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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
A newer release of this product is available.

Health/Cluster details page

Contributors netapp-adityaw

The Health/Cluster details page provides detailed information about a selected cluster, such as health, capacity, and configuration details. You can also view information about the logical interfaces (LIFs), nodes, disks, related devices, and related alerts for the cluster.

The status next to the cluster name, for example (Good), represents the communication status; whether Unified Manager can communicate with the cluster. It does not represent the failover status or overall status of the cluster.

Command buttons

The command buttons enable you to perform the following tasks for the selected cluster:

  • Switch to Performance View

    Enables you to navigate to the Performance/Cluster details page.

  • favorite icon

    Enables you to add the selected cluster to the Favorites dashboard.

  • Actions

    • Add Alert: Opens the Add Alert dialog box, which enables you to add an alert to the selected cluster.

    • Rediscover: Initiates a manual refresh of the cluster, which enables Unified Manager to discover recent changes to the cluster.

      If Unified Manager is paired with OnCommand Workflow Automation, the rediscovery operation also reacquires cached data from WFA, if any.

      After the rediscovery operation is initiated, a link to the associated job details is displayed to enable tracking of the job status.

    • Annotate: Enables you to annotate the selected cluster.

  • View Clusters

    Enables you to navigate to the Health/Clusters inventory page.

Health tab

Displays detailed information about the data availability and data capacity issues of various cluster objects such as nodes, SVMs, and aggregates. Availability issues are related to the data-serving capability of the cluster objects. Capacity issues are related to the data-storing capability of the cluster objects.

You can click the graph of an object to view a filtered list of the objects. For example, you can click the SVM capacity graph that displays warnings to view a filtered list of SVMs. This list contains SVMs that have volumes or qtrees that have capacity issues with a severity level of Warning. You can also click the SVMs availability graph that displays warnings to view the list of SVMs that have availability issues with a severity level of Warning.

  • Availability Issues

    Graphically displays the total number of objects, including objects that have availability issues and objects that do not have any availability-related issues. The colors in the graph represent the different severity levels of the issues. The information below the graph provides details about availability issues that can impact or have already impacted the availability of data in the cluster. For example, information is displayed about disk shelves that are down and aggregates that are offline.


    The data displayed for the SFO bar graph is based on the HA state of the nodes. The data displayed for all other bar graphs is calculated based on the events generated.

  • Capacity Issues

    Graphically displays the total number of objects, including objects that have capacity issues and objects that do not have any capacity-related issues. The colors in the graph represent the different severity levels of the issues. The information below the graph provides details about capacity issues that can impact or have already impacted the capacity of data in the cluster. For example, information is displayed about aggregates that are likely to breach the set threshold values.

Capacity tab

Displays detailed information about the capacity of the selected cluster.

  • Capacity

    Displays the data capacity graph about the used capacity and available capacity from all allocated aggregates:

    • Total Capacity

      Displays the total capacity of the cluster. This does not include the capacity that is assigned for parity.

    • Used

      Displays the capacity that is used by data. This does not include the capacity that is used for parity, right-sizing, and reservation.

    • Available

      Displays the capacity available for data.

    • Spares

      Displays the storable capacity available for storage in all the spare disks.

    • Provisioned

      Displays the capacity that is provisioned for all the underlying volumes.

  • Cloud Tier

    Displays capacity details about the cloud tier for FabricPool-enabled aggregates on the cluster. A FabricPool can be either licensed or unlicensed.

    • Used

      Displays the space used by data in configured cloud tiers.

    • Data graph

      For an Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Cloud, IBM Cloud Object Storage, or Alibaba Cloud Object Storage, the chart displays the total data capacity that has been licensed by this cluster and the amount being used by aggregates.

      For a StorageGRID, the chart displays only the total capacity being used by aggregates.

  • Details

    Displays detailed information about the used and available capacity.

    • Total Capacity

      Displays the total capacity of the cluster. This does not include the capacity that is assigned for parity.

    • Used

      Displays the capacity that is used by data. This does not include the capacity that is used for parity, right-sizing, and reservation.

    • Available

      Displays the capacity available for data.

    • Provisioned

      Displays the capacity that is provisioned for all the underlying volumes.

    • Spares

      Displays the storable capacity available for storage in all the spare disks.

