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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Reattaching RDM using ESXi the CLI/console


After transition from Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP you must reattach your raw device mapping (RDM).

  • You must retrieve the RDM disk file listed in the Disk column of the Inventory Assessment Workbook.

  • You must retrieve the new clustered Data ONTAP LUN naa ID from the 7MTT mapping file.

  1. Log in to the ESXi console using SSH.

  2. Use the mv command to make a backup of the RDM disk file and the associated device file.

    The RDM disk file is listed in the Disk column of the Inventory Assessment Workbook.

    If the RDM disk file is /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-winbus-A.vmdk, you would issue the following command:

    mv /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-winbus-A.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-win-bus-A.vmdk _bak

    • For physical compatibility RDM (PTRDM):
      mv RDM_disk_file_name-rdmp.vdmk RDM_disk_file_name-rdmp.vdmk_bak

      For example:

      mv/vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-winbus-A-rdmp.vmdk/vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-winbus-A/VM2-win-bus-A-rdmp.vmdk _bak

    • For virtual compatibility RDM (NPTRDM):
      mv RDM_disk_file_name-rdmp.vdmk RDM_disk_file_name-rdmp.vdmk_bak

      For example:

      mv/vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-winbus-A-rdmp.vmdk/vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-winbus-A/VM2-win-bus-A-rdmp.vmdk _bak

  3. Use the new clustered Data ONTAP LUN naa ID and the RDM disk file to re-create the RDM configuration and device files.

    • For PTRDM:
      # vmkfstools –z /vmfs/devices/disks/new_clustered_Data_ONTAP_naa_ID.vmdk

      For example:

      vmkfstools –z /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600a098054314c6c442b446f79712313 /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-win-bus-A.vmdk

    • For NPTRDM:
      # vmkfstools –r /vmfs/devices/disks/new_clustered_Data_ONTAP_naa_ID.vmdk

      For example:

      vmkfstools –r /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600a098054314c6c442b446f79712313 /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A/VM2-win-bus-A.vmdk

  4. Confirm that the configuration and pointer files are created:

    # ls /vmfs/volumes/datastore/VM_directory

    #ls /vmfs/volumes/53a3ac3d-df5aca03-3a94-001ec9d631cb/VM2-win-bus-A

    The new configuration and pointer files are displayed under the VM directory path.

  5. Repeat the steps for all VMs with RDM attached.

  6. Restart the hostd and vpxa agents in the ESXi host:

