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Cloud Volumes ONTAP
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Download the Azure Image Digest File

Contributors netapp-driley

The Azure Image Digest File can be downloaded from the NetApp Support Site. The download is in tar.gz format and contains files for image signature verification.

  1. Go to the Cloud Volumes ONTAP product page on the NetApp Support Site and download the desired software version under the Downloads section.

  2. Under the Cloud Volumes ONTAP download page, click the download button for the Azure Image Digest File to download the TAR.GZ file.

    screenshot cloud volumes ontap tar.gz
  3. For Linux and MacOS, you must perform the following to get the md5sum and sha256sum for the downloaded Azure Image Digest file.

    1. For md5sum, enter the md5sum command.

    2. For sha256sum, enter the sha256sum command.

  4. Verify the md5sum and sha256sum values match the Azure Image Digest File download.

  5. On Linux and Mac OS, perform the tar -xzf command to extract the tar.gz file.

    The extracted TAR.GZ file contains the digest file(.sig), public key certificate file(.pem), and chain certificate file(.pem).

    List result of untar tar.gz file

    $ ls cert/ -l
    -rw-r----- 1 netapp netapp  384 May  13 13:00 9.15.0P1_azure_digest.sig
    -rw-r----- 1 netapp netapp 2365 May  13 13:00 Certificate-9.15.0P1_azure.pem
    -rw-r----- 1 netapp netapp 8537 May  13 13:00 Certificate-Chain-9.15.0P1_azure.pem
    -rw-r----- 1 netapp netapp 8537 May  13 13:00 version_readme