    • Cloud Tier

      Displays the space used by data in configured cloud tiers. For an Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Cloud, IBM Cloud Object Storage, or Alibaba Cloud Object Storage, the total data capacity that has been licensed by this cluster is also displayed.

  • Capacity Breakout by Disk Type

    The Capacity Breakout by Disk Type area displays detailed information about the disk capacity of the various types of disks in the cluster. By clicking the disk type, you can view more information about the disk type from the Disks tab.

    • Total Usable Capacity

      Displays the available capacity and spare capacity of the data disks.

    • HDD

      Graphically displays the used capacity and available capacity of all the HDD data disks in the cluster. The dotted line represents the spare capacity of the data disks in the HDD.

    • Flash

      • SSD Data

        Graphically displays the used capacity and available capacity of the SSD data disks in the cluster.

      • SSD Cache

        Graphically displays the storable capacity of the SSD cache disks in the cluster.

      • SSD Spare

        Graphically displays the spare capacity of the SSD, data, and cache disks in the cluster.

    • Unassigned Disks

      Displays the number of unassigned disks in the cluster.

  • Aggregates with Capacity Issues list

    Displays in tabular format details about the used capacity and available capacity of the aggregates that have capacity risk issues.

    • Status

      Indicates that the aggregate has a capacity-related issue of a certain severity.

      You can move the pointer over the status to view more information about the event or events generated for the aggregate.

      If the status of the aggregate is determined by a single event, you can view information such as the event name, time and date when the event was triggered, the name of the administrator to whom the event is assigned, and the cause of the event. You can click the View Details button to view more information about the event.

      If the status of the aggregate is determined by multiple events of the same severity, the top three events are displayed with information such as the event name, time and date when the events are triggered, and the name of the administrator to whom the event is assigned. You can view more details about each of these events by clicking the event name. You can also click the View All Events link to view the list of generated events.


      An aggregate can have multiple capacity-related events of the same severity or different severities. However, only the highest severity is displayed. For example, if an aggregate has two events with severity levels of Error and Critical, only the Critical severity is displayed.

    • Aggregate

      Displays the name of the aggregate.

    • Used Data Capacity

      Graphically displays information about the aggregate capacity usage (in percentage).

    • Days to Full

      Displays the estimated number of days remaining before the aggregate reaches full capacity.

Configuration tab

Displays details about the selected cluster, such as IP address, serial number, contact, and location:

  • Cluster Overview

    • Management LIF

      Displays the cluster-management LIF that Unified Manager uses to connect to the cluster. The operational status of the LIF is also displayed.

    • Host Name or IP Address

      Displays the FQDN, short name, or the IP address of the cluster-management LIF that Unified Manager uses to connect to the cluster.

    • FQDN

      Displays the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the cluster.

    • OS Version

      Displays the ONTAP version that the cluster is running. If the nodes in the cluster are running different versions of ONTAP, then the earliest ONTAP version is displayed.

    • Serial Number

      Displays the serial number of the cluster.

    • Contact

      Displays details about the administrator whom you should contact in case of issues with the cluster.

    • Location

      Displays the location of the cluster.

  • Remote Cluster Overview

    Provides details about the remote cluster in a MetroCluster configuration. This information is displayed only for MetroCluster configurations.

    • Cluster

      Displays the name of the remote cluster. You can click the cluster name to navigate to the details page of the cluster.

    • Hostname or IP Address

      Displays the FQDN, short name, or IP address of the remote cluster.

    • Serial Number

      Displays the serial number of the remote cluster.

    • Location

      Displays the location of the remote cluster.

  • MetroCluster Overview

    Provides details about the local cluster in a MetroCluster configuration. This information is displayed only for MetroCluster configurations.

    • Type

      Displays whether the MetroCluster type is two-node or four-node.

    • Configuration

      Displays the MetroCluster configuration, which can have the following values:

      • Stretch Configuration with SAS cables

      • Stretch Configuration with FC-SAS bridge

      • Fabric Configuration with FC switches


    For a four-node MetroCluster, only Fabric Configuration with FC switches is supported.

    • Automated Unplanned Switch Over (AUSO)

      Displays whether automated unplanned switchover is enabled for the local cluster. By default, AUSO is enabled for all clusters in a two-node MetroCluster configuration in Unified Manager. You can use the command-line interface to change the AUSO setting.

