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Create a working environment with BYOL licensing (node-based)

Contributors netapp-ranuk

You can use this workflow to create a new Cloud Volumes ONTAP working environment using bring-your-own-license (BYOL) licensing (node-based).

When using BYOL licensing:
  • A marketplace subscription is not required.

  • A NetApp Support Site (NSS) key is required to register the system for support.

  • You can add more volumes after creating the working environment. You can choose to create a volume using either NFS, CIFS, or iSCSI protocol.

To optionally create a new volume with the working environment, you must modify the JSON input provided on the REST API call. See Create a working environment with PAYGO licensing for an example.

Choose the workflow depending to use based on the type of the Cloud Volumes ONTAP deployment:

Create working environment for single node

You can use this workflow to create a single node Cloud Volumes ONTAP working environment.

Step 1. Select the region

Perform the workflow Get regions and choose the code value for the region parameter in step 7.

Step 2. Select the workspace

Perform the workflow Get tenants and choose the workspacePublicId value for the tenantId parameter in step 7.

Step 3. Select the permutations configuration

Perform the workflow Get permutations and choose the ontapVersion and license: type and instanceType values for the vsaMetadata parameter in step 7.

You will also need to include the platformSerialNumber value in vsaMetadata parameter in the REST API call.

Step 4. Select the VPC

Perform the workflow Get VPCs and choose the vpcId value for the vpcId parameter in step 7.

Step 5. Select the EBS volume configuration

Perform the workflow Get EBS volume types and choose the size and supportedVolumeTypes values for the ebsVolumeSize and ebsVolumeType parameters in step 7.

Note You need to choose one of the allowed values for the required ebsVolumeType parameter. We have used gp2 value for this parameter in step 7.

Step 6. Obtain the required NSS key

An NSS key is required when using BYOL licensing. You can create a key or select an existing key, and include the NSS key in the nssAccount parameter in step 7.

  • To create a new NSS key using the BlueXP web user interface, perform the task Generate NSS user ID and choose the NSS ID.

  • To select an existing NSS key, perform the workflow Get NSS keys and choose the id of the required NSS user.

Step 7. Create the working environment

You can issue a REST API call to create a working environment.

HTTP method and endpoint

This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.

HTTP method Path



Curl example
curl --request POST \
--location "" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data @JSONinput
Example 1. JSON input example
Enable Elastic Volumes

The ebsVolumeType parameter must be gp3 or io1.

disableEv: boolean, default value is false. By default, new Cloud Volumes ONTAP instances are created with Elastic Volumes enabled on aggregates.

    "name": "ziv02we03",
    "svmPassword": "password",
    "vpcId": "vpc-b16c90d4",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "tenantId": "workspace-cxxx123",
    "subnetId": "subnet-f4da95ac",
    "dataEncryptionType": "AWS",
    "nssAccount": "xxx332ce3-xxxx-4000-xx00-000a0601c682",
    "vsaMetadata": {
        "ontapVersion": "ONTAP-9.9.0.T1",
        "licenseType": "cot-premium-byol",
        "instanceType": "m5.xlarge",
        "platformSerialNumber": "00100100000000000020"
        "ebsVolumeSize": {
            "size": 100,
            "unit": "GB"
            "ebsVolumeType": "gp2"
Disable Elastic Volumes

You can set "disableEv": "true" if you choose to create a Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance with an aggregate where Elastic Volumes is disabled.

    "name": "ziv02we03",
    "svmPassword": "password",
    "vpcId": "vpc-b16c90d4",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "tenantId": "workspace-cxxx123",
    "subnetId": "subnet-f4da95ac",
    "dataEncryptionType": "AWS",
    "nssAccount": "xxx332ce3-xxxx-4000-xx00-000a0601c682",
    "vsaMetadata": {
        "ontapVersion": "ONTAP-9.9.0.T1",
        "licenseType": "cot-premium-byol",
        "instanceType": "m5.xlarge",
        "platformSerialNumber": "00100100000000000020"
        "ebsVolumeSize": {
            "size": 100,
            "unit": "GB"
            "ebsVolumeType": "gp2"

This API request uses BYOL licensing as indicated in the licenseType parameter. The platformSerialNumber is required.

JSON output example

The JSON output example includes an example of the VsaWorkingEnvironmentresponse response.

