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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Configuring zones by using the FC zone plan


Before transitioning a SAN FC environment, you must configure zones by using the FC zone planner to group the initiator hosts and targets.

  • The FC zone planner must be generated by using the Collect and Access feature of the 7-Mode Transition Tool

  • The FC zone script file must be accessible.

    1. If there are any changes to the igroup configurations on the 7-Mode systems, modify and regenerate the FC zone plan.

    2. Log in to the CLI of the switch.

    3. Copy and execute the required zone commands one at a time.

      The following example runs the zone commands on the switch:

      switch1:admin>config terminal
      # Enable NPIV feature
      feature npiv
      zone name auto_transition_igroup_d31_194bf3 vsan 10
      member pwwn 21:00:00:c0:dd:19:4b:f3
      member pwwn 20:07:00:a0:98:32:99:07
      member pwwn 20:09:00:a0:98:32:99:07
      copy running-config startup-config
    4. Verify the data access from the cluster by using the test initiator hosts.

    5. After the verification is complete, perform the following steps:

      1. Disconnect the test initiator hosts.

      2. Remove the zone configuration.