Il verify
il comando legge e confronta le condivisioni di origine e di destinazione e fornisce informazioni sui diversi elementi. È possibile utilizzare verify
comando su qualsiasi origine e destinazione, indipendentemente dallo strumento utilizzato per eseguire l'operazione di copia o sincronizzazione.
xcp verify \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\ <IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors xcp verify \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
La seguente tabella elenca verify
parametri e loro descrizione.
Parametro | Descrizione |
Mostra questo messaggio di aiuto e esci. |
Aumentare la verbosità del debug. |
Numero di processi simultanei (impostazione predefinita: <cpu-count>). |
Elaborare solo file e directory corrispondenti al filtro (vedere |
Escludere solo i file e le directory nel filtro. |
Ripristina l'ultima data di accesso sull'origine. |
Non controllare i dati. |
Verificare il tempo di accesso ai file. |
Non controllare l'ora di creazione del file. |
Non controllare l'ora di modifica del file. |
Non controllare gli attributi. |
Non verificare la proprietà. |
Il |
Non controllare gli ACL. |
Differenza di tempo di accesso accettabile, in secondi. |
Differenza di tempo di creazione accettabile, in secondi. |
Differenza di tempo di modifica accettabile, in secondi, |
Eseguire la scansione delle strutture di origine e di destinazione in parallelo e confrontare le statistiche della struttura. |
Aumenta i dettagli di output. |
Aumenta i dettagli di output (formato git diff). |
Utente Active Directory o utente locale (non di dominio) sul computer di destinazione per ricevere le autorizzazioni degli utenti locali (non di dominio) del computer di origine (ad esempio: Dominio\amministratore). |
Gruppo Active Directory o gruppo locale (non di dominio) sul computer di destinazione per ricevere le autorizzazioni dei gruppi di computer di origine locali (non di dominio) (ad esempio: Dominio\amministratori). |
Verificare gli ACL per la directory principale. |
Verificare solo le informazioni di protezione. |
verificare -h, --help
Utilizzare -h
e. –-help
parametri con verify
per visualizzare informazioni dettagliate sul verify
xcp verify –help
Mostra esempio
C:\Netapp\xcp>xcp verify –help usage: xcp verify [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-exclude <filter>][-preserve-atime] [-loglevel <name>] [-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER] [-fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP] [-noacls] [-nodata] [-stats] [-l] [-root] [-noownership] [-onlyacl] [-noctime] [-nomtime] [-noattrs] [-atime] [-atimewindow <float>] [-ctimewindow <float>] [-mtimewindow <float>] [-ads] source target Note: ONTAP does not let a SMB client modify COMPRESSED or ENCRYPTED attributes. XCP sync will ignore these file attributes. positional arguments: source target optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v increase debug verbosity -parallel <n> number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>) -match <filter> only process files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -match` for details) -exclude <filter> Exclude files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -exclude` for details) -preserve-atime restore last accessed date on source --help-diag Show all options including diag.The diag options should be used only on recommendation by NetApp support. -loglevel <name> option to set log level filter (default:INFO) -fallback-user FALLBACK_USER a user on the target machine to translate the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine users (eg. domain\administrator) -fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP a group on the target machine to translate the permissions of local (non- domain) source machine groups (eg. domain\administrators) -nodata do not check data -stats scan source and target trees in parallel and compare tree statistics -l detailed file listing output -root verify acl for root directory -noacls do not check acls -noownership do not check ownership -onlyacl verify only acls -noctime do not check file creation time -nomtime do not check file modification time -noattrs do not check attributes -atime verify acess time as well -atimewindow <float> acceptable access time difference in seconds -ctimewindow <float> acceptable creation time difference in seconds -mtimewindow <float> acceptable modification time difference in seconds -ads verify ntfs alternate data stream
verificare -v
Utilizzare -v
con il verify
comando per fornire informazioni dettagliate sul debug.
xcp verify -v \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp> xcp verify -v \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v \\< IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -parallel <n>
Utilizzare -parallel <n>
con il verify
Comando per impostare un numero maggiore o minore di processi simultanei XCP. Il verify -parallel <n>
comando verifica il numero di processi simultanei (impostazione predefinita: <cpu-count>).