    "publicId": "VsaWorkingEnvironment-wL2MaBJs",
    "name": "username",
    "tenantId": "tenantIDgoeshere",
    "svmName": "svm_ziv02we03",
    "creatorUserEmail": "user_email",
    "status": null,
    "awsProperties": null,
    "reservedSize": null,
    "encryptionProperties": null,
    "clusterProperties": null,
    "ontapClusterProperties": null,
    "actionsRequired": null,
    "interClusterLifs": null,
    "cronJobSchedules": null,
    "snapshotPolicies": null,
    "svms": null,
    "activeActions": null,
    "replicationProperties": null,
    "schedules": null,
    "cloudProviderName": "Amazon",
    "isHA": false,
    "workingEnvironmentType": "VSA",
    "supportRegistrationProperties": null,
    "supportRegistrationInformation": null,
    "haProperties": null,
    "capacityFeatures": null,
    "cloudSyncProperties": null,
    "supportedFeatures": null,
    "k8sProperties": null,
    "fpolicyProperties": null,
    "saasProperties": null,
    "cbsProperties": null,
    "complianceProperties": null,
    "monitoringProperties": null

Create working environment for high availability pair

You can use this workflow to create an HA Cloud Volumes ONTAP working environment.

Step 1. Select the region

Perform the workflow Get regions and choose the code value for the region parameter in step 11.

Step 2. Select the cloud provider account

Perform the workflow Get cloud provider accounts and choose the publicId value of the required account for the cloudProviderAccount parameter.

Step 3. Select the workspace

Perform the workflow Get tenants and choose the workspacePublicId value for the tenantId parameter in step 11.

Step 4. Select the permutations configuration

Perform the workflow Get permutations and choose the ontapVersion and license: type and instanceType values for the vsaMetadata parameter in step 11.

Step 5. Select the packages configuration

Perform the Get Packages and choose the packageName, instanceTenancy and writingSpeedState values for the corresponding parameters in step 11.

Step 6. Select the VPC

Perform the workflow Get VPCs and do the following:

  • Choose the vpcId value for the vpcId parameter in step 11.

  • Choose three subnets and choose the subnetId value for the haParams:mediatorSubnetId, haParams:node1SubnetId, haParams:node2SubnetId.

  • Attach the licenses serial number to platformSerialNumberNode1 and platformSerialNumberNode2 parameters.

  • Select the IPs for the clusterFloatingIP, dataFloatingIP, dataFloatingIP2 values for the corresponding parameters in step 11.

Step 7. Select the route table

Perform the workflow Get route tables and choose the id value of the required route table for haParams:routeTableIds parameter in step 11.

Step 8. Select the EBS volume configuration

Perform the workflow Get EBS volume types and choose the size and supportedVolumeTypes values for the ebsVolumeSize and ebsVolumeType parameters in step 11.

Note You need to choose one of the allowed values for the required ebsVolumeType parameter. We have used gp2 value for this parameter in step 11.

Step 9. Get key pairs

Perform the Get key pairs workflow and select the required key for haParam: mediatorKeyPairName parameter in step 11.

Step 10. Obtain the required NSS key

An NSS key is required when using BYOL licensing. You can create a key or select an existing key, and include the NSS key in the nssAccount parameter.

  • To create a new NSS key using the BlueXP web user interface, perform the task Generate NSS user ID and choose the NSS ID.

  • To select an existing NSS key, perform the workflow Get NSS keys and choose the id of the required NSS user.

Step 11. Create the working environment

You can issue a REST API call to create a working environment.

HTTP method and endpoint

This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.

HTTP method Path



Curl example
curl --request POST \
--location "" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data @JSONinput
Example 2. JSON input example
Enable Elastic Volumes

The ebsVolumeType parameter must be gp3 or io1.

disableEv: boolean, default value is false. By default, new Cloud Volumes ONTAP instances are created with Elastic Volumes enabled on aggregates.

