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Configure AIQ UM proxy server for IMT service

Contributors netapp-driley

If you are using a proxy server with AIQ UM for Cisco Intersight with NetApp ONTAP storage, you must configure the setup through the command line interface (CLI) to utilize the interoperability matrix tool service (IMT). The IMT service is available under the Interoperability tab of the Integrated Systems page. You must use the Active IQ Unified Manager Virtual Machine (OVA) Diag shell to configure the AIQ UM proxy server settings.

Note For information on how to access the AIQ UM Diag shell, see How to access Active IQ Unified Manager Virtual Machine (OVA) DIAG shell


  1. Log into the AIQ UM terminal and run the following command to log into um.

    um cli login -u <um maintenance user name>


    um cli login -u admin
  2. Set the imt_proxy_host and imt_proxy_port by running the following commands.

    Note The IMT proxy is a separate configuration from AutoSupport (ASUP) proxy configurations.
    um option set<IMT_PROXY_HOST>
    um option set imt.https.proxy.port=<IMT_PROXY_PORT>


    um option set
    um option set imt.https.proxy.port=8200
    Note IMT proxy server configurations do not support authentication.
  3. View the IMT proxy details to verify the proxy_host and proxy_port settings through the following command.

    um option list |grep imt