Network Configuration menu
The Network Configuration menu enables you to manage the network settings. You should use this menu when the Unified Manager user interface is not available.
This menu is not available if Unified Manager is installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or on Microsoft Windows. |
The following menu choices are available.
Display IP Address Settings
Displays the current network settings for the virtual appliance, including the IP address, network, broadcast address, netmask, gateway, and DNS servers.
Change IP Address Settings
Enables you to change any of the network settings for the virtual appliance, including the IP address, netmask, gateway, or DNS servers. If you switch your network settings from DHCP to static networking using the maintenance console, you cannot edit the host name. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Display Domain Name Search Settings
Displays the domain name search list used for resolving host names.
Change Domain Name Search Settings
Enables you to change the domain names for which you want to search when resolving host names. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Display Static Routes
Displays the current static network routes.
Change Static Routes
Enables you to add or delete static network routes. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Add Route
Enables you to add a static route.
Delete Route
Enables you to delete a static route.
Takes you back to the Main Menu.
Exits the maintenance console.
Disable Network Interface
Disables any available network interfaces. If only one network interface is available, you cannot disable it. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Enable Network Interface
Enables available network interfaces. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Commit Changes
Applies any changes made to the network settings for the virtual appliance. You must select this option to enact any changes made, or the changes do not occur.
Ping a Host
Pings a target host to confirm IP address changes or DNS configurations.
Restore to Default Settings
Resets all settings to the factory default. You must select Commit Changes for the changes to take place.
Takes you back to the Main Menu.
Exits the maintenance console.