Testing Details for Section 4.9
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This section contains testing details for the section Basic Resource Allocation Fairness.
Submit jobs in the following order:
Project | # GPUs | Total | Comment |
team-d |
2 |
6/8 |
Team-b/c workload pauses and moves to |
team-d |
2 |
8/8 |
Other team (b/c) workloads pause and move to |
See the following executed command sequence:
$ runai submit d-2-gg -i gcr.io/run-ai-demo/quickstart -g 2 -p team-d$ runai submit d-3-gg -i gcr.io/run-ai-demo/quickstart -g 2 -p team-d
At this point, you should have the following states:
Project | GPUs Allocated | Workloads Queued |
team-a |
4/4 |
None |
team-b |
2/2 |
None |
team-c |
2/2 |
None |
team-d |
8/8 |
None |
See the section Basic Resource Allocation Fairness for a discussion on the proceeding testing scenario.