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ONTAP MetroCluster

Choosing your transition procedure

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-folivia netapp-martyh NetAppZacharyWambold netapp-thomi

When transitioning to a MetroCluster IP configuration, you must have a combination of supported platform models. You should also ensure that the MetroCluster IP platform is an appropriate size for the load that you are transitioning from the MetroCluster FC configuration to the MetroCluster IP configuration.

The following table shows the supported platform combinations. You can transition from platforms in the left-hand column to platforms listed as supported in the columns to the right, as indicated by the colored table cells.

For example, transitioning from a MetroCluster FC configuration consisting of AFF8060 controller modules to an IP configuration consisting of AFF A400 controller modules is supported.

metrocluster fc ip transition matrix 914
  • Note 1: This platform combination requires ONTAP 9.11.1 or later.

  • Note 2: You must have a 40GbE interface for the local cluster interfaces on the FC nodes. This platform combination requires ONTAP 9.11.1 or later.

  • Note 3: You must have a 100GbE interface for the local cluster interfaces on the FC nodes. This platform combination requires ONTAP 9.11.1 or later.

  • The transition procedures all require ONTAP 9.8 or later unless stated otherwise in the notes or as required by an individual platform.

  • All nodes in the MetroCluster configuration must be running the same ONTAP version. For example, if you have an eight-node configuration, all eight nodes must be running the same ONTAP version.

  • Do not exceed any object limits of the 'lower' of the platforms in the combination. Apply the lower object limit of the two platforms.

  • If the target platform limits are lower then the MetroCluster limits, you must reconfigure the MetroCluster to be at, or below, the target platform limits before you add the new nodes.

  • Refer to the Hardware universe for platform limits.

You must select a transition procedure depending on your existing MetroCluster FC configuration.

A transition procedure replaces the back-end FC switch fabric or FC-VI connection with an IP switch network. The exact procedure depends on your starting configuration.

The original platforms and FC switches (if present) are retired at the end of the transition procedure.

Starting configuration

Disruptive or nondisruptive



Eight node


New storage shelves are supported on new platforms.

Four node


New storage shelves are supported on new platforms.

Two node


New storage shelves are supported on both original and new platforms.

Two node


New storage shelves are supported on both original and new platforms. Old storage shelves must be retired.

Two node


Old storage shelves are not supported on new platforms. Old storage shelves must be retired.