  • Nodes

    • Availability

      Displays the number of nodes that are up (Icon for LIF availability – Up) or down (Icon for LIF availability – Down) in the cluster.

    • OS Versions

      Displays the ONTAP versions that the nodes are running as well as the number of nodes running a particular version of ONTAP. For example, 9.0 (2), 8.3 (1) specifies that two nodes are running ONTAP 9.0, and one node is running ONTAP 8.3.

  • Storage Virtual Machines

    • Availability

      Displays the number of SVMs that are up (Icon for LIF availability – Up) or down (Icon for LIF availability – Down) in the cluster.

  • LIFs

    • Availability

      Displays the number of non-data LIFs that are up (Icon for LIF availability – Up) or down (Icon for LIF availability – Down) in the cluster.

    • Cluster-Management LIFs

      Displays the number of cluster-management LIFs.

    • Node-Management LIFs

      Displays the number of node-management LIFs.

    • Cluster LIFs

      Displays the number of cluster LIFs.

    • Intercluster LIFs

      Displays the number of intercluster LIFs.

  • Protocols

    • Data Protocols

      Displays the list of licensed data protocols that are enabled for the cluster. The data protocols include iSCSI, CIFS, NFS, NVMe, and FC/FCoE.

  • Cloud Tiers

    Lists the names of the cloud tiers to which this cluster is connected. It also lists the type (Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Cloud, IBM Cloud Object Storage, Alibaba Cloud Object Storage, or StorageGRID), and the states of the cloud tiers (Available or Unavailable).

MetroCluster Connectivity tab

Displays the issues and connectivity status of the cluster components in the MetroCluster configuration. A cluster is displayed in a red box when the disaster recovery partner of the cluster has issues.


The MetroCluster Connectivity tab is displayed only for clusters that are in a MetroCluster configuration.

You can navigate to the details page of a remote cluster by clicking the name of the remote cluster. You can also view the details of the components by clicking the count link of a component. For example, clicking the count link of the node in the cluster displays the node tab in the details page of the cluster. Clicking the count link of the disks in the remote cluster displays the disk tab in the details page of the remote cluster.


When managing an eight-node MetroCluster configuration, clicking the count link of the Disk Shelves component displays only the local shelves of the default HA pair. Also, there is no way to display the local shelves on the other HA pair.

You can move the pointer over the components to view the details and the connectivity status of the clusters in case of any issue and to view more information about the event or events generated for the issue.

If the status of the connectivity issue between components is determined by a single event, you can view information such as the event name, time and date when the event was triggered, the name of the administrator to whom the event is assigned, and the cause of the event. The View Details button provides more information about the event.

If status of the connectivity issue between components is determined by multiple events of the same severity, the top three events are displayed with information such as the event name, time and date when the events are triggered, and the name of the administrator to whom the event is assigned. You can view more details about each of these events by clicking the event name. You can also click the View All Events link to view the list of generated events.

MetroCluster Replication tab

Displays the status of the data that is being replicated. You can use the MetroCluster Replication tab to ensure data protection by synchronously mirroring the data with the already peered clusters. A cluster is displayed in a red box when the disaster recovery partner of the cluster has issues.


The MetroCluster Replication tab is displayed only for clusters that are in a MetroCluster configuration.

In a MetroCluster environment, you can use this tab to verify the logical connections and peering of the local cluster with the remote cluster. You can view the objective representation of the cluster components with their logical connections. This helps to identify the issues that might occur during mirroring of metadata and data.

In the MetroCluster Replication tab, local cluster provides the detailed graphical representation of the selected cluster and MetroCluster partner refers to the remote cluster.

LIFs tab

Displays details about all the non-data LIFs that are created on the selected cluster.

  • LIF

    Displays the name of the LIF that is created on the selected cluster.

  • Operational Status

    Displays the operational status of the LIF, which can be Up (Icon for LIF status – Up), Down (Icon for LIF status – Down), or Unknown (Icon for HA state – unknown). The operational status of a LIF is determined by the status of its physical ports.

  • Administrative Status

    Displays the administrative status of the LIF, which can be Up (Icon for LIF status – Up), Down (Icon for LIF status – Down), or Unknown (Icon for HA state – unknown). You can control the administrative status of a LIF when you make changes to the configuration or during maintenance. The administrative status can be different from the operational status. However, if the administrative status of a LIF is Down, the operational status is Down by default.

