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ONTAP REST API reference
A newer release of this product is available.

Storage aggregates endpoint overview


Retrieving storage aggregate information

The Storage Aggregate GET API retrieves all data aggregates in the cluster. System owned root aggregates are not included in the output. This API also supports specific queries, in addition to queries on aggregate body properties, which affect the output of the API. The parameters for these queries are "recommend" and "show_spares". Using the "recommend" query returns the list of aggregates that are recommended for creation in the cluster. The "show_spares" query returns a response outside of the records body, which includes the groups of usable spares in the cluster.

The collection GET returns the aggregate identifiers, UUID and name, and the node on which the aggregate resides. The instance GET, by default, returns all of the properties defined in the aggregates object, except advanced properties. The properties "space.footprint" and "space.block_storage.inactive_user_data" are considered advanced properties and only returned when requested using the "fields" query parameter.

Creating storage aggregates

When the POST command is issued with no properties, the system evaluates the cluster attached storage, determines the optimal aggregate layout and configures the aggregates. This layout is completely controlled by the system. To view the recommended optimal layout rather than creating it, use the GET endpoint, setting the "recommend" query to 'true'. Alternatively, POST can be used with specific properties to create an aggregate as requested. At a minimum, the aggregate name, disk count, and the node where it should reside are required if any properties are provided.

When using POST with input properties, three properties are required. These are:

  • name

  • or node.uuid

  • block_storage.primary.disk_count

Remaining properties are optional

The following properties can be specified in POST:

  • name - Name of the aggregate.

  • and node.uuid - Node on which the aggregate will be created.

  • block_storage.primary.disk_count - Number of disks to be used to create the aggregate.

  • block_storage.mirror.enabled - Specifies whether or not the aggregate should be created using SyncMirror.

  • block_storage.primary.checksum_style - Checksum style of the disks to be use for the aggregate.

  • block_storage.primary.disk_class - Class of disks to be use to for the aggregate.

  • block_storage.primary.raid_size - Desired RAID size of the aggregate.

  • block_storage.primary.raid_type - Desired RAID type of the aggregate.

  • snaplock_type - SnapLock type to use on the aggregate.

Updating storage aggregates

The PATCH operation is used to modify properties of the aggregate. There are several properties that can be modified on an aggregate. Only one property can be modified for each PATCH request.

The list of patchable properties with a brief description for each is as follows:

  • name - This property can be changed to rename the aggregate.

  • and node.uuid - Either property can be updated in order to relocate the aggregate to a different node in the cluster.

  • block_storage.mirror.enabled - This property can be changed from 'false' to 'true' in order to mirror the aggregate, if the system is capable of doing so.

  • block_storage.primary.disk_count - This property can be updated to increase the number of disks in an aggregate.

  • block_storage.primary.raid_size - This property can be updated to set the desired RAID size.

  • block_storage.primary.raid_type - This property can be updated to set the desired RAID type.

  • cloud_storage.tiering_fullness_threshold - This property can be updated to set the desired tiering fullness threshold if using FabricPool.

Deleting storage aggregates

If volumes exist on an aggregate, they must be deleted or moved before the aggregate can be deleted. See the /storage/volumes API for details on moving or deleting volumes.


Retrieving a list of aggregates from the cluster

The following example shows the response with a list of data aggregates in the cluster:

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"records": [
    "uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
    "name": "test1",
    "node": {
      "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
      "name": "node-1",
    "uuid": "4a7e4139-ca7a-420b-9a11-3f040d2189fd",
    "name": "test4",
    "node": {
      "uuid": "4046dda8-f802-11e8-8f6d-005056bb2030",
      "name": "node-2",
"num_records": 2,

Retrieving a specific aggregate from the cluster

The following example shows the response of the requested aggregate. If there is no aggregate with the requested UUID, an error is returned.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates/870dd9f2-bdfa-4167-b692-57d1cec874d4" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
"name": "test1",
"node": {
  "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
  "name": "node-1",
"home_node": {
  "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
  "name": "node-1",
"space": {
  "block_storage": {
    "size": 235003904,
    "available": 191942656,
    "used": 43061248,
    "full_threshold_percent": 98
  "cloud_storage": {
    "used": 0
  "efficiency": {
    "savings": 1408029,
    "ratio": 6.908119720880661,
    "logical_used": 1646350
  "efficiency_without_snapshots": {
    "savings": 0,
    "ratio": 1,
    "logical_used": 737280
"state": "online",
"snaplock_type": "non_snaplock",
"create_time": "2018-12-04T15:40:38-05:00",
"data_encryption": {
  "software_encryption_enabled": false,
  "drive_protection_enabled": false
"block_storage": {
  "primary": {
    "disk_count": 6,
    "disk_class": "solid_state",
    "raid_type": "raid_dp",
    "raid_size": 24,
    "checksum_style": "block"
  "hybrid_cache": {
    "enabled": false
  "mirror": {
    "enabled": false,
    "state": "unmirrored"
"plexes": [
    "name": "plex0",
"cloud_storage": {
  "attach_eligible": false

The following example shows the response with a list of recommended data aggregates in the cluster.

Note Each aggregate UUID provided in this response is not guaranteed to be the same UUID for the aggregate if it is created.
# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates?recommend=true&fields=*" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"records": [
    "uuid": "795bf7c2-fa4b-11e8-ba65-005056bbe5c1",
    "name": "node_2_SSD_1",
    "node": {
      "uuid": "4046dda8-f802-11e8-8f6d-005056bb2030",
      "name": "node-2",
    "space": {
      "block_storage": {
        "size": 1116180480
    "block_storage": {
      "primary": {
        "disk_count": 23,
        "disk_class": "solid_state",
        "raid_type": "raid_dp"
      "hybrid_cache": {
        "enabled": false
      "mirror": {
        "enabled": false
    "uuid": "795c0a15-fa4b-11e8-ba65-005056bbe5c1",
    "name": "node_1_SSD_1",
    "node": {
      "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
      "name": "node-1",
    "space": {
      "block_storage": {
        "size": 176238592
    "block_storage": {
      "primary": {
        "disk_count": 5,
        "disk_class": "solid_state",
        "raid_type": "raid_dp"
      "hybrid_cache": {
        "enabled": false
      "mirror": {
        "enabled": false
"num_records": 2,

Updating an aggregate in the cluster

The following example shows the workflow of adding disks to the aggregate.

Step 1: Check the current disk count on the aggregate.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c?fields=block_storage.primary.disk_count" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
"name": "test1",
"block_storage": {
  "primary": {
    "disk_count": 6

Step 2: Update the aggregate with the new disk count in 'block_storage.primary.disk_count'. The response to PATCH is a job unless the request is invalid.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c" -H "accept: application/hal+json" -d "{\"block_storage\": {\"primary\": {\"disk_count\": 8}}}"

# The response:
"job": {
  "uuid": "c103d15e-730b-11e8-a57f-005056b465d6",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/c103d15e-730b-11e8-a57f-005056b465d6"

Step 3: Wait for the job to finish, then call GET to see the reflected change.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/aggregates/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c?fields=block_storage.primary.disk_count" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
"name": "test1",
"block_storage": {
  "primary": {
    "disk_count": 8