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Reboot a node on an ASA r2 storage system

Contributors netapp-aherbin

You might need to reboot a node for maintenance, troubleshooting, software updates or other administrative reasons. When a node is rebooted, its HA partner automatically executes a takeover. The partner node then performs an automatic giveback after the rebooted node comes back online.

  1. In System Manager, select Cluster > Overview.

  2. Select three vertical blue dots next to the node you want to reboot; then select Reboot.

  3. Enter the reason you are rebooting the node; then select Reboot.

    The reason you enter for the reboot is recorded in the system audit log.

What's next?

While the node is being rebooted, its HA partner performs a takeover so that there is no interruption in data service. When the reboot is complete, the HA partner performs a giveback.