A newer release of this product is available.
quota.reinit events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an unplanned MetroCluster(tm) switchover happens. If a quota operation was running on a volume located on a disaster site during the unplanned switchover, the quota database could be in an incomplete state and quotas need to be reinitialized on that volume.
- Corrective Action
After the unplanned switchover is complete, use the "quota off" CLI command followed by the "quota on" CLI command to reinitialize quotas for the indicated volume.
- Syslog Message
Quota reinitialization is required on %s%s%s due to an unplanned switchover.
- Parameters
volname (STRING): Volume name.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique identifier for the volume in cases in which the volume name alone is insufficient.