Il valore massimo per n è 61. |
xcp verify -v -parallel <n> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -v -parallel 8 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v -parallel 8 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v -parallel 8 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 4s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -corrisponde a <filter>
Utilizzare -match <filter>
con il verify
comando per eseguire la scansione della struttura di origine e di destinazione e confrontare solo i file o le directory che corrispondono all'argomento del filtro. In caso di differenze, il comando applica le azioni necessarie sulla destinazione per mantenerle sincronizzate.
xcp verify -v -match <filter> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -v -match "'Microsoft' in name" \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v -match "'Microsoft' in name" \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -v -match 'Microsoft' in name \\<IP address of SMB source server> \source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 0 compared, 0 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -exclude <filter>
Utilizzare -exclude <filter>
con il verify
comando per escludere solo file e directory nel filtro.
xcp verify -exclude <filter> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -exclude "path('*Exceptions*')" \\<IP address of SMB sourceserver>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 210 scanned, 99 excluded, 6 compared, 5 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5s 210 scanned, 107 excluded, 13 compared, 12 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 10s 210 scanned, 107 excluded, 13 compared, 12 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 15s 210 scanned, 107 excluded, 13 compared, 12 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 20s 335 scanned, 253 excluded, 13 compared, 12 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 25s 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 15 compared, 14 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 30s 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 15 compared, 14 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 35s 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 15 compared, 14 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 40s 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 15 compared, 14 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 45s 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 16 compared, 15 same, 1 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 50s xcp verify -exclude path('*Exceptions*') \\<IP address of SMB sourceserver>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 445 scanned, 427 excluded, 17 compared, 17 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1m11s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -preserva-atime
Utilizzare -preserve-atime
con il verify
comando per il reset atime
Al valore originale prima che XCP legga il file.
xcp verify -preserve-atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -preserve-atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -preserve-atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 179 compared, 179 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5s xcp verify -preserve-atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 8s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -nodata
Utilizzare -nodata
con il verify
comando per non confrontare i dati.
xcp verify -nodata \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -nodata \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -nodata \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -nodata \\<IP address of SMB source server> \source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share : PASSED 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -atime
Utilizzare -atime
con il verify
comando per confrontare i timestamp di accesso al file dall'origine alla destinazione.
xcp verify -ll -atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\Netapp\xcp> xcp verify -ll -atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share WARNING: your license will expire in less than one week! You can renew your license at dir1: Changed (atime) atime - 2023-04-14 10:28:47 (1681482527.564423) + 2023-04-14 10:24:40 (1681482280.366317) dir2: Changed (atime) atime - 2023-04-14 10:28:47 (1681482527.564424) + 2023-04-14 10:24:40 (1681482280.366318) <root>: Changed (atime) atime - 2023-04-14 10:28:47 (1681482527.054403) + 2023-04-14 10:28:35 (1681482515.538801) xcp verify -ll -atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 14 scanned, 13 compared, 10 same, 3 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : FAILED
verificare -noctime
Utilizzare -noctime
con il verify
comando per non confrontare i timestamp di creazione del file dall'origine alla destinazione.
xcp verify -noctime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -noctime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noctime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noctime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share : PASSED 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -nomtime
Utilizzare -nomtime
con il verify
comando per non confrontare i timestamp di modifica del file dall'origine alla destinazione.
xcp verify -nomtime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -nomtime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -nomtime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -nomtime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share : PASSED 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -noattrs
Utilizzare -noattrs
con il verify
comando per non controllare gli attributi.
xcp verify -noattrs \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -noattrs \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noattrs \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noattrs \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share : PASSED 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -noownership
Utilizzare -noownership
con il verify
comando per non controllare la proprietà.
xcp verify -noownership \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -noownership \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noownership \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noownership \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share : PASSED 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -ads
Utilizzare il -ads
parametro con il verify
comando per controllare se sono presenti flussi di dati alternativi sull'origine e sulla destinazione e visualizzare eventuali differenze.
xcp verify -ads \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -ads \\<source_IP_address>\source_share\src \\<dest_IP_address>\dest_share 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 10s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 1m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 1m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 2m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 2m5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 2m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 3m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 3m5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 3m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 4m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5m5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 6m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 6m5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 6m10s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 7m0s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 7m5s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 7m55s 7 scanned, 5 compared, 5 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 8m0s xcp verify -ads \\source_Ip_address>\source_share\src \\<dest_IP_address>\dest_share 7 scanned, 6 compared, 6 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 8m4s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -noacls
Utilizzare -noacls
con il verify
Comando per non controllare gli ACL.
xcp verify -noacls -noownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -noacls -noownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noacls -noownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -noacls -noownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 318 scanned, 317 compared, 317 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -noacls -noownership
Utilizzare -noownership
parametro con verify -noacls
Per non controllare gli ACL o la proprietà dall'origine alla destinazione.
