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Delete volume

Contributors netapp-ranuk

You can delete an existing volume.

Choose the workflow to use based on the type of Cloud Volumes ONTAP deployment:

Delete volume for single node

You can use this workflow to delete a volume for a single node working environment.

1. Select the working environment

Perform the Get working environment workflow and choose the publicId and svmName values of the required working environment for workingEnvironmentId and svmName path parameters.

2. Select the volume

Perform the workflow Get volumes and choose the name for the volumeName path parameter.

3. Delete the volume

HTTP method Path



curl example
curl --location --request DELETE '<WORKING_ENV_ID>/<SVM_NAME>/<VOLUME_NAME>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Path parameters:

  • <WORKING_ENV_ID> (workingEnvironmentId) string

  • <SVM_NAME> (svmName) string

  • <VOLUME_NAME> (volumeName) string



Delete volume for high availability pair

You can use this workflow to delete a volume for an HA working environment.

1. Select the working environment

Perform the Get working environment workflow and choose the publicId and svmName values of the required working environment for workingEnvironmentId and svmName path parameters.

2. Select the volume

Perform the workflow Get volumes and choose the name for the volumeName path parameter.

3. Delete the volume

HTTP method Path



curl example
curl --location --request DELETE '<WORKING_ENV_ID>/<SVM_NAME>/<VOLUME_NAME>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Path parameters:

  • <WORKING_ENV_ID> (workingEnvironmentId) string

  • <SVM_NAME> (svmName) string

  • <VOLUME_NAME> (volumeName) string

