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The BlueXP identity and access management (IAM) service provides a centralized point for managing customer and partner information. BlueXP IAM endpoints enable you to manage and control access to BlueXP resources.

If you're using BlueXP in standard mode, you no longer have a BlueXP account. Instead, you have a BlueXP organization that you manage using BlueXP IAM.

The following five components are defined within the BlueXP IAM service.

  • hierarchy

  • permission

  • resource and resourcegroup

  • role

  • user and usergroup

BlueXP IAM uses predefined roles that include sets of permissions which are required to manage and view data. You can have multiple roles within the same organization or set of resources.

You should verify that you have the appropriate permissions when using the BlueXP IAM API endpoints. With the appropriate permissions, you can manage an organization hierarchy modeled as folders (subdivisions of an organization using criteria such as department or region) and projects (a workspace in BlueXP). After organizing your resources into folders and projects, you can grant granular access to resources by providing organization members with permissions to specific folders and projects.

The actions available through the BlueXP IAM REST API are a superset of what's available through the web UI.

Note: Before using the API reference documentation, review the Get started section for the BlueXP APIs. For more information about the security tokens and identifiers you'll need when using the API, review the Common workflows and tasks section.

REST implementation

HTTP methods

Method Description


Create an object instance


Retrieve an object instance or collection


Update an existing object


Remove an existing object

Request headers

Request Header Description


Required. Contains a JWT access token


Used to tag a request with application-specific keys for improved supportability


Contains the BlueXP Connector ID and can be included depending on the call


Contains the account identifier and can be included depending on the call

Query parameters

You can use query parameters with endpoints in the following components:

Component Query Parameter


account (required)resourceTypeworkspaceresourceClassresourceId

Response headers

This API uses the standard HTTP response headers common with all BlueXP APIs. See REST implementation for more information.

HTTP status codes

HTTP Status Code Description


OK: Returned for successful operation completion


Bad Request: Returned if the input is malformed and could not be parsed


Unauthorized: Returned if user authentication failed or the token has expired


Forbidden: Returned for authorization errors depending on the resource and token

Error handling

There are three processes involved with error handling and processing.

  • The error is logged for supportability

  • The error is also returned to the caller for any specific handling

  • The database connection is rolled back