  • IP Address

    Displays the IP address of the LIF.

  • Role

    Displays the role of the LIF. Possible roles are Cluster-Management LIFs, Node-Management LIFs, Cluster LIFs, and Intercluster LIFs.

  • Home Port

    Displays the physical port to which the LIF was originally associated.

  • Current Port

    Displays the physical port to which the LIF is currently associated. After LIF migration, the current port might be different from the home port.

  • Failover Policy

    Displays the failover policy that is configured for the LIF.

  • Routing Groups

    Displays the name of the routing group. You can view more information about the routes and the destination gateway by clicking the routing group name.

    Routing groups are not supported for ONTAP 8.3 or later and therefore a blank column is displayed for these clusters.

  • Failover Group

    Displays the name of the failover group.

Nodes tab

Displays information about nodes in the selected cluster. You can view detailed information about the HA pairs, disk shelves, and ports:

  • HA Details

    Provides a pictorial representation of the HA state and the health status of the nodes in the HA pair. The health status of the node is indicated by the following colors:

    • Green

      The node is in a working condition.

    • Yellow

      The node has taken over the partner node or the node is facing some environmental issues.

    • Red

      The node is down.

      You can view information about the availability of the HA pair and take required action to prevent any risks. For example, in the case of a possible takeover operation, the following message is displayed: Storage failover possible.

      You can view a list of the events related to the HA pair and its environment, such as fans, power supplies, NVRAM battery, flash cards, service processor, and connectivity of disk shelves. You can also view the time when the events were triggered.

      You can view other node-related information, such as the model number and the serial number.

      If there are single-node clusters, you can also view details about the nodes.

  • Disk Shelves

    Displays information about the disk shelves in the HA pair.

    You can also view events generated for the disk shelves and the environmental components, and the time when the events were triggered.

    • Shelf ID

      Displays the ID of the shelf where the disk is located.

    • Component Status

      Displays environmental details of the disk shelves, such as power supplies, fans, temperature sensors, current sensors, disk connectivity, and voltage sensors. The environmental details are displayed as icons in the following colors:

      • Green

        The environmental components are in working properly.

      • Grey

        No data is available for the environmental components.

      • Red

        Some of the environmental components are down.

    • State

      Displays the state of the disk shelf. The possible states are Offline, Online, No status, Initialization required, Missing, and Unknown.

    • Model

      Displays the model number of the disk shelf.

    • Local Disk Shelf

      Indicates whether the disk shelf is located on the local cluster or the remote cluster. This column is displayed only for clusters in a MetroCluster configuration.

    • Unique ID

      Displays the unique identifier of the disk shelf.

    • Firmware Version

      Displays the firmware version of the disk shelf.

  • Ports

    Displays information about the associated FC, FCoE, and Ethernet ports. You can view details about the ports and the associated LIFs by clicking the port icons.

    You can also view the events generated for the ports.

    You can view the following port details:

    • Port ID

      Displays the name of the port. For example, the port names can be e0M, e0a, and e0b.

    • Role

      Displays the role of the port. The possible roles are Cluster, Data, Intercluster, Node-Management, and Undefined.

    • Type

      Displays the physical layer protocol used for the port. The possible types are Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and FCoE.

    • WWPN

      Displays the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of the port.

    • Firmware Rev

      Displays the firmware revision of the FC/FCoE port.

    • Status

      Displays the current state of the port. The possible states are Up, Down, Link Not Connected. or Unknown (Icon for HA state – unknown).

    You can view the port-related events from the Events list. You can also view the associated LIF details, such as LIF name, operational status, IP address or WWPN, protocols, name of the SVM associated with the LIF, current port, failover policy and failover group.

Disks tab

Displays details about the disks in the selected cluster. You can view disk-related information such as the number of used disks, spare disks, broken disks, and unassigned disks. You can also view other details such as the disk name, disk type, and the owner node of the disk.

  • Disk Pool Summary

    Displays the number of disks, which are categorized by effective types (FCAL, SAS, SATA, MSATA, SSD, Array LUN, and VMDISK), and the state of the disks. You can also view other details, such as the number of aggregate, shared disks, spare disks, broken disks, unassigned disks, and unsupported disks. If you click the effective disk type count link, disks of the selected state and effective type are displayed. For example, if you click the count link for the disk state Broken and effective type SAS, all disks with the disk state Broken and effective type SAS are displayed.

