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(AIX MPIO without PowerVM) Discover and configure LUNs with AIX

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-ranuk netapp-aherbin

When you use AIX without PowerVM, you can run the cfgmgr command to enable the host to discover the LUNs. You don't need to reboot the host to discover the LUNs. To confirm that the host discovered the LUNS, you can use the sanlun utility.

Note The steps that follow do not apply to a host that is running a PowerVM environment.
  1. Log in as root on the host.

  2. On the AIX host, enter the following command to discover the newly created LUNs:


    The cfgmgr command helps with the following:

    • The initiators to log in to the fabric.

    • The system to check for new devices.

    • The system to create new device entries.

  3. Display all AIX disks, including the NetApp LUNs:

    lsdev -Cc disk

    The LUNs appear on the host as disks. You can use these disks the same way you use local disks on the host. The host settings ODM file that is installed as part of the Host Utilities causes the LUNs to be displayed as NetApp FCP disks.

    Write down the hdisk instance numbers. You use them when you perform the path configuration.

    The following example shows the lsdev -Cc disk command output in an FC environment.

    Show example output
    # lsdev -Cc disk
    hdisk0 Available 08-08-00-5,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
    hdisk1 Available 08-08-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
    hdisk2 Available 04-08-02  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
    hdisk3 Available 04-08-02  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
    hdisk4 Available 04-08-02  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
    hdisk5 Available 04-08-02  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
  4. Retrieve information about your setup:

    lsattr -El hdisk_name

    Show example output
    # lsattr -El hdisk65
    PCM   PCM/friend/NetApp   PCM Path Control Module          False
    PR_key_value    none                             Persistant Reserve Key Value            True
    algorithm       round_robin                      Algorithm                               True
    clr_q           no                               Device CLEARS its Queue on error        True
    dist_err_pcnt   0                                Distributed Error Sample Time           True
    dist_tw_width   50                               Distributed Error Sample Time           True
    hcheck_cmd      inquiry                          Health Check Command                    True
    hcheck_interval 30                               Health Check Interval                   True
    hcheck_mode     nonactive                        Health Check Mode                       True
    location                                         Location Label                          True
    lun_id          0x2000000000000                  Logical Unit Number ID                  False
    lun_reset_spt   yes                              LUN Level Reset                         True
    max_transfer    0x100000                         Maximum TRANSFER Size                   True
    node_name       0x500a0980894ae0e0               FC Node Name                            False
    pvid            00067fbad453a1da0000000000000000 Physical volume identifier              False
    q_err           yes                              Use QERR bit                            True
    q_type          simple                           Queuing TYPE                            True
    qfull_dly       2                                Delay in seconds for SCSI TASK SET FULL True
    queue_depth     64                               Queue DEPTH                             True
    reassign_to     120                              REASSIGN time out value                 True
    reserve_policy  no_reserve                       Reserve Policy                          True
    rw_timeout      30                               READ/WRITE time out value               True
    scsi_id         0xd10001                         SCSI ID                                 False
    start_timeout   60                               START unit time out value               True
    ww_name         0x500a0984994ae0e0               FC World Wide Name                      False
  5. If your configuration supports ALUA, you can use it to set path priority. Verify that ALUA is enabled:

    lun igroup show -instance igroup_name

    1. If ALUA is not enabled, enable it:

      igroup set igroup_name alua yes

  6. If your configuration does not support ALUA, you need to use the dotpaths utility to set the path priorities. The dotpaths utility is installed when you install the Host Utilities. Don't use the dotpaths utility if ALUA is enabled.

    1. Set the priority for all ONTAP LUNs:


    2. Set the priority for a specific set of disks:

      dotpaths [-hqv] [hdiskN …​]

      Use the -v option to enable verbose mode and display all the priorities. Use the -q option to query all or individual disk priorities.

  7. Verify that the host has discovered the LUNs:

    # sanlun lun show

    The following example shows the typical output for the sanlun lun show command in a Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) multipathing environment:

    Show example output
    sanlun lun show -p
                        ONTAP Path: fas3170-aix03:/vol/ibmbc_aix01b14_fcp_vol8/ibmbc-aix01b14_fcp_lun0
                               LUN: 8
                          LUN Size: 3g
               Controller CF State: Cluster Enabled
                Controller Partner: fas3170-aix04
                       Host Device: hdisk9
                              Mode: 7
                Multipath Provider: AIX Native
            Multipathing Algorithm: round_robin
    --------- ----------- ------ ------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------
    host      controller  AIX            controller                                     AIX MPIO
    path      path        MPIO   host    target                                         path
    state     type        path   adapter port                                           priority
    --------- ----------- ------ ------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------
    up        secondary   path0  fcs0    3b                                             1
    up        primary     path1  fcs0    3a                                             1
    up        secondary   path2  fcs0    3a                                             1
    up        primary     path3  fcs0    3b                                             1
    up        secondary   path4  fcs0    4b                                             1
    up        secondary   path5  fcs0    4a                                             1
    up        primary     path6  fcs0    4b                                             1
    up        primary     path7  fcs0    4a                                             1
    up        secondary   path8  fcs1    3b                                             1
    up        primary     path9  fcs1    3a                                             1
    up        secondary   path10 fcs1    3a                                             1
    up        primary     path11 fcs1    3b                                             1
    up        secondary   path12 fcs1    4b                                             1
    up        secondary   path13 fcs1    4a                                             1
    up        primary     path14 fcs1    4b                                             1
    up        primary     path15 fcs1    4a                                             1