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Logs de eventos XCP SMB


Veja exemplos de logs de eventos para XCP SMB.

A tabela a seguir mostra os logs de eventos para o XCP SMB.

ID do evento Modelo de evento Exemplo de evento


CPU usage has crossed <CPU percentage use>%

2020-06-23 12:42:02,705 - INFO {"Event ID": 355, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "CPU usage for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "CPU usage has crossed 96%"}


Memory usage has crossed <memory percentage use>%

2020-06-23 12:42:02,705 - INFO {"Event ID": 356, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Memory usage for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "CPU usage has crossed92.5%"}


Address was not found: <complete address over which command is fired>

2020-07-15 02:57:06,466 - ERROR {"Event ID": 61, "Event Category": "Application Failure", "Event Type": "Address was not found", "ExecutionId": 408264113696, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Address was not found: \"\\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs1\""}


Interface cannot be found: < complete address over which command is fired >

2020-07-15 02:52:00,603 - ERROR {"Event ID": 62, "Event Category": "Application Failure", "Event Type": "Interface was not found", "ExecutionId": 408264071616, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Interface cannot be found: \"\\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs11\""}


Invalid Address. Please make sure that the Address starts with '\\'

2020-07-15 03:00:10,422 - ERROR {"Event ID": 63, "Event Category": "Application Failure", "Event Type": "Invalid Address", "ExecutionId": 408264197308, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Invalid Address. Please make sure that the Address starts with '\\'"}


Destination volume is left with no free space please increase the size target volume:<destination volume>

2020-06-15 17:12:46,413 - ERROR {"Event ID": 41, "Event Category": "Application Failure", "Event Type": "No space left on destination error", "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Destination volume is left with no free space please increase the size of target volume: <IP address of SMB server>\\to"}


Log file path : <file path>, severity filter level <severity level>, log message sanitization is set as <value of sanitization option>

{"Event ID": 211, "Event Category": "Logging and supportability", "Event Type": "XCP logging information", "ExecutionId": 408252673852, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Log file path : C:\\NetApp\\XCP\\Logs\\xcp.log, severity filter level DEBUG, log message sanitization is set as False"}


Event file path : <file path>, severity filter level <severity level>, Event message sanitization is set as <sanitization option>

{"Event ID": 215, "Event Category": "Logging and supportability", "Event Type": "XCP event information", "ExecutionId": 408252673852, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Event file path : C:\\NetApp\\XCP\\Logs\\xcp_event.log, severity filter level INFO, Event message sanitization is set as False"}


This license is issued to <user name> of <company name>, license type is <license type> with <status> status, license will expire expires on <expiration date>

{"Event ID": 181, "Event Category": "Authentication and authorization", "Event Type": "license information", "ExecutionId": 408252673852, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "This license is issued to calin of NetApp Inc, license type is SANDBOX with ACTIVE status, license will expire on Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform information> for source <scan source>

2020-07-15 02:12:56,917 - INFO {"Event ID": 13, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp scan operation", "ExecutionId": 408263470688, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP {scan} is running on platform Windows- 8.1-6.3.9600-SP0 for source \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs"}


System resources available wile command : <command>, are : cpu
<CPU information>, total memory <total memory on system>, available memory

2020-07-15 02:12:56,917 - INFO {"Event ID": 351, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for scan", "ExecutionId": 408263470688, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : scan, are : cpu 4, total memory 8.00GiB, available memory 6.81GiB"}


XCP scan completed successfully after scanning <scanned items count> items. Source :<scan source>

2020-07-15 02:12:57,932 - INFO {"Event ID": 14, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP scan completion", "ExecutionId": 408263470688, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP scan completed successfully after scanning 29 items. Source : \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform information> for source <copy source> and destination <copy destination>

2020-07-15 02:19:06,562 - INFO {"Event ID": 25, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp copy operation", "ExecutionId": 408263563552, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP {copy} is running on platform Windows- 8.1-6.3.9600-SP0 for source \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs and destination \\\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\source_vol"}


System resources available while executing command :<command>, are : cpu
<CPU information>, total memory <Total memory>, available memory <memory available for execution>

2020-07-15 02:19:06,562 - INFO {"Event ID": 352, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for copy", "ExecutionId": 408263563552, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : copy, are : cpu 4, total memory 8.00GiB, available memory 6.82GiB"}


XCP copy completed successfully after copying <copied items count> items. Source :<copy source>, destination : <copy destination>

2020-07-15 02:19:14,500 - INFO {"Event ID": 26, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP copy completion", "ExecutionId": 408263563552, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP copy completed successfully after copying 0 items. Source :


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform> for source <sync source> and destination <sync destination>

2020-07-15 02:27:10,490 - INFO {"Event ID": 16, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp sync operation", "ExecutionId": 408263688308, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP {sync} is running on platform Windows- 8.1-6.3.9600-SP0 for source \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs and destination \\\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\source_vol"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command>, are : cpu <CPU information>, total memory <total memory>, available memory <available memory>

2020-07-15 02:27:10,490 - INFO {"Event ID": 353, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for sync", "ExecutionId": 408263688308, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : sync, are : cpu 4, total memory 8.00GiB, available memory 6.83GiB"}


XCP sync completed successfully after scanning <scanned item count> items, copying <copied item count> items, comparing <compared item count> items, removing <removed item count> items. Source : <sync source>, destination : <sync destination>

2020-07-15 03:04:14,269 - INFO {"Event ID": 17, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP sync completion", "ExecutionId": 408264256392, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP sync completed successfully after scanning30 items, copying 20 items, comparing 30 items, removing 0 items. Source : \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs, destination :\\\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\source_vol"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform information> for source <verify source> and destination <verify destination>

2020-07-15 03:14:04,854 - INFO {"Event ID": 19, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp verify operation", "ExecutionId": 408264409944, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP {verify -noacl} is running on platform Windows-8.1-6.3.9600-SP0 for source \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs and destination \\\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\source_vol"}


System resources available for command : <command>, are : cpu <CPU information>, total memory <total memory>, available memory <available memory for execution>

2020-07-15 03:14:04,854 - INFO {"Event ID": 354, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for verify", "ExecutionId": 408264409944, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : verify, are : cpu 4, total memory 8.00GiB, available memory 6.80GiB"}


XCP verify is completed by scanning <scanned item count> items, comparing <compared item count> items

{"Event ID": 20, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP verify completion", "command Id": 408227440800, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP verify is completed by scanning 59 items, comparing 0 items"}


CPU utilization reduced to <CPU utilization percentage>%

{"Event ID": 357, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "CPU usage for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP- 01", "Description": "CPU utilization reduced to 8.2%"}


Memory utilization reduced to <memory utilization percentage>%

{"Event ID": 358, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Memory usage for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Memory utilization reduced to 19%"}


XCP command <command> has failed

2020-07-14 09:43:08,381 - INFO {"Event ID": 10, "Event Category": " Xcp job status", "Event Type": "XCP command failure", "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": " XCP command H:\\console_msg\\xcp_cifs\\xcp\\ main .py verify \\\\<IP address of SMB server>\\cifs \\\\<IP address of SMB destination server>\\source_vol has failed”