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takover 상태에서 SnapMirror 삭제 작업이 실패합니다


클러스터에 ONTAP 9.9.1이 설치된 경우 SM-BC 정합성 보장 그룹 관계가 Takeover 상태에 있을 때 'napmirror delete' 명령을 실행하면 실패합니다.

C2_cluster::> snapmirror delete  vs1:/cg/dd

Error: command failed: RPC: Couldn't make connection
해결 방법

SM-BC 관계에 있는 노드가 Takeover 상태에 있는 경우 "-force" 옵션을 true로 설정하여 SnapMirror 삭제 및 릴리즈 작업을 수행합니다.

C2_cluster::> snapmirror delete  vs1:/cg/dd -force true

Warning: The relationship between source "vs0:/cg/ss" and destination
         "vs1:/cg/dd" will be deleted, however the items of the destination
         Consistency Group might not be made writable, deletable, or modifiable
         after the operation. Manual recovery might be required.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Operation succeeded: snapmirror delete for the relationship with destination "vs1:/cg/dd".