A newer release of this product is available.
- SolidFire and Element Software Documentation 12.3
- Release notes
- Concepts
- Requirements
- Try it out
- Install and maintain hardware
- Set up storage
Manage storage with Element software
- Access the Element software user interface
- Configure SolidFire system options after deployment
- Use basic options in the Element software UI
- Manage accounts
Manage your system
- Enable multi-factor authentication
- Configure cluster settings
- Create a cluster supporting FIPS drives
- Enable FIPS 140-2 for HTTPS on your cluster
- Get started with external key management
Manage volumes and virtual volumes
- Work with volumes
- Work with virtual volumes
Work with volume access groups and initiators
- Create a volume access group
- View individual access group details
- Add volumes to an access group
- Remove volumes from an access group
- Create an initiator
- Edit an initiator
- Add a single initiator to a volume access group
- Add multiple initiators to a volume access group
- Remove initiators from an access group
- Delete an access group
- Delete an initiator
Protect your data
- Use volume snapshots for data protection
- Perform remote replication between clusters running NetApp Element software
- Use SnapMirror replication between Element and ONTAP clusters
Back up and restore volumes
- Back up a volume to an Amazon S3 object store
- Back up a volume to an OpenStack Swift object store
- Back up a volume to a SolidFire storage cluster
- Restore a volume from backup on an Amazon S3 object store
- Restore a volume from backup on an OpenStack Swift object store
- Restore a volume from backup on a SolidFire storage cluster
Troubleshoot your system
- View information about system events
- View status of running tasks
- View system alerts
- View node performance activity
- View volume performance
- View iSCSI sessions
- View Fibre Channel sessions
- Troubleshoot drives
- Troubleshoot nodes
- Work with per-node utilities for storage nodes
- Understand cluster fullness levels
Manage and monitor storage with NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- Add and manage storage clusters using NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- Configure Fully Qualified Domain Name web UI access
- Create and manage user accounts by using NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- Create and manage volumes by using NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- Create and manage volume access groups
- Create and manage initiators
- Create and manage volume QoS policies
- Monitor your SolidFire system with NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
Manage storage with Element API
- About the Element software API
Common objects
- account
- authSessionInfo
- bulkVolumeJob
- binding (virtual volumes)
- certificateDetails
- cluster
- clusterAdmin
- clusterCapacity
- clusterConfig
- clusterInfo
- clusterPair
- clusterStats
- clusterStructure
- drive
- driveStats
- error
- event
- fault
- fibreChannelPort
- fipsErrorNodeReport
- fipsNodeReport
- fipsReport
- groupSnapshot
- hardwareInfo
- host (virtual volumes)
- idpConfigInfo
- initiator
- keyProviderKmip
- keyServerKmip
- ldapConfiguration
- loggingServer
- network (bonded interfaces)
- network (all interfaces)
- network (Ethernet interfaces)
- network (local interfaces)
- network (SNMP)
- networkInterface
- networkInterfaceStats
- node
- nodeProtectionDomains
- nodeStats
- ontapVersionInfo
- pendingActiveNode
- pendingNode
