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BlueXP copy and sync

BlueXP copy and sync APIs

Contributors netapp-ivanad netapp-bcammett

The BlueXP copy and sync capabilities that are available through the web UI are also available through the RESTful API.

Get started

To get started with the BlueXP copy and sync API, you need to obtain a user token and your BlueXP account ID. You'll need to add the token and account ID to the Authorization header when making API calls.

  1. Obtain a user token from BlueXP.

    Header: Content-Type: application/json
                  "username": "<user_email>",
                  "scope": "profile",
                  "audience": "",
                  "client_id": "UaVhOIXMWQs5i1WdDxauXe5Mqkb34NJQ",
                  "grant_type": "password",
                  "password": "<user_password>"
    Note If you are using a personal email account with no client ID, you can use the default client ID "QC3AgHk6qdbmC7Yyr82ApBwaaJLwRrNO.”
  2. Obtain your BlueXP account ID.

    Headers: Authorization: Bearer <user_token>
    Content-Type: application/json

    This API will return a response like the following:

        "accountId": "account-JeL97Ry3",
        "name": "Test"
  3. Add the user token and account ID in the Authorization header of each API call.


    The following example shows an API call to create a data broker in Microsoft Azure. You would simply replace <user_token> and <accountId> with the token and ID that you obtained in the previous steps.

    Headers: Authorization: Bearer <user_token>
    Content-Type: application/json
    x-account-id: <accountId>
    Body: { "name": "databroker1", "type": "AZURE" }
What's next?

The user token from BlueXP has an expiration date. To refresh the token, you need to call the API from step 1 again.

The API response includes an "expires_in" field that states when the token expires.

Use list APIs

List APIs are asynchronous APIs, so the result does not return immediately (for example: GET /data-brokers/{id}/list-nfs-export-folders and GET /data-brokers/{id}/list-s3-buckets). The only response from the server is HTTP status 202. To get the actual result, you must use the GET /messages/client API.

  1. Call the list API that you want to use.

  2. Use the GET /messages/client API to view the result of the operation.

  3. Use the same API by appending it with the ID that you just received: GET<id_from_step_2>

    Note that the ID changes each time that you call the GET /messages/client API.


When you call the list-s3-buckets API, a result is not immediately returned:

Headers: Authorization: Bearer <user_token>
Content-Type: application/json
x-account-id: <accountId>

The result is HTTP status code 202, which means the message was accepted, but was not processed yet.

To get the result of the operation, you need to use the following API:

Headers: Authorization: Bearer <user_token>
Content-Type: application/json
x-account-id: <accountId>

The result is an array with one object that includes an ID field. The ID field represents the last message that the server sent. For example:

        "header": {
            "requestId": "init",
            "clientId": "init",
            "agentId": "init"
        "payload": {
            "init": {}
        "id": "5801"

You would now make the following API call using the ID that you just received:

Headers: Authorization: Bearer <user_token>
Content-Type: application/json
x-account-id: <accountId>

The result is an array of messages. Inside each message is a payload object, which consists of the name of the operation (as key) and its result (as value). For example:

        "payload": {
            "list-s3-buckets": [
                    "tags": [
                            "Value": "100$",
                            "Key": "price"
                    "region": {
                        "displayName": "US West (Oregon)",
                        "name": "us-west-2"
                    "name": "small"
        "header": {
            "requestId": "f687ac55-2f0c-40e3-9fa6-57fb8c4094a3",
            "clientId": "5beb032f548e6e35f4ed1ba9",
            "agentId": "5bed61f4489fb04e34a9aac6"
        "id": "5802"

API reference

Documentation for each BlueXP copy and sync API is available from