A newer release of this product is available.
bridge.timestamp events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the max number of retries is exceeded when attempting to apply SCSI SET TIMESTAMP command on one or more attached FC-to-SAS bridges. A timestamp that is not in sync does not affect the functional operation of the bridge. The SET TIMESTAMP operation is only used to synchronize timestamps between ONTAP® and the bridge to assist with correlating log events.
- Corrective Action
A timestamp operation will always retry in 24 hours. If this notice persists, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
ONTAP timestamp sync did not complete on FC-to-SAS bridge with S/N: %s WWN: %s.
- Parameters
bridgeSerialNum (STRING): Serial number of the bridge.
bridgeWWN (STRING): World Wide Name of the bridge.