Aggregate favorite card
The Aggregate favorite card enables you to view the capacity and performance details of the aggregates that you marked as favorites.
Aggregate attributes
The Aggregate favorite card displays the following aggregate attributes:
Aggregate health status
An icon that indicates the health of the aggregate. The possible values are Normal, Warning, Error, and Critical.
Aggregate name
Name of the aggregate.
Position your cursor over the aggregate name to view the name of the cluster to which the aggregate belongs.
Percentage of free space available on the aggregate, and the estimated number of days until the aggregate becomes full.
Note that for FabricPool aggregates that this information reflects only the capacity on the local performance tier. Click the Capacity tile to view detailed information on the Health/Aggregate details page.
Performance details of the aggregate.
Average number of I/O operations per second over the last 72 hours.
Average throughput over the last 72 hours, in MBps .
Average response time required for an operation, in milliseconds.