Get working environment
You can retrieve the public identifier, working environment ID, the storage virtual machine name for Cloud Volumes ONTAP working environments and other Cloud Volumes ONTAP related details (visible to currently logged in user) which would be used in other workflows.
Choose the workflow to use based on the type of Cloud Volumes ONTAP deployment:
Get working environment for single node
You can use this workflow to retrieve the working environments' details of a single node system.
Step 1. Create the working environment
Perform the Create Azure single node working environment workflow and select the publicId
from the output for the workingEnvironmentId
path parameter.
Step 2. Get the working environment
This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.
HTTP method | Path |
/occm/api/azure/vsa/working-environments/{workingEnvironmentId} |
curl --request GET \
--location "<WORKING_ENV_ID>?fields=status,ontapClusterProperties.fields(upgradeVersions,nodes),reservedSize,saasProperties,complianceProperties,monitoringProperties,providerProperties" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
The JSON input example includes the minimum list of parameters.
Path parameters:
string -
The JSON output example includes details of a single node Azure working environment.
{ "publicId": "VsaWorkingEnvironment-zGQWVOyo", "name": "pradipm", "tenantId": "tenantID", "svmName": "svm_pradipm", "creatorUserEmail": "user_email", "status": { "status": "OFF", "message": "", "failureCauses": { "invalidOntapCredentials": false, "noCloudProviderConnection": false, "invalidCloudProviderCredentials": false }, "extendedFailureReason": null }, "providerProperties": { "regionName": "westeurope", "resourceGroup": { "name": "occm_group_westeurope", "location": "westeurope", "tags": { "KeepMe": "true" } }, "vnetCidr": "", "tags": { "KeepMe": "true" }, "subscriptionId": "x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x", "deploymentId": "", "creationTime": 1631783479373, "instanceType": "Standard_DS3_v2", "numOfNics": 3, "singleNetworkInterface": true, "subscriptionName": "OCCM Dev", "cloudProviderAccountId": null, "availabilityZone": null, "dataDisks": [ { "name": "pradipm-disk-root", "diskSizeGB": 0, "lun": 0, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/OCCM_GROUP_WESTEUROPE/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pradipm-disk-root", "caching": "ReadOnly", "accountType": "NA", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "pradipm-disk-nvram", "diskSizeGB": 0, "lun": 1, "id": "/subscriptions/dx000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/occm_group_westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pradipm-disk-nvram", "caching": "None", "accountType": "NA", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "pradipm-disk-core", "diskSizeGB": 0, "lun": 2, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/occm_group_westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pradipm-disk-core", "caching": "ReadOnly", "accountType": "NA", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "pradipmdatadisk3", "diskSizeGB": 0, "lun": 3, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000xfbbce1b18/resourceGroups/OCCM_GROUP_WESTEUROPE/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pradipmdatadisk3", "caching": "None", "accountType": "NA", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null } ] }, "reservedSize": { "size": 0.0, "unit": "GB" }, "clusterProperties": null, "ontapClusterProperties": { "nodes": [], "clusterName": "", "clusterUuid": "xxxxx0000000000x00x0x00x0x0x0", "ontapVersion": "", "systemManagerUrl": "", "creationTime": 1631783479373, "licenseType": { "name": "Cloud Volumes ONTAP Capacity Based Charging", "capacityLimit": { "size": 500.0, "unit": "GB" } }, "licensePackageName": null, "lastModifiedOffbox": 1632392140549, "offboxTarget": false, "upgradeVersions": null, "writingSpeedState": null, "broadcastDomainInfos": [], "evaluation": false, "capacityTierInfo": null, "canConfigureCapacityTier": false, "usedCapacity": { "size": 0.0, "unit": "GB" }, "userName": "admin", "wormEnabled": false, "isSpaceReportingLogical": false }, "cloudProviderName": "Azure", "snapshotPolicies": null, "actionsRequired": null, "activeActions": null, "replicationProperties": null, "schedules": null, "svms": null, "workingEnvironmentType": "VSA", "supportRegistrationProperties": null, "supportRegistrationInformation": [], "capacityFeatures": null, "encryptionProperties": null, "supportedFeatures": null, "isHA": false, "haProperties": null, "fpolicyProperties": null, "saasProperties": { "subscription": null, "freeTrialExpiry": null, "saasEnabled": null, "capacityLicensePackage": null }, "cbsProperties": null, "complianceProperties": { "scanStatus": "SCAN_DISABLED", "complianceStatus": null, "lastDeploymentError": null, "complianceBackupStatus": null }, "monitoringProperties": { "monitoringStatus": "MONITORING_DISABLED", "monitoringInfo": null, "tenantUrl": null }, "licensesInformation": null }
Get working environment for high availability pair
You can use this workflow to retrieve the working environments' details of an HA working environment.
