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사이트 장애


스토리지 시스템 또는 사이트 장애 결과는 복제 링크 손실의 결과와 거의 동일합니다. 정상적인 사이트에서 쓰기 작업 시 약 15초의 입출력 일시 중지 현상이 발생합니다. 15초가 지나면 평소와 같이 해당 사이트에서 입출력이 재개됩니다.

스토리지 시스템만 영향을 받은 경우 장애가 발생한 사이트의 Oracle RAC 노드는 스토리지 서비스를 잃게 되고 제거 및 후속 재부팅 전에 동일한 200초 디스크 시간 초과 카운트다운을 시작합니다.

2024-09-11 13:44:38.613 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1615: No I/O has completed after 50% of the maximum interval. If this persists, voting file /dev/mapper/grid2 will be considered not functional in 99750 milliseconds.
2024-09-11 13:44:51.202 [ORAAGENT(5437)]CRS-5011: Check of resource "NTAP" failed: details at "(:CLSN00007:)" in "/gridbase/diag/crs/jfs13/crs/trace/crsd_oraagent_oracle.trc"
2024-09-11 13:44:51.798 [ORAAGENT(75914)]CRS-8500: Oracle Clusterware ORAAGENT process is starting with operating system process ID 75914
2024-09-11 13:45:28.626 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1614: No I/O has completed after 75% of the maximum interval. If this persists, voting file /dev/mapper/grid2 will be considered not functional in 49730 milliseconds.
2024-09-11 13:45:33.339 [ORAAGENT(76328)]CRS-8500: Oracle Clusterware ORAAGENT process is starting with operating system process ID 76328
2024-09-11 13:45:58.629 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1613: No I/O has completed after 90% of the maximum interval. If this persists, voting file /dev/mapper/grid2 will be considered not functional in 19730 milliseconds.
2024-09-11 13:46:18.630 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1604: CSSD voting file is offline: /dev/mapper/grid2; details at (:CSSNM00058:) in /gridbase/diag/crs/jfs13/crs/trace/onmd.trc.
2024-09-11 13:46:18.631 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1606: The number of voting files available, 0, is less than the minimum number of voting files required, 1, resulting in CSSD termination to ensure data integrity; details at (:CSSNM00018:) in /gridbase/diag/crs/jfs13/crs/trace/onmd.trc
2024-09-11 13:46:18.638 [ONMD(3629)]CRS-1699: The CSS daemon is terminating due to a fatal error from thread: clssnmvDiskPingMonitorThread; Details at (:CSSSC00012:) in /gridbase/diag/crs/jfs13/crs/trace/onmd.trc
2024-09-11 13:46:18.651 [OCSSD(3631)]CRS-1652: Starting clean up of CRSD resources.

스토리지 서비스가 손실된 RAC 노드의 SAN 경로 상태는 다음과 같습니다.

oradata7 (3600a0980383041334a3f55676c697347) dm-20 NETAPP,LUN C-Mode
size=128G features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=enabled
| `- 34:0:0:18 sdam 66:96  failed faulty running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=enabled
  `- 33:0:0:18 sdaj 66:48  failed faulty running

Linux 호스트가 200초보다 훨씬 빠른 경로 손실을 감지했지만 데이터베이스 관점에서 장애가 발생한 사이트의 호스트에 대한 클라이언트 연결은 기본 Oracle RAC 설정에서 200초 동안 동결됩니다. 전체 데이터베이스 작업은 제거가 완료된 후에만 재개됩니다.

한편, 반대쪽 사이트의 Oracle RAC 노드는 다른 RAC 노드의 손실을 기록합니다. 그렇지 않으면 평소와 같이 계속 작동합니다.

2024-09-11 13:46:34.152 [ONMD(3547)]CRS-1612: Network communication with node jfs13 (2) has been missing for 50% of the timeout interval.  If this persists, removal of this node from cluster will occur in 14.020 seconds
2024-09-11 13:46:41.154 [ONMD(3547)]CRS-1611: Network communication with node jfs13 (2) has been missing for 75% of the timeout interval.  If this persists, removal of this node from cluster will occur in 7.010 seconds
2024-09-11 13:46:46.155 [ONMD(3547)]CRS-1610: Network communication with node jfs13 (2) has been missing for 90% of the timeout interval.  If this persists, removal of this node from cluster will occur in 2.010 seconds
2024-09-11 13:46:46.470 [OHASD(1705)]CRS-8011: reboot advisory message from host: jfs13, component: cssmonit, with time stamp: L-2024-09-11-13:46:46.404
2024-09-11 13:46:46.471 [OHASD(1705)]CRS-8013: reboot advisory message text: At this point node has lost voting file majority access and oracssdmonitor is rebooting the node due to unknown reason as it did not receive local hearbeats for 28180 ms amount of time
2024-09-11 13:46:48.173 [ONMD(3547)]CRS-1632: Node jfs13 is being removed from the cluster in cluster incarnation 621516934