  • Disk

    Displays the name of the disk.

  • RAID Groups

    Displays the name of the RAID group.

  • Owner Node

    Displays the name of the node to which the disk belongs. If the disk is unassigned, no value is displayed in this column.

  • State

    Displays the state of the disk: Aggregate, Shared, Spare, Broken, Unassigned, Unsupported or Unknown. By default, this column is sorted to display the states in the following order: Broken, Unassigned, Unsupported, Spare, Aggregate, and Shared.

  • Local Disk

    Displays either Yes or No to indicate whether the disk is located on the local cluster or the remote cluster. This column is displayed only for clusters in a MetroCluster configuration.

  • Position

    Displays the position of the disk based on its container type: for example, Copy, Data, or Parity. By default, this column is hidden.

  • Impacted Aggregates

    Displays the number of aggregates that are impacted due to the failed disk. You can move the pointer over the count link to view the impacted aggregates and then click the aggregate name to view details of the aggregate. You can also click the aggregate count to view the list of impacted aggregates in the Health/Aggregates inventory page.

    No value is displayed in this column for the following cases:

    • For broken disks when a cluster containing such disks is added to Unified Manager

    • When there are no failed disks

  • Storage Pool

    Displays the name of the storage pool to which the SSD belongs. You can move the pointer over the storage pool name to view details of the storage pool.

  • Storable Capacity

    Displays the disk capacity that is available for use.

  • Raw Capacity

    Displays the capacity of the raw, unformatted disk before right-sizing and RAID configuration. By default, this column is hidden.

  • Type

    Displays the types of disks: for example, ATA, SATA, FCAL, or VMDISK.

  • Effective Type

    Displays the disk type assigned by ONTAP.

    Certain ONTAP disk types are considered equivalent for the purposes of creating and adding to aggregates, and spare management. ONTAP assigns an effective disk type for each disk type.

  • Spare Blocks Consumed %

    Displays in percentage the spare blocks that are consumed in the SSD disk. This column is blank for disks other than SSD disks.

  • Rated Life Used %

    Displays in percentage an estimate of the SSD life used, based on the actual SSD usage and the manufacturer's prediction of SSD life. A value greater than 99 indicates that the estimated endurance has been consumed, but may not indicate SSD failure. If the value is unknown, then the disk is omitted.

  • Firmware

    Displays the firmware version of the disk.

  • RPM

    Displays the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the disk. By default, this column is hidden.

  • Model

    Displays the model number of the disk. By default, this column is hidden.

  • Vendor

    Displays the name of the disk vendor. By default, this column is hidden.

  • Shelf ID

    Displays the ID of the shelf where the disk is located.

  • Bay

    Displays the ID of the bay where the disk is located.

Enables you to view the annotation details associated with the selected cluster. The details include the annotation name and the annotation values that are applied to the cluster. You can also remove manual annotations from the Related Annotations pane.

Enables you to view device details that are associated with the selected cluster.

The details include properties of the device that is connected to the cluster such as the device type, size, count, and health status. You can click on the count link for further analysis on that particular device.

You can use MetroCluster Partner pane to obtain count and also details on the remote MetroCluster partner along with its associated cluster components such as nodes, aggregates, and SVMs. The MetroCluster Partner pane is displayed only for clusters in a MetroCluster configuration.

The Related Devices pane enables you to view and navigate to the nodes, SVMs, and aggregates that are related to the cluster:

  • MetroCluster Partner

    Displays the health status of the MetroCluster partner. Using the count link, you can navigate further and obtain information about the health and capacity of the cluster components.

  • Nodes

    Displays the number, capacity, and health status of the nodes that belong to the selected cluster. Capacity indicates the total usable capacity over available capacity.

  • Storage Virtual Machines

    Displays the number of SVMs that belong to the selected cluster.

  • Aggregates

    Displays the number, capacity, and the health status of the aggregates that belong to the selected cluster.

Enables you to view the list of groups that includes the selected cluster.

The Related Alerts pane enables you to view the list of alerts for the selected cluster. You can also add an alert by clicking the Add Alert link or edit an existing alert by clicking the alert name.