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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
A newer release of this product is available.

Reverse Resync dialog box

Contributors netapp-adityaw

When you have a protection relationship that is broken because the source volume is disabled and the destination is made a read/write volume, reverse resynchronization enables you to reverse the direction of the relationship so that the destination becomes the new source and the source becomes the new destination.

When a disaster disables the source volume in your protection relationship, you can use the destination volume to serve data by converting it to read/write, while you repair or replace the source, update the source, and reestablish the relationship. When you perform a reverse resync operation, data on the source that is newer than the data on the common Snapshot copy is deleted.

Before reverse resync

Displays the source and destination of a relationship before a reverse resync operation.

  • Source Volume

    The name and location of the source volume before a reverse resync operation .

  • Destination Volume

    The name and location of the destination volume before a reverse resync operation .

After reverse resync

Displays what the source and destination of a relationship is after a reserve resync operation.

  • Source Volume

    The name and location of the source volume after a reverse resync operation.

  • Destination Volume

    The name and location of the destination volume after a reverse resync operation.

Command buttons

The command buttons enable you to perform the following actions:

  • Submit

    Begins the reverse resynchronization process.

  • Cancel

    Closes the Reverse Resync dialog box without initiating a reverse resync operation.