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BeeGFS on NetApp with E-Series Storage

Map BeeGFS services to file nodes

Contributors mcwhiteside

Specify what file nodes can run each BeeGFS service using the inventory.yml file.


This section walks through how to create the inventory.yml file. This includes listing all block nodes and specifying what file nodes can run each BeeGFS service.


Create the file inventory.yml and populate it as follows:

  1. From the top of the file, create the standard Ansible inventory structure:

    # BeeGFS HA (High_Availability) cluster inventory.
  2. Create a group containing all block nodes participating in this HA cluster:

        # Ansible group representing all block nodes:
            <BLOCK NODE HOSTNAME>:
            <BLOCK NODE HOSTNAME>:
            # Additional block nodes as needed.
  3. Create a group that will contain all BeeGFS services in the cluster, and the file nodes that will run them:

        # Ansible group representing all file nodes:
  4. For each BeeGFS service in the cluster, define the preferred and any secondary file node(s) that should run that service:

            <SERVICE>: # Ex. "mgmt", "meta_01", or "stor_01".
                <FILE NODE HOSTNAME>:
                <FILE NODE HOSTNAME>:
                # Additional file nodes as needed.

Click here for an example of a complete inventory file.