Guidelines for adding alerts
You can add alerts based on a resource, such as a cluster, node, aggregate, or volume, and events of a particular severity type. As a best practice, you can add an alert for any of your critical objects after you have added the cluster to which the object belongs.
You can use the following guidelines and considerations to create alerts to manage your systems effectively:
Alert description
You should provide a description for the alert so that it helps you track your alerts effectively.
You should decide which physical or logical resource requires an alert. You can include and exclude resources, as required. For example, if you want to closely monitor your aggregates by configuring an alert, you must select the required aggregates from the list of resources.
Event severity
You should decide if an event of a specified severity type (Critical, Error, Warning) should trigger the alert and, if so, which severity type.
Event name
If you add an alert based on the type of event generated, you should decide which events require an alert
You must provide the user names and email addresses of the users who receive the notification. You can also specify an SNMP trap as a mode of notification. You can associate your scripts to an alert so that they are executed when an alert is generated.
Notification frequency
You can configure an alert to repeatedly send notification to the recipients for a specified time. You should determine the time from which the event notification is active for the alert. If you want the event notification to be repeated until the event is acknowledged, you should determine how often you want the notification to be repeated.
Execute Script
You can associate your script with an alert. Your script is executed when the alert is generated.