  "name": "ziv04we02ha",
  "svmPassword": "password",
  "vpcId": "vpc-b16c90d4",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "tenantId": "tenantIDgoeshere",
  "ebsVolumeSize": {
    "size": 100,
    "unit": "GB"
  "ebsVolumeType": "gp2",
  "vsaMetadata": {
    "ontapVersion": "ONTAP-9.9.0.T1.ha",
    "licenseType": "ha-cot-premium-byol",
    "instanceType": "m5.xlarge"
  "dataEncryptionType": "AWS",
  "disableEv": "false",
  "ontapEncryptionParameters": null,
  "haParams": {
    "node1SubnetId": "subnet-f4da95ac",
    "node2SubnetId": "subnet-b4387a9e",
    "mediatorSubnetId": "subnet-76e6d400",
    "clusterFloatingIP": "",
    "dataFloatingIP": "",
    "dataFloatingIP2": "",
    "platformSerialNumberNode1": "90120140000000000023",
    "platformSerialNumberNode2": "90120140000000000024",
    "mediatorKeyPairName": "Developers_Virginia",
    "routeTableIds": [
    "failoverMode": "FloatingIP",
    "mediatorAssignPublicIP": true
  "nssAccount": “54ab5c0d-xx23-xxxd-bcef-6eeda79e747d”,
  "optimizedNetworkUtilization": false,
  "instanceTenancy": "default",
  "packageName": "aws_ha_poc",
  "cloudProviderAccount": "InstanceProfile",
  "backupVolumesToCbs": false,
  "enableMonitoring": "false",
  "writingSpeedState": "NORMAL"
Disable Elastic Volumes

You can set "disableEv": "true" if you choose to create a Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance with an aggregate where Elastic Volumes is disabled.

  "name": "ziv04we02ha",
  "svmPassword": "password",
  "vpcId": "vpc-b16c90d4",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "tenantId": "tenantIDgoeshere",
  "disableEv": "true",
  "ebsVolumeSize": {
    "size": 100,
    "unit": "GB"
  "ebsVolumeType": "gp2",
  "vsaMetadata": {
    "ontapVersion": "ONTAP-9.9.0.T1.ha",
    "licenseType": "ha-cot-premium-byol",
    "instanceType": "m5.xlarge"
  "dataEncryptionType": "AWS",
  "ontapEncryptionParameters": null,
  "haParams": {
    "node1SubnetId": "subnet-f4da95ac",
    "node2SubnetId": "subnet-b4387a9e",
    "mediatorSubnetId": "subnet-76e6d400",
    "clusterFloatingIP": "",
    "dataFloatingIP": "",
    "dataFloatingIP2": "",
    "platformSerialNumberNode1": "90120140000000000023",
    "platformSerialNumberNode2": "90120140000000000024",
    "mediatorKeyPairName": "Developers_Virginia",
    "routeTableIds": [
    "failoverMode": "FloatingIP",
    "mediatorAssignPublicIP": true
  "nssAccount": “54ab5c0d-xx23-xxxd-bcef-6eeda79e747d”,
  "optimizedNetworkUtilization": false,
  "instanceTenancy": "default",
  "packageName": "aws_ha_poc",
  "cloudProviderAccount": "InstanceProfile",
  "backupVolumesToCbs": false,
  "enableMonitoring": "false",
  "writingSpeedState": "NORMAL"

This API request uses BYOL licensing as indicated in the licenseType parameter. The platformSerialNumberNode1 and platformSerialNumberNode2 parameters are required.

JSON output example

The JSON output example includes an example of the HA working environment details.

    "publicId": "VsaWorkingEnvironment-XxCZibxz",
    "name": "ziv04we02ha",
    "tenantId": "tenantIDshownhere",
    "svmName": "svm_ziv04we02ha",
    "creatorUserEmail": "user_email",
    "status": null,
    "awsProperties": null,
    "reservedSize": null,
    "encryptionProperties": null,
    "clusterProperties": null,
    "ontapClusterProperties": null,
    "actionsRequired": null,
    "interClusterLifs": null,
    "cronJobSchedules": null,
    "snapshotPolicies": null,
    "svms": null,
    "activeActions": null,
    "replicationProperties": null,
    "schedules": null,
    "cloudProviderName": "Amazon",
    "isHA": true,
    "workingEnvironmentType": "VSA",
    "supportRegistrationProperties": null,
    "supportRegistrationInformation": null,
    "haProperties": null,
    "capacityFeatures": null,
    "cloudSyncProperties": null,
    "supportedFeatures": null,
    "k8sProperties": null,
    "fpolicyProperties": null,
    "saasProperties": null,
    "cbsProperties": null,
    "complianceProperties": null,
    "monitoringProperties": null