- protectionDomain
- protectionDomainLevel
- protectionDomainResiliency
- protectionDomainTolerance
- protectionSchemeResiliency
- protectionSchemeTolerance
- protocolEndpoint
- QoS
- QoSPolicy
- remoteClusterSnapshotStatus
- schedule
- session (Fibre Channel)
- session (iSCSI)
- snapMirrorAggregate
- snapMirrorClusterIdentity
- snapMirrorEndpoint
- snapMirrorJobScheduleCronInfo
- snapMirrorLunInfo
- snapMirrorNetworkInterface
- snapMirrorNode
- snapMirrorPolicy
- snapMirrorPolicyRule
- snapMirrorRelationship
- snapMirrorVolume
- snapMirrorVolumeInfo
- snapMirrorVserver
- snapMirrorVserverAggregateInfo
- snapshot
- snmpTrapRecipient
- storageContainer
- syncJob
- task (virtual volumes)
- usmUser
- virtualNetwork
- virtualVolume
- volume
- volumeAccessGroup
- volumePair
- volumeStats
- Common methods
- Account API methods
- Administrator API methods
Cluster API methods
- AddNodes
- ClearClusterFaults
- CreateClusterInterfacePreference
- DeleteClusterInterfacePreference
- EnableFeature
- GetClusterCapacity
- GetClusterFullThreshold
- GetClusterHardwareInfo
- GetClusterInfo
- GetClusterInterfacePreference
- GetClusterMasterNodeID
- GetClusterStats
- GetClusterVersionInfo
- GetFeatureStatus
- GetLoginSessionInfo
- GetNodeHardwareInfo
- GetNodeStats
- ListActiveNodes
- ListAllNodes
- ListClusterFaults
- ListClusterInterfacePreferences
- ListEvents
- ListNodeStats
- ListISCSISessions
- ListServices
- ListPendingNodes
- ListPendingActiveNodes
- ModifyClusterFullThreshold
- ModifyClusterInterfacePreference
- RemoveNodes
- SetLoginSessionInfo
- Shutdown
- Cluster creation API Methods
- Drive API methods
- Fibre Channel API methods
- Initiator API methods
- LDAP API methods
- Multi-factor authentication API methods
- Session authentication API methods
Node API methods
- CheckPingOnVlan
- CheckProposedNodeAdditions
- CreateClusterSupportBundle
- CreateSupportBundle
- DeleteAllSupportBundles
- DisableMaintenanceMode
- DisableSsh
- EnableMaintenanceMode
- EnableSsh
- GetClusterConfig
- GetClusterState
- GetConfig
- GetDriveConfig
- GetHardwareConfig
- GetHardwareInfo
- GetIpmiConfig
- GetIpmiInfo
- GetNetworkConfig
- GetNetworkInterface
- GetNodeActiveTlsCiphers
- GetNodeFipsDrivesReport
- GetNodeSSLCertificate
- GetNodeSupportedTlsCiphers
- GetPatchInfo
- GetPendingOperation
- GetSshInfo
- ListDriveHardware
- ListNetworkInterfaces
- ListNetworkInterfaceStats
- ListTests
- ListUtilities
- RemoveNodeSSLCertificate
- ResetDrives
- ResetNode
- ResetNodeSupplementalTlsCiphers
- RestartNetworking
- RestartServices
- SetClusterConfig
- SetConfig
- SetNetworkConfig
- SetNodeSSLCertificate
- SetNodeSupplementalTlsCiphers
- Shutdown
- TestConnectEnsemble
- TestConnectMvip
- TestConnectSvip
- TestDrives
- TestHardwareConfig
- TestLocateCluster
- TestLocalConnectivity
- TestNetworkConfig
- TestPing
- TestRemoteConnectivity
- Replication API methods
Security API methods
- AddKeyServerToProviderKmip
- CreateKeyProviderKmip
- CreateKeyServerKmip
- CreatePublicPrivateKeyPair
- DeleteKeyProviderKmip
- DeleteKeyServerKmip
- DisableEncryptionAtRest
- EnableEncryptionAtRest
- GetClientCertificateSignRequest
- GetKeyProviderKmip
- GetKeyServerKmip
- GetSoftwareEncryptionatRestInfo
- ListKeyProvidersKmip
- ListKeyServersKmip
- ModifyKeyServerKmip
- RekeySoftwareEncryptionAtRestMasterKey
- RemoveKeyServerFromProviderKmip
- TestKeyProviderKmip
- TestKeyServerKmip
SnapMirror API methods
- AbortSnapMirrorRelationship
- BreakSnapMirrorRelationship
- BreakSnapMirrorVolume
