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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
A newer release of this product is available.

Types of performance counter charts

Contributors netapp-adityaw

There are standard performance charts that display the counter values for the selected storage object. Each of the Breakdown counter charts display the total values separated out into read, write, and other categories. Furthermore, some Breakdown counter charts display additional detail when the chart is displayed in Zoom view.

The following table shows the available performance counter charts.

Available charts Chart description


Displays critical, error, warning, and information events in correlation with the statistical charts for the root object. Health events display in addition to performance events to provide a complete picture of the reasons performance may be affected.

Latency - Total

Number of milliseconds required to respond to application requests.Note that the average latency values are I/O weighted.

Latency - Breakdown

The same information shown in Latency Total, but with the performance data separated into read, write, and other latency.This chart option applies only when the selected object is an SVM, node, aggregate, volume, LUN, or namespace.

Latency - Cluster Components

The same information shown in Latency Total, but with the performance data separated into latency by cluster component.This chart option applies only when the selected object is a volume.

IOPS - Total

Number of input/output operations processed per second.

IOPS - Breakdown

The same information shown in IOPS Total, but with the performance data separated into read, write, and other IOPS. When displayed in Zoom view the volumes chart displays QoS minimum and maximum throughput values, if configured in ONTAP.

This chart option applies only when the selected object is an SVM, node, aggregate, volume, LUN, or namespace.

IOPS - Protocols

The same information shown in IOPS Total, but the performance data is separated into individual charts for CIFS, NFS, FCP, NVMe, and iSCSI protocol traffic. This chart option applies only when the selected object is an SVM.

IOPS/TB - Total

Number of input/output operations processed per second based on the total space that is being consumed by the workload, in terabytes. Also called I/O density, this counter measures how much performance can be delivered by a given amount of storage capacity.When displayed in Zoom view the volumes chart displays QoS expected and peak throughput values, if configured in ONTAP.

This chart option applies only when the selected object is a volume.

MBps - Total

Number of megabytes of data transferred to and from the object per second.

MBps - Breakdown

The same information shown in the MBps chart, but with the MBps data separated into disk reads, Flash Cache reads, writes, and other.When displayed in Zoom view, the volumes chart displays QoS maximum throughput values, if configured in ONTAP.

This chart option applies only when the selected object is an SVM, node, aggregate, volume, LUN, or namespace.


Flash Cache data is displayed only for nodes, and only when a Flash Cache module is installed in the node.

Performance Capacity Used - Total

Percentage of performance capacity that is being consumed by the node or aggregate.


Performance capacity data is available only when the nodes in a cluster are installed with ONTAP 9.0 or later software.

Performance Capacity Used - Breakdown

Performance Capacity Used data separated into user protocols and system background processes. Additionally, the amount of free performance capacity is shown.

Available IOPS - Total

Number of input/output operations per second that are currently available (free) on this object. This number is the result of subtracting the currently used IOPS from the total IOPS that Unified Manager calculates that the object can perform. This chart option applies only when the selected object is a node or aggregate.


Available IOPS data is available only when the nodes in a cluster are installed with ONTAP 9.0 or later software.

Utilization - Total

Available resource percentage of the object that is being used. Utilization indicates node utilization for nodes, disk utilization for aggregates, and bandwidth utilization for ports.This chart option applies only when the selected object is a node, aggregate, or port.

Cache Miss Ratio - Total

Percentage of read requests from client applications that are returned from the disk instead of being returned from the cache. This chart option applies only when the selected object is a volume.