp sync -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 4s STATUS : PASSED
sync -noatime
Utilizzare -noatime
con il sync
comando per sincronizzare tutte le differenze tra l'origine e la destinazione, escludendo i file che hanno solo differenze nei tempi di accesso.
xcp sync -noatime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -noatime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noatime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noatime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -noctime
Utilizzare -noctime
con il sync
comando per sincronizzare tutte le differenze tra l'origine e la destinazione, escludendo i file che presentano solo differenze nel tempo di creazione.
xcp sync -noctime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -noctime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noctime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noctime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -nomtime
Utilizzare -nomtime
con il sync
comando per sincronizzare tutte le differenze tra l'origine e la destinazione, esclusi i file che hanno solo differenze nel tempo di modifica. (Questa opzione è obsoleta. Il sync
il comando continuerà ad essere eseguito senza questa opzione).
xcp sync -nomtime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -nomtime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -nomtime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -nomtime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -noattrs
Utilizzare -noattrs
con il sync
comando per sincronizzare tutte le differenze tra l'origine e la destinazione, esclusi i file che presentano solo differenze negli attributi del file. XCP copia un file solo quando ha contenuto diverso (gli ACL vengono trasferiti).
xcp sync -noattrs \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -noattrs \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noattrs \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -noattrs \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -noownership
Utilizzare -noownership
con il sync
comando per sincronizzare tutte le differenze tra l'origine e la destinazione, esclusi i file che hanno solo differenze di proprietà.
xcp sync -noownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\vol_SMB_source_xxxxxx \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\vol_SMB_target_xxxxxx
Mostra esempio
>xcp sync -acl -noownership -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share Truncated Output 302,909 scanned, 301,365 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 9m46s 307,632 scanned, 303,530 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 9m51s 308,434 scanned, 305,462 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 9m56s 310,824 scanned, 307,328 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m1s 313,238 scanned, 310,083 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m6s 314,867 scanned, 313,407 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m11s 318,277 scanned, 315,856 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m17s 321,005 scanned, 318,384 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m22s 322,189 scanned, 321,863 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m27s 323,906 scanned, 323,906 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10m29s xcp sync -acl -noownership -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 323,906 scanned, 0 copied, 323,906 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 10m29s STATUS : PASSED
sync -atimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -atimewindow <float>
con il sync
comando per specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per l'ora di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi se la differenza di tempo è inferiore a <value>.
xcp sync -atimewindow <float> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Nell'esempio seguente, XCP accetta una differenza di tempo fino a 10 minuti tra i file di origine e di destinazione e non aggiorna l'atime sulla destinazione.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -atimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share xcp sync -atimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share xcp sync -atimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -ctimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -ctimewindow <float>
con il sync
comando per specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per la ctime di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi quando la differenza in ctime è inferiore a <value>.
xcp sync -ctimewindow <float> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Nell'esempio seguente, XCP accetta una differenza di tempo per un massimo di 10 minuti tra i file di origine e di destinazione e non aggiorna il tempo di coda sulla destinazione.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -mtimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -mtimewindow <float>
con il sync
comando per specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per la mtime di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi quando la differenza in mtime è inferiore a <value>.
xcp sync -mtimewindow <float> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -acl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -acl
, -fallback-user
e. -fallback-group
parametri con sync
per confrontare i dati e le informazioni di sicurezza provenienti dall'origine con la destinazione e applicare le azioni richieste sulla destinazione. Il -fallback-user
e. -fallback-group
Le opzioni sono un utente o un gruppo sul computer di destinazione o in Active Directory che ricevono le autorizzazioni degli utenti o dei gruppi di origine locali (non di dominio).
Non è possibile utilizzare -acl senza -fallback-user e. -fallback-group opzioni.
xcp sync -acl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\performance_SMB_home_dirs \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\performance_SMB_home_dirs
Mostra esempio
C:\xcp>xcp sync -acl -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 10,796 scanned, 4,002 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, s 15,796 scanned, 8,038 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 0s 15,796 scanned, 8,505 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 15,796 scanned, 8,707 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 0s 15,796 scanned, 8,730 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 15,796 scanned, 8,749 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 0s 15,796 scanned, 8,765 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 15,796 scanned, 8,786 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 0s 15,796 scanned, 8,956 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 15,796 scanned, 9,320 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 0s 15,796 scanned, 9,339 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s 15,796 scanned, 9,363 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, m0s 15,796 scanned, 10,019 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m5s 15,796 scanned, 10,042 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m10s 15,796 scanned, 10,059 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m15s 15,796 scanned, 10,075 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m20s 15,796 scanned, 10,091 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m25s 15,796 scanned, 10,108 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m30s 15,796 scanned, 10,929 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m35s 15,796 scanned, 12,443 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m40s 15,796 scanned, 13,963 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m45s 15,796 scanned, 15,488 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m50s 15,796 scanned, 15,796 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied 0 removed, 1m51s xcp sync -acl -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 15,796 scanned, 0 copied, 15,796 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 1m51 STATUS : PASSED
sync -l
Utilizzare -l
con il sync
Comando per fornire informazioni di registrazione dettagliate nell'output standard per tutte le azioni eseguite da XCP sulla destinazione.
