Customize States and Flows for Retail Use Case
You can customize States and Flows of Dialog Manager for your specific use cases. In our retail example, we have the following four yaml files to direct the conversation according to different intents.
Se the following list of file names and description of each file:
: Defines the main conversation flows and states and directs the flow to the other three yaml files when necessary. -
: Contains states related to retail or points-of-interest questions. The system either provides the information of the nearest store, or the price of a given item. -
: Contains states related to weather questions. If the location cannot be determined, the system asks a follow up question to clarify. -
: Handles cases where user intents do not fall into the above three yaml files. After displaying an error message, the system re-routes back to accepting user questions.The following sections contain the detailed definitions for these yaml files.
name: JarvisRetail intent_transitions: jarvis_error: error price_check: retail_price_check inventory_check: retail_inventory_check store_location: retail_store_location weather weather.temperature: temperature weather.sunny: sunny weather.cloudy: cloudy weather.snow: snow weather.rainfall: rain weather.snow_yes_no: snowfall weather.rainfall_yes_no: rainfall weather.temperature_yes_no: tempyesno weather.humidity: humidity weather.humidity_yes_no: humidity navigation.startnavigationpoi: retail # Transitions should be context and slot based. Redirecting for now. navigation.geteta: retail navigation.showdirection: retail navigation.showmappoi: idk_what_you_talkin_about nomatch.none: idk_what_you_talkin_about states: init: type: message_text properties: text: "Hi, welcome to NARA retail and weather service. How can I help you?" input_intent: type: input_context properties: nlp_type: jarvis entities: intent: dontcare # This state is executed if the intent was not understood dont_get_the intent: type: message_text_random properties: responses: - "Sorry I didn't get that! Please come again." - "I beg your pardon! Say that again?" - "Are we talking about weather? What would you like to know?" - "Sorry I know only about the weather" - "You can ask me about the weather, the rainfall, the temperature, I don't know much more" delay: 0 transitions: next_state: input_intent idk_what_you_talkin_about: type: message_text_random properties: responses: - "Sorry I didn't get that! Please come again." - "I beg your pardon! Say that again?" - "Are we talking about retail or weather? What would you like to know?" - "Sorry I know only about retail and the weather" - "You can ask me about retail information or the weather, the rainfall, the temperature. I don't know much more." delay: 0 transitions: next_state: input_intent error: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'error' transitions: flow: error_flow retail_inventory_check: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'retail_inventory_check' transitions: flow: retail_flow retail_price_check: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'check_item_price' transitions: flow: retail_flow retail_store_location: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'find_the_store' transitions: flow: retail_flow weather: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'weather' transitions: flow: weather_flow temperature: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'temperature' transitions: flow: weather_flow rainfall: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'rainfall' transitions: flow: weather_flow sunny: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'sunny' transitions: flow: weather_flow cloudy: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'cloudy' transitions: flow: weather_flow snow: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'snow' transitions: flow: weather_flow rain: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'rain' transitions: flow: weather_flow snowfall: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'snowfall' transitions: flow: weather_flow tempyesno: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'tempyesno' transitions: flow: weather_flow humidity: type: change_context properties: update_keys: intent: 'humidity' transitions: flow: weather_flow end_state: type: reset transitions: next_state: init
name: retail_flow states: store_location: type: conditional_exists properties: key: '{{location}}' transitions: exists: retail_state notexists: ask_retail_location retail_state: type: Retail properties: transitions: next_state: output_retail output_retail: type: message_text properties: text: '{{retail_status}}' transitions: next_state: input_intent ask_retail_location: type: message_text properties: text: "For which location? I can find the closest store near you." transitions: next_state: input_retail_location input_retail_location: type: input_user properties: nlp_type: jarvis entities: slot: location require_match: true transitions: match: retail_state notmatch: check_retail_jarvis_error output_retail_acknowledge: type: message_text_random properties: responses: - 'ok in {{location}}' - 'the store in {{location}}' - 'I always wanted to shop in {{location}}' delay: 0 transitions: next_state: retail_state output_retail_notlocation: type: message_text properties: text: "I did not understand the location. Can you please repeat?" transitions: next_state: input_intent check_rerail_jarvis_error: type: conditional_exists properties: key: '{{jarvis_error}}' transitions: exists: show_retail_jarvis_api_error notexists: output_retail_notlocation show_retail_jarvis_api_error: type: message_text properties: text: "I am having troubled understanding right now. Come again on that?" transitions: next_state: input_intent
name: weather_flow states: check_weather_location: type: conditional_exists properties: key: '{{location}}' transitions: exists: weather_state notexists: ask_weather_location weather_state: type: Weather properties: transitions: next_state: output_weather output_weather: type: message_text properties: text: '{{weather_status}}' transitions: next_state: input_intent ask_weather_location: type: message_text properties: text: "For which location?" transitions: next_state: input_weather_location input_weather_location: type: input_user properties: nlp_type: jarvis entities: slot: location require_match: true transitions: match: weather_state notmatch: check_jarvis_error output_weather_acknowledge: type: message_text_random properties: responses: - 'ok in {{location}}' - 'the weather in {{location}}' - 'I always wanted to go in {{location}}' delay: 0 transitions: next_state: weather_state output_weather_notlocation: type: message_text properties: text: "I did not understand the location, can you please repeat?" transitions: next_state: input_intent check_jarvis_error: type: conditional_exists properties: key: '{{jarvis_error}}' transitions: exists: show_jarvis_api_error notexists: output_weather_notlocation show_jarvis_api_error: type: message_text properties: text: "I am having troubled understanding right now. Come again on that, else check jarvis services?" transitions: next_state: input_intent
name: error_flow states: error_state: type: message_text_random properties: responses: - "Sorry I didn't get that!" - "Are we talking about retail or weather? What would you like to know?" - "Sorry I know only about retail information or the weather" - "You can ask me about retail information or the weather, the rainfall, the temperature. I don't know much more" - "Let's talk about retail or the weather!" delay: 0 transitions: next_state: input_intent