Scaling: Adding more projects
In a multitenant configuration, adding new projects with storage resources requires additional configuration to make sure that multitenancy is not violated. For adding more projects in a multitenant cluster, complete the following steps:
Log into the NetApp ONTAP cluster as a storage admin.
Navigate to
Storage → Storage VMs
and clickAdd
. Create a new SVM dedicated to project-3. Also create a vsadmin account to manage the SVM and its resources.
Log into the Red Hat OpenShift cluster as cluster admin.
Create a new project.
oc create ns project-3
Make sure that the user group for project-3 is created on IdP and synchronized with the OpenShift cluster.
oc get groups
Create the developer role for project-3.
cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: namespace: project-3 name: developer-project-3 rules: - verbs: - '*' apiGroups: - apps - batch - autoscaling - extensions - - policy - - - - - - - resources: - '*' - verbs: - '*' apiGroups: - '' resources: - bindings - configmaps - endpoints - events - persistentvolumeclaims - pods - pods/log - pods/attach - podtemplates - replicationcontrollers - services - limitranges - namespaces - componentstatuses - nodes - verbs: - '*' apiGroups: - resources: - tridentsnapshots EOF
The role definition provided in this section is just an example. The developer role must be defined based on the end-user requirements. |
Create RoleBinding for developers in project-3 binding the developer-project-3 role to the corresponding group (ocp-project-3) in project-3.
cat << EOF | oc create -f - kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: project-3-developer namespace: project-3 subjects: - kind: Group apiGroup: name: ocp-project-3 roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: developer-project-3 EOF
Login to the Red Hat OpenShift cluster as storage admin
Create a Trident backend and map it to the SVM dedicated to project-3. NetApp recommends using the SVM's vsadmin account to connect the backend to the SVM instead of using the ONTAP cluster administrator.
cat << EOF | tridentctl -n trident create backend -f { "version": 1, "storageDriverName": "ontap-nas", "backendName": "nfs_project_3", "managementLIF": "", "dataLIF": "", "svm": "project-3-svm", "username": "vsadmin", "password": "NetApp!23" } EOF
We are using the ontap-nas driver for this example. Use the appropriate driver for creating the backend based on the use-case. |
We assume that Trident is installed in the trident project. |
Create the storage class for project-3 and configure it to use the storage pools from backend dedicated to project-3.
cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: project-3-sc provisioner: parameters: backendType: ontap-nas storagePools: "nfs_project_3:.*" EOF
Create a ResourceQuota to restrict resources in project-3 requesting storage from storageclasses dedicated to other projects.
cat << EOF | oc create -f - kind: ResourceQuota apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: project-3-sc-rq namespace: project-3 spec: hard: 0 0 EOF
Patch the ResourceQuotas in other projects to restrict resources in those projects from accessing storage from the storageclass dedicated to project-3.
oc patch resourcequotas project-1-sc-rq -n project-1 --patch '{"spec":{"hard":{ "": 0}}}' oc patch resourcequotas project-2-sc-rq -n project-2 --patch '{"spec":{"hard":{ "": 0}}}'