Default configuration for the Connector
If you need to troubleshoot the Connector, it might help to understand how it's configured.
If you deployed the Connector from Cloud Manager (or directly from a cloud provider's marketplace), note the following:
In AWS, the user name for the EC2 Linux instance is ec2-user.
The operating system for the image is as follows:
AWS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 (HVM)
Azure: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 (HVM)
GCP: CentOS 7.6
The operating system does not include a GUI. You must use a terminal to access the system.
The Connector installation folder resides in the following location:
Log files are contained in the following folder:
The Cloud Manager service is named occm.
The occm service is dependent on the MySQL service.
If the MySQL service is down, then the occm service is down too.
Cloud Manager installs the following packages on the Linux host, if they are not already installed:
The Connector uses the following ports on the Linux host:
80 for HTTP access
443 for HTTPS access
3306 for the Cloud Manager database
8080 for the Cloud Manager API proxy
8666 for the Service Manager API
8777 for the Health-Checker Container Service API