security login duo create
Add a Duo Configuration
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
The security login duo create
creates the Duo configuration on the Vserver.
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver-
This parameter specifies the Vserver name of the Duo configurations.
[-is-enabled {true|false}]
- Duo Enable Status-
This parameter enable the Duo authentication.
-integration-key <text>
- Duo Intgration Key-
This parameter specifies Duo integration key.
-secret-key <text>
- Duo Secret Key-
This parameter specifies Duo secret key.
-apihost <text>
- Duo API Host-
This parameter specifies the Duo API host.
[-autopush {true|false}]
- Duo Auto Push Config-
This optionally specifies the autopush configurations. Configuring this to true will allows user to authenticate with single tap on their mobile device.
[-pushinfo {true|false}]
- Information with Push-
This parameter specifies the push info configurations. Configuring this to true will provide additional information in the push notification, such as the name of the application. This helps users to verify that they are logging in to the correct service and provides an additional layer of security
[-fail-mode {safe|secure}]
- Duo Fail Safe Config-
This parameter specifies the fail mode configurations. Possible values includes safe and secure.
[-http-proxy <text>]
- HTTP Proxy URL with Port Number-
This parameter specifies the http proxy configurations.
[-max-prompts <integer>]
- Duo Max Attempts-
This parameter specifies the number of retry before Duo authentication return failure.
[-comment <text>]
- Comment-
This optionally specifies comment text for the Duo configuration. Note that comment text should be enclosed in quotation marks.
The following command creates a Duo configurations for Vserver vs1.
cluster1::> security login duo create -vserver vs1 -integration-key AA11A1AAAA1AAAA11A1A -secret-key xxxxxxxxxx11111111117bd5a3b060947b617355ecf353627c50b1xxxxxxxxxx -apihost -comment "This is a Duo Config"