- CreateSnapMirrorEndpoint
- CreateSnapMirrorEndpointUnmanaged
- CreateSnapMirrorRelationship
- CreateSnapMirrorVolume
- DeleteSnapMirrorEndpoints
- DeleteSnapMirrorRelationships
- GetOntapVersionInfo
- GetSnapMirrorClusterIdentity
- InitializeSnapMirrorRelationship
- ListSnapMirrorAggregates
- ListSnapMirrorEndpoints
- ListSnapMirrorLuns
- ListSnapMirrorNetworkInterfaces
- ListSnapMirrorNodes
- ListSnapMirrorPolicies
- ListSnapMirrorSchedules
- ListSnapMirrorRelationships
- ListSnapMirrorVolumes
- ListSnapMirrorVservers
- ModifySnapMirrorEndpoint
- ModifySnapMirrorEndpoint (unmanaged)
- ModifySnapMirrorRelationship
- UpdateSnapMirrorRelationship
- QuiesceSnapMirrorRelationship
- ResumeSnapMirrorRelationship
- ResyncSnapMirrorRelationship
System configuration API methods
- DisableBmcColdReset
- DisableClusterSsh
- DisableSnmp
- EnableBmcColdReset
- EnableClusterSsh
- EnableSnmp
- GetBinAssignmentProperties
- GetClusterSshInfo
- GetClusterStructure
- GetFipsReport
- GetLldpConfig
- GetLldpInfo
- GetNodeFipsDrivesReport
- GetNtpInfo
- GetNvramInfo
- GetProtectionDomainLayout
- GetRemoteLoggingHosts
- GetSnmpACL
- GetSnmpInfo
- GetSnmpState
- GetSnmpTrapInfo
- GetSSLCertificate
- ListProtectionDomainLevels
- RemoveSSLCertificate
- ResetNetworkConfig
- ResetSupplementalTlsCiphers
- SetClusterStructure
- SetLldpConfig
- SetNtpInfo
- SetProtectionDomainLayout
- SetRemoteLoggingHosts
- SetSnmpACL
- SetSnmpInfo
- SetSnmpTrapInfo
- SetSSLCertificate
- SnmpSendTestTraps
- TestAddressAvailability
- Multitenant networking API methods
Volume API methods
- CancelClone
- CancelGroupClone
- CloneMultipleVolumes
- CloneVolume
- CopyVolume
- CreateQoSPolicy
- CreateVolume
- CreateBackupTarget
- DeleteQoSPolicy
- DeleteVolume
- DeleteVolumes
- GetBackupTarget
- GetVolumeStats
- GetDefaultQoS
- GetQoSPolicy
- GetVolumeCount
- GetVolumeEfficiency
- ListActiveVolumes
- ListBackupTargets
- ListBulkVolumeJobs
- ListDeletedVolumes
- ListQoSPolicies
- ListSyncJobs
- ListVolumeQoSHistograms
- ListVolumes
- ListVolumeStats
- ListVolumesForAccount
- ListVolumeStatsByAccount
- ListVolumeStatsByVirtualVolume
- ListVolumeStatsByVolume
- ListVolumeStatsByVolumeAccessGroup
- ModifyBackupTarget
- ModifyQoSPolicy
- ModifyVolume
- ModifyVolumes
- PurgeDeletedVolume
- PurgeDeletedVolumes
- RemoveBackupTarget
- RestoreDeletedVolume
- SetDefaultQoS
- StartBulkVolumeRead
- StartBulkVolumeWrite
- UpdateBulkVolumeStatus
- Volume access group API methods
- Volume snapshot API methods
- Virtual volume API methods
- Access control
- Response examples
- Manage storage with the Element Plug-in for vCenter Server
- Monitor storage with NetApp SolidFire Active IQ
Work with the management node
- Management node overview
- Install or recover a management node
- Access the management node
- Change the management node default SSL certificate
- Work with the management node UI
Work with the management node REST API
- Management node REST API UI overview
- Get authorization to use REST APIs
- Enable Active IQ and NetApp monitoring
- Configure NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control for multiple vCenters
- Add a controller asset to the management node
- Create and manage storage cluster assets
- View or edit existing controller assets
- Configure a proxy server
- Verify management node OS and services versions
- Getting logs from management services
- Manage support connections
- Upgrade your NetApp SolidFire all-flash storage system version Element 12.3.x
- Earlier versions
- Legal notices