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vserver consistency-group snapshot restore

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Restore a consistency group to a specified Snapshot copy

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver consistency-group snapshot restore command restores a Snapshot copy of a specified consistency group. This replaces the current working copy of the volume in the consistency group with the Snapshot copy that results in a loss of all changes made since the Snapshot copy was created.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

This specifies the Vserver that contains the consistency group on which the specified Snapshot copy to be restored is saved.

-consistency-group <text> - Consistency Group Name

This parameter specifies the consistency group where a Snapshot copy is to be restored.

-snapshot <snapshot name> - Snapshot Copy Name

This parameter specifies the name of the Snapshot copy that is to be restored.

[-parent-consistency-group <text>] - Parent Consistency Group Name

This parameter specifies the parent consistency group where a Snapshot copy is to be restored.


The following example restores a Snapshot copy named snap1 on a consistency group named childCG on parent consistency group parentCG and is located on a Vserver named vs0.

cluster1::> vserver consistency-group snapshot restore -vserver vs0 -consistency-group childCG -parent-consistency-group parentCG -snapshot snap1
      (vserver consistency-group snapshot restore)
    [Job 100] Job succeeded: Success