Step 1. Create an Azure HA working environment
Perform the Create Azure dual node working environment workflow and select the publicId
from the output for the workingEnvironmentId
path parameter.
Step 2. Get the working environment
This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.
HTTP method | Path |
/occm/api/azure/ha/working-environments/{workingEnvironmentId} |
curl --request GET \
--location "<WORKING_ENV_ID>?fields=status,ontapClusterProperties.fields(upgradeVersions,nodes),reservedSize,saasProperties,complianceProperties,monitoringProperties,providerProperties" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
The JSON input example includes the minimum list of parameters.
Path parameters:
string -
The JSON output example includes details of a single node Azure working environment.
{ "publicId": "VsaWorkingEnvironment-Kms14Nkv", "name": "ShirleyHa2701", "tenantId": "Tenant-c6wmZaze", "svmName": "svm_ShirleyHa2701", "creatorUserEmail": "useremail", "status": { "status": "ON", "message": "", "failureCauses": { "invalidOntapCredentials": false, "noCloudProviderConnection": false, "invalidCloudProviderCredentials": false }, "extendedFailureReason": null }, "providerProperties": { "regionName": "eastus2", "resourceGroup": { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-rg", "location": "eastus2", "tags": {} }, "vnetCidr": "", "tags": {}, "subscriptionId": "x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x", "deploymentId": "", "creationTime": 1611698774849, "instanceType": "Standard_DS4_v2", "numOfNics": 8, "singleNetworkInterface": false, "subscriptionName": "OCCM Dev", "cloudProviderAccountId": null, "availabilityZone": null, "dataDisks": [ { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-vm1-disk-nvram", "diskSizeGB": 128, "lun": 1, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/ShirleyHa2701-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ShirleyHa2701-vm1-disk-nvram", "caching": "None", "accountType": "Premium_LRS", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-vm1-disk-core", "diskSizeGB": 1024, "lun": 2, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/ShirleyHa2701-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ShirleyHa2701-vm1-disk-core", "caching": "ReadOnly", "accountType": "Standard_LRS", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-vm2-disk-nvram", "diskSizeGB": 128, "lun": 1, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/ShirleyHa2701-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ShirleyHa2701-vm2-disk-nvram", "caching": "None", "accountType": "Premium_LRS", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null }, { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-vm2-disk-core", "diskSizeGB": 1024, "lun": 2, "id": "/subscriptions/x000xx00-0x00-0000-000x/resourceGroups/ShirleyHa2701-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ShirleyHa2701-vm2-disk-core", "caching": "ReadOnly", "accountType": "Standard_LRS", "managed": true, "encryptionSet": null } ] }, "reservedSize": { "size": 1.0, "unit": "GB" }, "clusterProperties": { "lifs": [], "serialNumber": "", "systemId": "", "clusterName": "", "ontapVersion": "", "accountId": "", "productCode": "", "amiId": "", "systemManagerUrl": "", "creationTime": 0, "instanceId": "", "platformLicense": "", "licenseExpiryDate": 0, "instanceType": "", "publicIp": null, "publicDnsName": null, "licenseType": { "name": "", "capacityLimit": { "size": 0.0, "unit": "GB" } }, "lastModifiedOffbox": null, "offboxTarget": false, "upgradeVersions": null, "writingSpeedState": null }, "ontapClusterProperties": { "nodes": [ { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "lifs": [ { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Cluster", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Node