Specify advanced options for a FlexGroup volume with System Manager - ONTAP 9.7 and earlier
When you create a FlexGroup volume, you can use ONTAP System Manager classic (avaiable in ONTAP 9.7 and earlier) to specify options you want to associate with the FlexGroup volume.
Optional: In the Create FlexGroup window, click
to specify the advanced options.
The Advanced Options window displays. It contains sections (the headings in the left column), in which you can specify various options.
In the General Details section, select the space reserve and security style, and then set the UNIX permission for the volume.
You should note the following limitations:
The Space Reserve option is not available for FabricPool aggregates.
When thin provisioning is enabled, space is allocated to the volume from the aggregate only when data is written to the volume.
For All-Flash Optimized storage systems, thin provisioning is enabled by default, and for other storage systems, thick provisioning is enabled by default.
In the Aggregates section, you can enable the Select Aggregates button to override the best practices defaults and select your choices from a list of FabricPool aggregates.
In the Optimize Space section, you can enable deduplication on the volume.
System Manager uses the default deduplication schedule. If the specified volume size exceeds the limit that is required for running deduplication, the volume is created and deduplication is not enabled.
For systems with All Flash Optimized personality, inline compression and the
deduplication schedule is enabled by default. -
In the QoS (Quality of Service) section, specify the policy group to control the input/output (I/O) performance of the FlexGroup volume.
Click Apply to update the changes.