xcp sync -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share File "atime" changed, timestamps set for "agnostic" File "atime" changed, timestamps set for "<root>" xcp sync -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 634 scanned, 0 copied, 634 compared, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
sync -root
Utilizzare -root
con il sync
Comando per sincronizzare gli ACL per la directory principale.
xcp sync -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\NetApp\XCP>xcp sync -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 12 scanned, 0 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 1 acls copied Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
sync -onlyacl-fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -onlyacl
, -fallback-user
, e. -fallback-group
parametri con sync
per confrontare le informazioni di sicurezza tra l'origine e la destinazione e applicare le azioni richieste sulla destinazione. Il -fallback-user
e. -fallback-group
Si tratta di un utente o di un gruppo sul computer di destinazione o in Active Directory che riceve le autorizzazioni degli utenti o dei gruppi di origine locali (non di dominio).
Non è possibile utilizzare -onlyacl parametro senza -fallback-user e. -fallback-group opzioni.
xcp sync -onlyacl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\Users\ctladmin\Desktop>xcp sync -onlyacl -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 8,814 scanned, 0 copied, 620 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 6s 9,294 scanned, 0 copied, 2,064 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 11s 12,614 scanned, 0 copied, 3,729 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 16s 13,034 scanned, 0 copied, 5,136 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 21s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 7,241 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 26s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 8,101 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 31s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 8,801 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 36s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 9,681 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 41s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 10,405 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 46s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 11,431 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 51s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 12,471 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 56s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 13,495 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 1m1s 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 14,282 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 1m6s xcp sync -onlyacl -preserve-atime -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 14,282 scanned, 0 copied, 14,282 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 1m7s STATUS : PASSED
sync -aclverify{yes,no}
Utilizzare -aclverify{yes,no}
con il sync
Comando per fornire un'opzione per includere o ignorare la verifica ACL durante l'operazione di sincronizzazione ACL. Questa opzione può essere utilizzata solo con sync -acl
e. sync -onlyacl
comandi. La sincronizzazione ACL esegue la verifica ACL per impostazione predefinita. Se si imposta -aclverify
opzione a. no
, È possibile ignorare la verifica ACL e la fallback-user
e. fallback-group
le opzioni non sono obbligatorie. Se si imposta -aclverify
a. yes
, richiede l' fallback-user
e. fallback-group
opzioni, come illustrato nell'esempio seguente.
xcp sync -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp sync -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 25 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5s, 0 acls copied 25 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 10s, 0 acls copied 25 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 15s, 0 acls copied xcp sync -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 25 scanned, 1 copied, 25 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 12 acls copied Total Time : 16s STATUS : PASSED C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp sync -acl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -acl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 27 scanned, 1 copied, 27 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 13 acls copied Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp sync -onlyacl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 24 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5s, 0 acls copied 24 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 10s, 0 acls copied 24 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 15s, 0 acls copied xcp sync -onlyacl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp sync -onlyacl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp sync -onlyacl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 24 scanned, 0 copied, 24 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 11 acls copied Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
sync -bs <n>
Utilizzare -bs <n>
con il sync
comando per fornire dimensioni dei blocchi di lettura/scrittura. Il formato predefinito è 1M.
xcp.exe sync -bs <n> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\Netapp\xcp>xcp.exe sync -bs 64k \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 1,136 scanned, 0 copied, 1,135 compared, 0 skipped, 95 removed, 0 errors, 5s xcp.exe sync -bs 64k \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 1,136 scanned, 283 copied, 1,136 compared, 0 skipped, 283 removed, 0 errors Total Time : 10s STATUS : PASSED
sync -ads
Utilizzare -ads
con il sync
Comando per cercare modifiche e modifiche a flussi di dati alternativi nella condivisione SMB di origine e di destinazione. In caso di modifiche, applica la modifica alla destinazione per assicurarsi che la destinazione sia identica all'origine.
xcp sync -ads \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp sync -ads \\<source_IP_address>\source_share\src \\<dest_IP_address>\dest_share 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 10s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 15s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 20s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 25s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 30s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 1m0s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 2m50s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 2m55s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 3m0s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 3m55s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 4m0s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 4m55s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5m0s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5m5s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5m10s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 5m55s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 6m0s, 1 ads copied 13 scanned, 1 copied, 12 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 6m5s, 1 ads copied xcp sync -ads \\<source_IP_address>\source_share\src \\<dest_IP_addess>\dest_share 13 scanned, 1 copied, 13 compared, 0 skipped, 0 removed, 0 errors, 1 ads copied Total Time : 6m9s STATUS : PASSED