Management", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Cluster Management", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Intercluster", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Data", "dataProtocols": [ "nfs", "cifs" ], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Data", "dataProtocols": [ "iscsi" ], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "SVM Management", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-01", "privateIp": true } ], "serialNumber": "0000000000000000", "systemId": "2315255834", "platformLicense": null, "platformSerialNumber": null, "cloudProviderId": "", "healthy": true, "inTakeover": false }, { "name": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "lifs": [ { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Cluster", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Node Management", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Intercluster", "dataProtocols": [], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Data", "dataProtocols": [ "nfs", "cifs" ], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "privateIp": true }, { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "lifType": "Data", "dataProtocols": [ "iscsi" ], "nodeName": "ShirleyHa2701-02", "privateIp": true } ], "serialNumber": "0000000000000000", "systemId": "2315255826", "platformLicense": null, "platformSerialNumber": null, "cloudProviderId": "", "healthy": true, "inTakeover": false } ], "clusterName": "ShirleyHa2701", "clusterUuid": "xxx000000e-xxx00-xxx00-xxx00-xxx00xxx00", "ontapVersion": "9.9.0X5", "systemManagerUrl": "", "creationTime": 1611698774849, "licenseType": { "name": "Cloud Volumes ONTAP BYOL", "capacityLimit": { "size": 368.0, "unit": "TB" } }, "lastModifiedOffbox": null, "offboxTarget": true, "upgradeVersions": null, "writingSpeedState": null, "broadcastDomainInfos": [ { "broadcastDomain": "Cluster", "ipSpace": "Cluster", "mtu": 1500 }, { "broadcastDomain": "Default", "ipSpace": "Default", "mtu": 1500 } ], "evaluation": false, "capacityTierInfo": { "capacityTierUsedSize": { "size": 0.0, "unit": "GB" }, "s3BucketName": "", "tierLevel": "normal" }, "canConfigureCapacityTier": false, "usedCapacity": { "size": 9.863281247817213E-4, "unit": "TB" }, "userName": "admin", "wormEnabled": false }, "cloudProviderName": "Azure", "snapshotPolicies": [ { "name": "default", "schedules": [ { "frequency": "hourly", "retention": 6 }, { "frequency": "daily", "retention": 2 }, { "frequency": "weekly", "retention": 2 } ], "description": "Default policy with hourly, daily & weekly schedules." }, { "name": "default-1weekly", "schedules": [ { "frequency": "hourly", "retention": 6 }, { "frequency": "daily", "retention": 2 }, { "frequency": "weekly", "retention": 1 } ], "description": "Default policy with 6 hourly, 2 daily & 1 weekly schedule." }, { "name": "none", "schedules": [], "description": "Policy for no automatic snapshots." } ], "actionsRequired": [ { "actionType": "licenseGracePeriod", "parameters": { "aggregateName": "", "numOfDisks": 0, "diskSize": null, "volumeNames": null, "maxCapacity": null, "licenseExpiryDate": 1611698969000, "serialNumber": "000000000000000000", "volumeMoveParameters": null, "workingEnvironmentId": "", "licenseParameters": null, "resourcesToDelete": null, "instances": [], "moreInfo": null, "providerVolumeType": null, "volumeInfo": null, "currentInstanceType": null }, "severity": "error" }, { "actionType": "licenseGracePeriod", "parameters": { "aggregateName": "", "numOfDisks": 0, "diskSize": null, "volumeNames": null, "maxCapacity": null, "licenseExpiryDate": 1611699072000, 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"minute": 0 } }, { "stop": { "day": 6, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 0, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } } ], "enabled": false }, { "name": "Weekend", "schedule": [ { "stop": { "day": 6, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 1, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } } ], "enabled": false }, { "name": "Weekdays", "schedule": [ { "stop": { "day": 1, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 2, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } }, { "stop": { "day": 2, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 3, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } }, { "stop": { "day": 3, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 4, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } }, { "stop": { "day": 4, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 5, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } }, { "stop": { "day": 5, "hour": 20, "minute": 0 }, "start": { "day": 6, "hour": 8, "minute": 0 } } ], "enabled": false } ], "svms": [ { "name": "svm_ShirleyHa2701", "state": "running", "language": "c.utf_8", "allowedAggregates": [ "aggr1" ], "ver3Enabled": true, "ver4Enabled": true 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"Premium_LRS" ], "maxDisksAllow": { "numOfDisks": 12, "reason": null } }, { "size": { "size": 4.0, "unit": "TB" }, "supportedVolumeTypes": [ "Premium_LRS" ], "maxDisksAllow": { "numOfDisks": 12, "reason": null } }, { "size": { "size": 8.0, "unit": "TB" }, "supportedVolumeTypes": [ "Premium_LRS" ], "maxDisksAllow": { "numOfDisks": 12, "reason": null } } ], "defaultProviderVolumeType": { "size": { "size": 500.0, "unit": "GB" }, "diskType": "Premium_LRS", "capacityTier": "Blob", "iops": null }, "supportedCapacityTiers": { "supportedCapacityTiersPerVolumeType": [ { "volumeType": "Premium_LRS", "supportedCapacityTiers": [ "Blob" ], "availableTieringPolicies": [ "none", "snapshot_only", "auto", "all" ] } ], "capacityTiersDisableReasons": [], "compositeSupported": true, "forceCompositeVersion": true }, "maxDisksPerAggregate": 12, "existingIops": [] }, "encryptionProperties": { "ontapEncryption": false, "awsVolumeEncryption": false, "azureVolumeEncryption": true, "gcpVolumeEncryption": false, "keyManagers": [], "encryptionCertificates": [], "awsEncryptionKey": null }, "supportedFeatures": { "supportsMixedAggregates": false, "supportsTieringWithServiceAccount": false }, "isHA": true, "haProperties": { "loadBalancerName": "ShirleyHa2701-rg-lb", "node1Info": { "instanceName": "ShirleyHa2701-vm1", "instanceId": null, "primaryIp": "", "state": "running", "serialNumber": "000000000000000", "availabilitySet": { "faultDomain": 0, "updateDomain": 0 } }, "node2Info": { "instanceName": "ShirleyHa2701-vm2", "instanceId": null, "primaryIp": "", "state": "running", "serialNumber": "000000000000000000000000", "availabilitySet": { "faultDomain": 1, "updateDomain": 1 } } }, "k8sProperties": { "isConnected": false, "mainClusterIds": [], "connectedClusterIds": [] }, "fpolicyProperties": { "status": 0, "fPolicyProtocolStatus": { "nfsv3": 0, "nfsv4": 0, "cifs": -1 }, "fileExtensions": [ "micro", "encrypted", "locked", "crypto", "crypt", "crinf", "r5a", "XRNT", "XTBL", "R16M01D05", "pzdc", "good", "LOL!", "OMG!", "RDM", "RRK", "encryptedRS", "crjoker", "EnCiPhErEd", "LeChiffre" ] }, "saasProperties": { "subscription": null, "freeTrialExpiry": null, "saasEnabled": false }, "cbsProperties": { "cbsBackupStatus": "off", "cbsRules": [], "numberOfBackedUpVolumes": 0, "objectStoreName": null, "providerSpecific": null, "cbsPolicyName": null, "usedCapacity": null, "ipSpace": null, "region": null, "providerAccountName": null, "exclusionReason": null }, "complianceProperties": { "scanStatus": "SCAN_DISABLED", "complianceStatus": null, "lastDeploymentError": null, "complianceBackupStatus": null }, "monitoringProperties": { "monitoringStatus": "MONITORING_DISABLED", "monitoringInfo": null, "tenantUrl": null } }