Counter Manager object for exporting WAFL performance counters
Classic Object: wafl
Table Row IDs
ID Format | Aggregation Type | Comment |
{instance_name} |
(not applicable) |
This represents the construction of the row ID field, which is a single unique string that identifies a row. |
This section describes the mapping between classic (ONTAPI) string counter names and REST property names.
Classic String Counter | REST Property | Description |
node_name |
node.name |
Node Name |
instance_name |
name |
Name of this instance |
This section describes the mapping between classic (ONTAPI) numeric counter names and REST counter names.
Classic Numeric Counter | REST Counter | Description |
avg_non_wafl_msg_latency |
average_non_wafl_msg_latency |
Average turnaround time for non-WAFL messages in milliseconds. |
avg_wafl_msg_latency |
average_msg_latency |
Average turnaround time for WAFL messages in milliseconds. |
avg_wafl_repl_msg_latency |
average_replication_msg_latency |
Average turnaround time for replication WAFL messages in milliseconds. |
wafl_msg_total |
msg_total |
Total number of WAFL messages per second. |
wafl_repl_msg_total |
replication_msg_total |
Total number of replication WAFL messages per second. |
non_wafl_msg_total |
non_wafl_msg_total |
Total number of non-WAFL messages per second. |
cp_count |
cp_count |
Array of counts of different types of Consistency Points (CP). |
cp_phase_times |
cp_phase_times |
Array of percentage time spent in different phases of Consistency Point (CP). |
read_io_type |
read_io_type |
Percentage of reads served from buffer cache, external cache, or disk. |
read_io_type_base |
read_io_type_base |
Total number of WAFL reads. Base for read_io_types. |
total_cp_msecs |
total_cp_msecs |
Milliseconds spent in Consistency Point (CP). |
total_cp_util |
total_cp_util |
Percentage of time spent in a Consistency Point (CP). |
cpu_elapsed_time |
cpu_elapsed_time |
Elapsed time since boot. |
wafl_memory_used |
memory_used |
The current WAFL memory used in the system. |
wafl_memory_free |
memory_free |
The current WAFL memory available in the system. |
wafl_reads_from_cache |
reads_from_cache |
WAFL reads from cache. |
wafl_reads_from_cloud |
reads_from_cloud |
WAFL reads from cloud storage. |
wafl_reads_from_cloud_s2c_bin |
reads_from_cloud_s2c_bin |
WAFL reads from cloud storage via s2c bin. |
wafl_reads_from_disk |
reads_from_disk |
WAFL reads from disk. |
wafl_reads_from_ext_cache |
reads_from_external_cache |
WAFL reads from external cache. |
wafl_reads_from_fc_miss |
reads_from_fc_miss |
WAFL reads from remote volume for fc_miss. |
wafl_reads_from_pmem |
reads_from_persistent_memory |
WAFL reads from persistent memory. |
wafl_reads_from_ssd |
reads_from_ssd |
WAFL reads from SSD. |
Property/Counter Content Changes
This section describes any output value differences between the classic (ONTAPI) string counter and the respective REST property. It also describes array label name changes between classic array counters and respective REST array counters.
REST Counter | Description |
cp_count |
Two things were changed about the naming of these array labels: |
cp_phase_times |
The only difference in the naming for the array labels is that all of the letters were converted to lowercase. |
Table Aliases
This section describes aliases for aggregated tables.