xcp verify -noacls -noownership <source> <target>
verificare -atimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -atimewindow <float>
con il verify
che consente di specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per atime
di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi se la differenza in atime
è inferiore a <value>. Il verify - atimewindow
command può essere utilizzato solo con -atime
xcp verify -atimewindow <float> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\Netapp\xcp> xcp verify -atimewindow 600 -atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -atimewindow 600 -atime \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 14 scanned, 13 compared, 13 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors
verificare -ctimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -ctimewindow <float>
con il verify
che consente di specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per ctime
di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi quando la differenza in ctime
è inferiore a <value>.
xcp verify -ctimewindow <float> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB sourceserver>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -ctimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -mtimewindow <float>
Utilizzare -mtimewindow <float>
con il verify
che consente di specificare la differenza accettabile, in secondi, per mtime
di un file dall'origine alla destinazione. XCP non riporta i file come diversi quando la differenza in mtime
è inferiore a <value>.
xcp verify -mtimewindow <float> \\<IP address of SMB sourceserver>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB sourceserver>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -mtimewindow 600 \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -stats
Utilizzare -stats
con il verify
comando per eseguire la scansione dell'origine e della destinazione e stampare un report delle statistiche ad albero che mostra analogie o differenze tra le due condivisioni.
xcp verify -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 81 170 62 2 on-target same same same same on-source same same same same == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 1 1 on-target same same on-source same same == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 317 on-target same on-source same == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 315 2 on-target same same on-source same same Total count: 317 / same / same Directories: 2 / same / same Regular files: 315 / same / same Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: xcp verify -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 635 scanned, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -l
Utilizzare -l
con il verify
per elencare le differenze tra i file e le directory sull'origine e sulla destinazione.
xcp verify -l \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Nell'esempio seguente, durante la copia, le informazioni sulla proprietà non sono state trasferite ed è possibile vedere le differenze nell'output del comando.
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -l \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -l \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -l \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verifica -ll
Utilizzare -ll
con il verify
per elencare le differenze dettagliate dei file o delle directory dall'origine e dalla destinazione. Il formato è come git diff. Il valore rosso è quello vecchio della sorgente e il valore verde è quello nuovo della destinazione.
xcp verify -ll \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp verify -ll \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -ll \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -ll \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 374 scanned, 373 compared, 373 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : PASSED
verify-fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -fallback-user
e. -fallback-group
parametri con verify
Comando per elencare le differenze di ACL e proprietà tra i file e le directory sull'origine e sulla destinazione.
Se si utilizza fallback-user e. fallback-group Con un'operazione di copia o sincronizzazione, NetApp consiglia di utilizzare anche l' fallback-user e. fallback-group parametri con l'operazione di verifica.
xcp verify -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
verificare -noownership-fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -noownership,
, e. -fallback-group
parametri con verify
Comando per elencare le differenze ACL e ignorare la verifica della proprietà tra i file e le directory nell'origine e nella destinazione.
xcp verify -noownership -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
verificare -noacls-fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -noacls
, -fallback-user
, e. -fallback-group
parametri con verify
Comando per saltare la verifica degli ACL e verificare la proprietà tra file e directory nell'origine e nella destinazione.
xcp verify -noacls -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
verificare -root
Utilizzare il -root
parametro con il verify
comando per verificare gli ACL per la directory principale.
xcp verify -root -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback- group <fallback_group> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\NetApp\XCP>xcp verify -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp verify -l -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 7 scanned, 6 compared, 6 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
verificare -onlyacl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback- group <fallback_group>
Utilizzare -onlyacl
, -fallback-user
e. -fallback-group
parametri con verify
per confrontare solo le informazioni di sicurezza tra origine e destinazione.
xcp verify -onlyacl -preserve-atime -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback- group <fallback_group> \\<IP address of SMB source server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
Mostra esempio
C:\Users\ctladmin\Desktop>xcp verify -onlyacl -preserve-atime -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback- group "DOMAIN\Group" -ll \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 4,722 scanned, 0 compared, 0 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 5s 7,142 scanned, 120 compared, 120 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 10s 7,142 scanned, 856 compared, 856 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 15s 7,142 scanned, 1,374 compared, 1,374 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 20s 7,142 scanned, 2,168 compared, 2,168 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 25s 7,142 scanned, 2,910 compared, 2,910 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 30s 7,142 scanned, 3,629 compared, 3,629 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 35s 7,142 scanned, 4,190 compared, 4,190 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 40s 7,142 scanned, 4,842 compared, 4,842 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 45s 7,142 scanned, 5,622 compared, 5,622 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 50s 7,142 scanned, 6,402 compared, 6,402 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 55s 7,142 scanned, 7,019 compared, 7,019 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors, 1m0s xcp verify -onlyacl -preserve-atime -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" -ll \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 7,142 scanned, 7,141 compared, 7,141 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 0 errors Total Time : 1m2s STATUS : PASSED